Lets Save 100 More….

The next Dog Days Adoption Event!!….
isn’t scheduled yet. 
Why?  Because funds are needed for all the expenses
of a weekend-long adoption event..
things like porta potties, tent rental , dog food for the shelter dogs,
Sanitary lotions, food for the volunteers, hay for bedding in the pens,
medical supplies, dumpster for garbage.. rubber gloves, etc. etc. etc…
Volunteers of Dog Days are holding various fundraisers this month
so that another 100 or so dogs and puppies from kill shelters
and also those in municipal pounds can find a home.
My contribution to this effort was having T-shirts made
for those who would like to contribute.
Here’s what you can do if you are interested…
Make a donation of $20. or more to the cause,
and I’ll mail or hand you a t-shirt in the size of your choice.
Supplies are limited, so if you want to “purchase”
a donation shirt… here are the details – 
Women’s white V-neck T-shirt…
limited number of sizes  M, L, XL, XXL
below is the design…
Yup, that’s Frasier..
Next design will be another adopted Dog…maybe yours?
On the back of the Tee will be a quote by Margaret Mead…
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
 ~Margaret Mead
If you’d like to make a donation and receive a t-shirt, please e-mail me
and we’ll work out the details (payment method, size, shipping address if not local)
You know I’ll keep you posted on the event itself
so you can see exactly what your money went to… the  dogs you helped save.
see Dog Days Adoption Events label on side of blog
if you want to be acquainted with what we’re doing.

The Lieutenant River

The Lieutenant River is a 3.7-mile-long tidal river located in Old Lyme, Connecticut. It joins the Connecticut River in the estuary, just above the point where that river flows into Long Island Sound.The river has a popular public boat launch and is a popular fishing spot.  It’s probably most notable for its continuing popularity among artists and photographers. A number of noted American impressionist artists, including Childe Hassam, painted views of the river while staying at the Florence Griswold House in Old Lyme.

The guy and I took a paddle up the Lieutenant River this morning – perfect overcast weather without the sun bearing down on us, and a gentle wind.  I had my pocket camera with me, as I don’t dare bring the big guns out in the water.  Too bad, though… because the Osprey, blue herons and other shore birds were in abundance and I would have loved to do a decent job with pictures.  We’ve spotted bald eagles here too. 


     This particular river is an easy paddle and there are beautiful old  homes along it’s shores… Not to mention some incredible old trees…    

Paddling directly under I-95, which runs up the east coast start to finish….
I bet many of you have traveled it…

We noticed wild – hibiscus?-  along the shore almost everywhere…

This is the back of the Florence Griswold Museum…
The house below has so much charm…
can you see the gazebo shaped room at the left?…
What a perfect place to sit and take it all in…
This guy was very pleased with his blue fish catch.
We knew the bluefish were running, because there were smaller
fish running from them, jumping out of the water right in front of us at times.
Call me pathetic if you will,
but I felt sorry for the damned fish.
Just hush.

She who talks to insects

We got a whopper of a rain storm early in the evening…
Tornado watches in part of the state and more than a few lost power.

This morning the muggy grey sky humidity has returned.
Not even heavy rain dissuades it.

So I’ve been out among the perennials  this morning clipping dead-heads
and discussing politics with the bugs.
‘Round here, they’re the only ones who agree with me…
and the dogs ofcourse… but I feed them
and provide great bacon treats.  


I’ve never seen a spider like this one before…
the body as big as my thumbnail.
Looks poisonous to me, do ya think? 
Can you see the little angry alien on his body pattern?
*I googled – it’s a black and yellow garden spider, harmless.

 In any event, he’s not voting this year either.
Do I hear a collective gasp?
Nope, I’m not voting… because I don’t think we have an answer I can stand by
this time around.  No mud slinging here,
I just don’t see a clear answer.
And I’m really tired of the petty childish campaign behavior.
We’re looking foolish, folks.
No wonder our street cred is way down.
If we can’t respect each other, how is the rest of the world supposed to believe it.
Just sayin.

Part of my day job….

…is picking stuff. 
And getting dirty doing it.
A girl could have it worse.
 While we’ve lived on small horse farms for all of our married years..
The Man didn’t get into big time vegetable gardening until a few years ago.
I have to say, I’m grateful.  It’s alot of work,
but the rewards we reap are well worth it.
It’s a great feeling to know where your food’s coming from,
and that it’s not loaded with chemical crap. 

If all you’ve got is a deck off a condominium or apartment,
I recommend you atleast put a few pots out there
and grow just a wee bit of your own produce..
Tomatoes, herbs  and even cukes do well this way!
There are few things more gratifying
then sitting down to a  homegrown salad,  cobbler or jam.

Frasier couldn’t care less.
He’s got more important things on his mind…
Like –  don’t nobody mess with my angrybird

….and  Mamma won’t let me get that bunny!

I feed that baby bunny every day.. carrots, blackberries.
He no longer runs away when I open the door to toss the berries out to him.
Is this a bad thing?
I do love this old house.

Evening light

Glorious sunset in Connecticut last night…
I noticed on FB this morning that I wasn’t the only one
trying to capture it.
Below are a few shots here at this old house…
and then lets travel down to waters edge with a few friends. 

Joey’s capture at Clinton Beach on the shoreline…
Tim’s capture just up the coast in  Narragansett, RI

The Journey

 Many of my friends and acquaintances are going through transitions, major life changes. Marriages that I thought were rock solid are crumbling, careers are being tossed or tweaked, children are growing up and roles are changing.  DREAMS are changing.  Time is ticking and not necessarily or dependably on our side.

 When we’re young, it’s easier to throw caution to the wind, jump off the dock into the deep waters to pursue a dream, to pursue genuine fulfillment. There’s less to lose and time to change course yet again. The reasons why we don’t always take advantage of that period of life elude me.

  I’m meeting up with a fellow blogger later this month as she drives up the coast, embarking on a journey to enrich her life, to leave behind what she knows isn’t working and  follow her long-time dream.  It’s a huge leap of Faith she’s taking, her courage astounds me.   I’ve made this for her as a symbol of good luck in her future endeavors.

I haven’t a clue as to how my story will end.  But that’s all right.
When you set out on a journey and night covers the road,
you don’t conclude the road has vanished.
And how else could we discover the stars?
author unknown
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses.
no one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
 The gift is yours –
it’s an amazing journey
and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad

This Dog Found a Home!

 At the last Dog Days Event in Chester, CT… I fell in love with a dog named Susie. She had been left at the pound by a family who had to move to a rent where dogs were not allowed.  She had been loved, and then left.  Sadly, her previous little boy had seen her picture on Petfinder and was heartbroken. He called to see if she was OK.  It took a while for Susie to find a forever home, and you may remember I was SOOO tempted to keep her myself… although keeping my husband after dog number 4 was kinda important.

 Well, I have great news…
Susie was adopted by a firefighter the other day.
She’s out of the pound and living a good life again.

Humidity so thick….

…you could write in it.
We’ve been waking up every morning with heavy condensation on the windows.
It takes a few hours for the sun to break through the heavy air…
I try to get my coop and barn chores done before 7am to beat the heat…
The horses are turned out early and they come and go from their stalls
into the pasture. Frequently they’ll run back in to get relief from the sun and bugs.
I have a fan blowing on them in the barn too.
Important that all critters have clean water during these hot summer days.
The gardens are looking ragged, although still producing.
We’ve had an odd combination of extreme heat, some drought,
then torrential downpours… lots of rain rot and mold.
You can see the humidity in the air.
The second cut hay crop  is wishy-washy.

Lots of branches and leaves removed from moldy tomato plants…

The zinnias and blackeyed susans never complain though,
always up to the task, no matter the weather.
It’s why I love them so.

I used to think I’d love to retire down South…
to live in the South somewhere full time would be wonderful..
bring on the heat! Show me the sun! DAILY!
Now, in my middle 40’s body..
I’m thinking…If we’re lucky enough… maybe just a few months in the winter.
I don’t know how you Southern folk do it…
weather the heat coupled with humidity.
It saps the energy right out of me.
*thank you to all who participated in yesterday’s conversation without
turning it bitter.  I was uplifted by the positive views and ideas we have here.
You’re pretty awesome.