Floored and Decked

 I’m still floored by the mess that is the Staten Island shore.. since that post, and pics I put on FB, I have heard from a few of my Staten Island friends… people I went to school with… who are telling me the Red Cross isn’t even a presence there, nor is the Salvation Army.  The people affected are basically relying on the help of neighbors and people who are willing to go down there and help clean up, bring supplies, cook on outdoor grills and feed the masses.   Staten Islanders taking care of their own.  WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYONE????   Bring our troops home then, let them help where we need them most… AT HOME!… How about prisoners who are not violent offenders… let them come.  Heck, there are enough police officers on the street corners to keep watch. 

I saw Fema tents (see pics in yesterdays post)… but there were only a few cars parked there, and the only activity I saw was the junk heap backhoe and excavator.  NO where, did I see anyone else helping, other than desperate bone tired residents.  Is this going to be another Katrina disaster?  I sure hope the people of Staten Island are screaming at officials to send in aid. 


Seems kinda frivolous to post pictures of This Old House decked out in holiday finery, knowing that just two hours down the turnpike there are many hardworking folks without heat, water or a bed to sleep in today.   I need to get my head out of the wreckage though, so here we go…

Mike and crewmember Frank putting lights on the tree..

Wreaths up…
Tree trimmed..
My favorite ornaments are those made by my kids
when they were little…
I always place small poinsettias at the kitchen window
A decked dog
…and Lots a lights

 I hope as the holiday season decends, we all find there is still peace on earth, helping hands when needed, and a bounty of good will . These are the gifts I would give every soul on the planet if only it were possible. The irony is, these things are free. We can give of them easily if only every one of us would try.    

Seasons Greetings, All –

The Face of Devastation

   My mother and I returned to our Hometown yesterday.  I braced myself for a visit with my Aunt, who is very sick and currently recuperating in hospital from emergency surgery.  Throughout my life she’s been a strong and loving presence and to see her so weak and in pain was heartbreaking.  Prognosis is still vague, more tests needed, quality of life questionable.

   The face I was not prepared for, the face of total devastation… was the south shore of Staten Island itself.  The hospital sits on the outskirts of the destruction.   Hurricane Sandy did a real number here, a place that has never known this kind of horrific storm or massive flooding.  So many of these are the homes of the blue collar working class of New York.  Block after block… hundreds of homes.. destroyed.

 The air is heavy with “debri pollution”.. a light smog of destruction dust is everywhere.

 People wear surgical masks on the street, there are cops on every corner.  NYPD helicopters circle the area and squad cars patrol the streets.  While people await insurance inspections, repair work,  etc… they sleep outside in their cars because they are not allowed to occupy their homes, too dangerous. Stickers mark the houses that are livable, condemned or restricted use (you can come and go to get your stuff, but you can’t live here).

 Black mold has taken over the first and second floors of homes  that  otherwise look like they might have survived the worst damage.  There are people shoveling soot away from their steps, piling trash out in the streets… I don’t know how many are getting help and I don’t know when or who will pick up all that trash.  On a Monday afternoon, all I saw were cops standing guard and residents scraping at the remains, tossing things to the curb.

FEMA Tents…
trash heap next to the tents…
It  almost seems an impossible task, the rebuilding of these neighborhoods. Most who lived here and lost their homes cannot afford to rebuild in this area. Word on the street is, the vultures have already begun to swoop in and offer money for what will be considered prime waterfront community lots. These modest homes were once a little slice of affordable heaven near the shore and just across from the Big City where many worked.  They’ll be forced to relocate and those with greater resources will take it over. 
I hope the word on the street… is wrong. 

A December Dog Days Adoption Event!

Just look at these faces below… all looking for homes.
All will be available for adoption next Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 1st and 2nd,
at  PETCO in Clinton, Ct.
Click link below for more of the dogs who will be coming from shelters
in hope of finding their forever home…


My favorite is Hannah..
the one I would take home if I didn’t already have four.
She was abused, and then dumped.  A senior girl in need of a peaceful
home to live out her remaining years…
She is a lovely people friendly girl who was dumped
while pregnant.  All her pups found homes, but Hazel
has yet to be adopted.  Very pretty girl just wants to be loved.
Here’s the flyer for the next Dog Days…
Come on down and meet your new family member!
Or.. help us spread the word about the event.


  Thanksgiving was lovely here at This Old House.  The food was traditional, I didn’t dry out the Turkey and the pies… oooh, the pies were divine. Thank you Kate for the best apple pie recipe I’ve ever tried… and if you would like an awesome chocolate cream pie recipe… click HERE. It was THE BOMB.

  The best part of the day is gathering ’round the table with family – this year just seven of us, but the gift of togetherness is not diminished by the number of plates on the table.  As I “mature”… like fine wine, *ahem…. I appreciate more and more the truly important things in life. It’s dawned on me that this appreciation is one of the gifts of age.  I plan to remind myself of this often.

 A snapshot of one of those moments – my 16 year old still  interested in playing a board game with his grandmothers.

Not long after this picture was taken:
A big move is about to be made where he will send my mother’s last  peg  back to
the beginning.  He has a choice.. he can move another of his men and not send her back.
Or he can throw her under the bus and advance.
he ponders… with a smirk.
Me:  ….but… it’s your GRANDMOTHER.
My Mother:  Oooh…  just do what you have to do.
Him:  (a smirk.. a glance at my mother.. a glance at me….
about to make the move that will seal her doom…)
Me:… but it’s your G R A N D M O T H E R!!!……
you’de throw her under the bus??
Him:  (heavy sigh..eye roll.. but still hovering over “the move”)
Me:  …your…. grandmother.
Him:  (makes the other move, that gives her a pass to continue.)
My mother : (rolls the dice.. makes a stunning move that gets her in the winners circle
immediately…and….well, you know.)
Him:  OMG, Mom!!!  You made me lose!!!!
Me:  You shoulda done what you had to do!
Yeah, i know, that was terrible.

Purple Turkeys

 A neighbor and fellow FB person
had this to say about my posted colorful turkey pic. 
I’m pretty sure they aren’t vegetarians,
so I assume the remark was about dying the birds for the occasion.
Heck.. I look at it this way…
those that were outside in a big pen at the turkey farm this morning?
They won’t be on anyone’s table tomorrow!
Lucky ducks!
I set the table last night…
do you do that? Set it ahead of time?
Some of you put together some absolutely beautiful
table settings… I’m just not that organized.
Today I’m baking pies…

and giving Thanks a day ahead of time…
for being able to put a wonderful meal togetherin a warm house
 with family to come to the table
and critters at my feet.

A JFK quote I particularly like…

“As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them”
Happy Thanksgiving All –

I see dead things.

Soooo… we ventured to East Hartford’s CABELAS today.
I’ve heard alot about it over the years…
some people get all giddy, as if they’re going to Disney
when they talk about Cabelas.
Oh, I knew it was a hunting goods store…
but I wasn’t quite prepared.
Now, you know we don’t hunt around here…
The guy and I agree on this one thing emphatically…
How can there be any joy in snuffing out a beautiful wild creature’s life
just for the sport of it.
I’m not talking about those who feed their families
with their game.  I’m not a vegetarian, either.
But there’s a difference.
My husband once shot a squirrel with a beebee gun.
He was 12 or so.  He still remembers how awful he felt 
when that squirrel hit the ground with a thud, and he never did it again. 
Back to Cabelas. 
If you’ve never been…
There’s plenty of shopping in a two floor giant
post and beam log cabiny commercial building.

This was our stash for the day…..

There are plenty of  these below…
and to be honest, I get an ominous feeling when I’m standing
with a crowd of people and they’re all gawking at guns.
And if you ask me, it’s too easy to get them.

There is a beautiful trout stream tunnel…
to help soothe the soul after browsing the arsenal upstairs.

But ,
what stays with me most..
are the dead things.

They need a home for the holidays

Charla and Chelsea… the dogs rescued from a veterinary clinic
in Bridgeport where they were sick with mange and parvo
but not cared for, are now doing just great.
They will be looking for their forever home very soon.
Both girls are very friendly and get along really well with other dogs.
Call Lorin at (860)767-6840 if interested in adopting.
This boy, Bruno,  was dumped at the Bridgeport Animal Shelter after living with his family
for 10 years!!!  How anyone can do that is beyond my comprehension.
Call Bridgeport Animal Control if you would like to adopt or foster this
wonderful, handsome senior.  He’s got years of life left! Let’s help
him find the home he deserves.  see info below
Bridgeport Animal Control  236 Evergreen Street, Bridgeport CT
Phone: 203-576-7727
EMAIL: animal.shelter@bridgeportct.gov

Buster is impounded at the Killingworth canine castle behind their town hall.
Buster is the only dog in the pound but his time is limited.
Friendly, loves people and is good with other dogs.
Call Killingworth Animal Control for more information. 860-663-1765 x219

Enough Already!!!

     Do we really give a flying F*ck about flirtateous e-mails and affairs of  Army Generals, politicans, the high school janitor?   Even President Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson had affairs.   Why has this become such a big deal and why do we think it’s any of our business at all??  These things have been happening for as long as humans exist in one form or another, it’s nothing new.  Modern technology has made it easier to detect, I guess… but SERIOUSLY… can’t we just move on here?  None of their digging has even unearthed any “giving away of spy secrets”….which I can understand would be a concern.  But just listen to the banter!  FLIRTATEOUS E-MAILS… AFFAIR!!   I’m not condoning anyone’s poor marital behavior… I just don’t think this airing of dirty sexual laundry has a place in the public eye, other than to sell alot of newspapers and magazines, boost or destroy someone’s political agenda  and give the news pundits something to yap about. 

 Everywhere I look,  I see the four faces of the “Patraeus Affairs”. Tell me, do you find justification in this witch hunt or are you just as fed up as I am?   PS… it’s ok if you have a different opinion here, maybe you’ll even shed some light.