COVID-19 Perspective

For those who need perspective to understand the severity of Covid-19, in 2018 in Connecticut approximately 700 people died a flu related death. This year so far coronavirus has taken more than 3,000. Can you imagine if we had not used the difficult precautions put in place? Precautions we do not take for the flu. The symptoms have been growing as they learn more, and right now there are children at Yale with strange symptoms of the virus. In otherwise healthy people, Organ failure, heart inflammation, blood clots throughout the body are just a few odd symptoms for some patients with the disease. This is not a joke, it’s not a hoax meant to take down the President ( yes I still have a FB friend who believes it ) it’s serious shit, so Thank You to all who are on the front lines, thank you to those doing kindnesses where you can, Keep wearing masks in public for now and keep washing your damn hands, as my friend Sean hashtags regularly. It’s important. ❤️

8 thoughts on “COVID-19 Perspective”

  1. The ignorance surrounding Covid spreads nearly as quickly as the virus. I am gob-smacked at how gullible some folks are or are they just too frightened to face scientific fact. Aw hell, there are humans who believe the world is flat, there was no moon landing and fox news and the enquirer report news.

    FB has done nearly as much damage as this virus, and now Kushner thinks he can change the election date? We’re in deep waters now.

  2. I had to go to the post office the other day and the guy at the window ahead of me was ranting about how stupid it was that postal workers were wearing masks (he wasn’t, and only three customers were allowed in at a time). He yelled,”if you’re sick, you have symptoms and you know you’re sick. If you aren’t sick, you don’t have symptoms.”
    Of course, this is false and is exactly why Covid-19 is so scary. A guy like him could be infected but have no symptoms and be spitting virus all over the room, and out of the people present, maybe two will get seriously ill and another one ill to the point of being on life support or even dying. I don’t want to play the odds. I think, I’m under 60 and in good health, fit. But there are younger, fitter people who have had terrible clots, strokes. That’s not something I want to flirt with. And it isn’t right that a few idiots think they have the right to spit out germs, even if it’s without knowing it.
    I wear a mask when I have to go out, and sanitize my hands numerous times. Mostly I stay home. There are models that say that if everybody wore masks (even homemade, which can filter 60%-80% of particles), the virus would die out in a few weeks. Is that so hard?
    I understand that, faced with a shortage of masks for medical personnel, the public was told that masks weren’t needed. That turns out to have been a big mistake. There was a run on masks anyway, without widespread efforts to use other kinds of barriers. It’s a combination of the medical experts learning more about the virus, and the absolute incompetence of federal officials.

    1. I have been amazed at the number of people in our town of Killingworth (population around 6,300) who have stepped up to make masks for whoever needs them. A friend of mine got a call from her daughter in Alabama that her nurse friends were in desperate need of masks and my friend stayed up all night making them. Had them in the mail before noon the next morning. She has since distributed masks to all her friends ( thank you Nancy) and others in need in town. The local post office woman asked me where I got mine because it covered more of my face than hers did. I knew I could ask Nancy to make her a few and she did .
      Meantime, the CDC and the present resident of the White House along with his smooth faced son-in-law can’t get it done. ” Put my friend Nancy in charge,” I say. She and a few thousand other women stepping up to the plate and sewing masks and other PPE are getting it done.

  3. I am thankful for all the front-line workers. This virus is scary!

    Take care, stay safe! Wishing you a happy day and a great weekend ahead.

  4. I’m seeing fewer people wearing masks lately. I wear one at the grocery store; not only for myself but others I might infect even without knowing if I carry the virus. My hat is off to those who are working to save others; especially nurses. A neighbor was taken to the hospital for breathing problems; scary things happening.


  5. Spot on, Karen. I have no plans to be public for quite sometime unless it’s urgent. And then fully armed with mask and sanitizer and gloves. I had to go for lab tests yesterday and was impressed that as I walked in, they took my temp, shot me with hand sanitizer and even though I was wearing a mask, made me replace it with one of theirs while I was in the building.

    We’re in the midst of another demonstration this morning at the capitol. And it’s raining — thunder and more. I hope it just pours. I would gladly clean water in a flooded basement if it would just pour on this thing.

  6. Yes yes yes. I’ve been noticing that people are, maybe not mad, but “I told you so-ing” all over that the original models had stated more people would die. So less have died than originally predicted and you’re using that as a “this is stupid” defense? I am so flummoxed each and every day.

    That guy someone earlier up in the comments described (he was in the post office) sounds like the very kind I’m wanting to punch in the family jewels. Or zirconiums as it were. Gah

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