I’m still floored by the mess that is the Staten Island shore.. since that post, and pics I put on FB, I have heard from a few of my Staten Island friends… people I went to school with… who are telling me the Red Cross isn’t even a presence there, nor is the Salvation Army. The people affected are basically relying on the help of neighbors and people who are willing to go down there and help clean up, bring supplies, cook on outdoor grills and feed the masses. Staten Islanders taking care of their own. WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYONE???? Bring our troops home then, let them help where we need them most… AT HOME!… How about prisoners who are not violent offenders… let them come. Heck, there are enough police officers on the street corners to keep watch.
I saw Fema tents (see pics in yesterdays post)… but there were only a few cars parked there, and the only activity I saw was the junk heap backhoe and excavator. NO where, did I see anyone else helping, other than desperate bone tired residents. Is this going to be another Katrina disaster? I sure hope the people of Staten Island are screaming at officials to send in aid.
Seems kinda frivolous to post pictures of This Old House decked out in holiday finery, knowing that just two hours down the turnpike there are many hardworking folks without heat, water or a bed to sleep in today. I need to get my head out of the wreckage though, so here we go…
I hope as the holiday season decends, we all find there is still peace on earth, helping hands when needed, and a bounty of good will . These are the gifts I would give every soul on the planet if only it were possible. The irony is, these things are free. We can give of them easily if only every one of us would try.