Seasonal Decoration – bringing Autumn in

I’ve talked about it before on the blog…
it’s something I think I inherited from my grandmother Elsie.
Her specialty was Christmas… even family photo frames had red bows on them,
no kidding.
The mornings have been cool as I walk up the hill to feed horses.
Leaves are just starting their color change on tops of trees.
I do love summer, but fall is a beautiful thing here in New England.
So is the Pottery Barn catalog… oh, how I love their stuff. 
Their use of neutrals had me wanting to lighten up
here at this old house, and so I’ve slowly been
changing inexpensive things here and there
to do just that.
seagrass lampshade on sale at HomeDecorators right now!

I’ve got a thing for white crackled pitchers….

Look at these unusal artificial plants…

The main fireplace mantle is getting it’s fall makeover…
I love owls too…

Brought my garden owl in out of the weather.
Found these at Pier 1, $6.

Added these faded stripe (tick?) cushions to the kitchen barstools…

and some sunflowers and crackled vase…

M & M’s are a staple ’round here.

As far as store bought cookies… if you’ve never had DARE brand Maple cookies?
They are absolutely delicious. Betcha can’t have just one.
Visit your garden center for great deals on end of summer shrubs and perennials…
I picked up a few new cone flower species I have not seen before…
aren’t they beautiful?….
such vivid red..and dusty deep pink


Have a good day, all –
Smile at a stranger, for no good reason…
see how good that can make you feel
when the smile is returned.
It’s the little things, you know.

A forgotten village

 My camera made me do it!
I trespassed today, but I also happened to stumble on
one of the heirs of this quite literally deserted village while trespassing (dang)
 and he did graciously give me permission to take some pictures.
The incredible story of Johnsonville
can be read here…
no need to reinvent the wheel.
I did take better pictures though..
here you go.

 Disregard the “c”… it was BUILT in 1899.
This picture was taken today –

The heirs are still mulling over how they’ll proceed
with this,  their inherited charge..but for now, she sits empty.
Strange feeling, walking among these buildings.
Ghosts? Depends on what you want to believe..
but one definitely feels something… a longing perhaps.
A palpable heavy sigh whispered from every shutter, every eave…
the lonely village awaits rebirth.

more horse, ofcourse….after a word from no one’s sponsor

Funny, this blog thing.
I understand that some folks stop by this little space of mine
for the pictures… the farm, the animals,
the recipes, the pleasantries.
But life and some of its elements ain’t always grand..
and my blog is a chronicle of life as I experience it.
On occasion I use this space to discuss a troublesome topic.
I like to know what you’re thinking too..
and in the recent case of  a certain politician, I expressed outrage.
I believe I have the right to do so, and not many will
argue that he doesn’t deserve some wrath.
Anonymous was so offended by that post that her first word was
WOW and her last was GOOD BYE.
She  visited for the pictures of the property and roses. 
I can tell you that I never intend to offend,
but I’m not here to make everything “rosey” either.
I like to know I’m being real with you,
and I hope that’s evident here at This Old House 2.
Today K and Beemer were at an open show
not too far from here.. the weather was beautiful..
everyone had a good time and horse & rider were insync.
Lots of pretty horses, colorful ribbons, bows in little girls hair,
even pink braids on ponies…
This boy could have ridden his dog in a class!
What a big teddy bear, too.

Little brother and friend actually came to cheer on big sister.
But don’t tell anyone.  Unless you’re on FB.. because I plastered it there too 🙂

I just love this Clyde… what a well mannered horse.

Grammy came today too!

Heidi is training Beemer to do trail… they came in second, not bad for a greeny!

The bluest eye.

A whisp of Blue on Saturday morning…

  It’s a grey mist kinda day so far… and on my way up the driveway with a gator full of horse and chicken manure I came across an injured bluebird.   Sad to see it… knew there was nothing I could do for the fella… so I picked him up and put him in a nearby bluebird house.

Have I told you lately how much I love this dog?
So does the very macho teenager of the house.

I’ll spend some time today riding Opie…
and clipping those whiskers, apparently…
…While K gets ready for tomorrows horse show, the last of the season with Beemer.
This is not Beemer..
We are now at the point in the road where Beemer will not
be able to take Kristen to the next level in her riding skills..
He will continue his training with his owner.  
The dilemna is finding the right horse and situation, AFFORDABLY…
to get her where she wants to go.
Coop News! 
I finally gave up on trying to find someone in Connecticut who would sell me
four pullet hens.. not chicks, which I can get in 100 places.
I don’t have the coop space to separately raise chicks, keeping them safe from
getting picked on or killed by my adult hens.
Sooo.. I found a woman in NY state that will ship four six month olds to me
as soon as the heat dies down and they can tolerate transit.. Parcel Post!
I’ve got two cochins, an Ameraucana (sp??)  and an Andalusian coming…
This is sort of what the flock will look like,
although chickens vary.. especially the Ameraucanas….
The cochins have feathery feet!

I’ll let you know when they arrive…
Have a great weekend, all  –

She wants to sell sea shells by the seashore

 We’ve packed up the few things we brought to
the little cottage by the sea..
Water shoes, books, kayaks and paddles, towels, food…
It was a wonderful reprieve, this little place..
Mom called it home for a week but we visited often enough.
I sat on the dock one more time tonight, feet in the cool water..
a blue crab just two steps below
and the salty breeze on my face.
I gave thanks for this wonderful night..
for this time together in such a beautiful place.

Farewell for now, my seaside dream…..
Perhaps we’ll meet again.

Dear Rep. Todd Akin –

  I put your name in that post title because I hope that your people are googling all the stuff written about you and somehow this little piece comes to your attention… you arrogant, IGNORANT man.   A writer who I admire had this, click link below,  to say about the subject of rape and the conversations taking place after you “misspoke” in an interview.  The sad thing is,  f*ck  that apology you issued ……let’s face the fact that it’s how you really feel… this time it just came out in an inconvenient place at an inconvenient time for your party, now, didn’t it. 

More horse’n around…

I’m pretty sure that when I stepped in the shower tonight
there might have been  five pounds of sand
at my feet and it’s possible  my skin was instantly three shades lighter
once the soap was applied. 

Horse shows and dust… can’t have one without the other.
Doesn’t matter that an occasional monsoon blows through..
The dust persists.

Team Beemer had another great weekend –
I’ve told you before why this brings tears to my eyes…
the horse no one wanted just a year ago
and the comeback kid, back in the saddle.
There was lots of  BLUE in the western pleasure division today…

Fearless leader Heidi on Beemer…

How adorable is this little half-pint…
For those of you who are horse-knowledgeable –
this is a 16 hand horse!

Come with me….

….my love…
To the sea…
the sea of love…
I want to tell you..
Just how much..
I love you.
Which of you knows this song?
No googling!
Visiting the tiny seaside cottage of a friend
just a hop, skip, jump, and 20 minutes down the turnpike
from This Old House.
To maintain their privacy I’ll not mention where it is..
but I had to share with you this charming.. charmed.. little oasis.
If I win the lottery someday…this is what I’ll seek.

You folks are why I love blogging.

16 T-shirts already sold
just to my fellow bloggers alone!
That’s $320….
the cost to pull  10 dogs from kill shelters and bring them to rescue and ultimately adoption.
You, my blog friends have already chipped in to save 10 dogs from euthanasia…
Just so you KNOW what you’ve done.
Hilary of Crazy as a Loom
has done some rescue work herself
and has also donated a Looper Loom and
beautiful blue rag rug for us to auction off…
Hilary, you rock. Just that.
Vicky, you’re going through your own trials..
and yet, you still give and give of yourself..
you amaze me.
Thank you!