This is the intake picture of Charla and Chelsea when they were dumped at the pound in Bridgeport CT a few weeks ago in a box. They are approximately six months old. Despite numerous pleas for a rescue to take them in, it didn’t happen.. and so they were sent to the contracted vet facility for “treatment”. As you can see, both had mild Demodex mange, a very treatable disorder, and neither were emaciated.
Category: Uncategorized
Leaves for Leontien
Foliage on the Farm
Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change….
at the back of my throat , catching in the bile that is upchucking from my acid-riddled
anxiety prone stomach and its contents.
Pink Ponies
My daughter competed in the final Color Breed show of the season here in Connecticut, and it was her last show aboard Beemer because she’ll be moving on with Max… a bittersweet day. They had a wonderful time, five firsts, a second and a fifth. Not bad for a couple of rookies. The shows theme was PINK, for Breast Cancer awareness month. Participants were asked to don their best PINK…. and so.. they certainly did.
Should I or shouldn’t I
You know.. I’ve never liked politics very much…it brings out the ugly in people… sort of like religion. I hesitate to ever put it on my blog, yet I find I’m drawn to wanting to know what others are thinking…and yet the answers still shock from time to time.
Discuss a religious or political idea on any forum and you’ll get a heated debate whether you asked for it or not. Both are supposed to bring solutions and harmony… and yet these are the two subjects that bring the worst out in people. I’ve spend alot of my life avoiding the controversies of both.
A friend put her concerns on facebook yesterday…. her 16 year old son told her he’s not sure he believes in God, that what he has learned in school about evolution makes more sense. It saddened her, because she raised him to love and believe in God, and she wondered what the school was teaching him. My immediate thought was… ummmm… Evolution? Same thing we’ve all been taught, no?
You would not believe the fire and brimstone that befell that post. One woman actually said “only the saved go to heaven!”… another.. “PRAY PRAY PRAY for him!”… “FIND HIM A GOOD YOUTH MINISTER QUICK!!”… as if the poor boy had done something horribly wrong and was headed for certain doom. He has quite simply learned some things about life, believes in the proof of evolution, and he is questioning the religious beliefs he’s been taught. Is this such a horrible thing? He’s paying attention and asking the questions. Shouldn’t we all, regardless of our conclusions?
As I’ve gotten older I realize the importance of paying attention and asking the questions. I wonder how many people are paying real attention to what exactly they are voting for, when they choose a political candidate.
Believe people when they tell you who they are.
– Enough said.
Project 24
Easy to make too, I’m definitely using this recipe for fall entertaining.
After a Saturday of road tripping,
we had a lovely low-key Sunday complete with comfort food.
Mike made his sauce and meatballs… food for the Gods…
and I’m not embarassed to say his is better than mine.
I made Cheyenne’s pumpkin muffins…
see two posts below for recipe..
Have to tell you, they are THE BOMB, the best pumpkin muffins I’ve ever had.
Moist, delicious.. even Mike likes them and he doesn’t do pumpkin.
Happy Fall, Y’all!
I just wanted to say that. Now if only I could master the southern accent.
Hop in the car.. Let’s go to Vermont!
Good morning!