Cups in the Cupboard * Taking your ball home

     Since there is not heat at the cottage other than a propane stove I don’t know how to use yet,  I spent yesterday inches from hypothermia as I wiped down cupboard interiors, draws, furniture, etc and unpacked the boxes I brought with me.  Lysol wipes and Pledge wipes work wonders when there is also no running water. The real cleaning of things like the bathroom and the kitchen sink and mopping of the floors will happen around April 15th when the water is turned on for the season.  I also wore slip on loafers with no socks, dumb.   T’is true we have indeed entered SPRING according to the calendar… however Spring has not entered our actual atmosphere yet.  I did just open the mudroom door to let the dogs out and I smell a hint of it in the air… 

    So we got a lot done at the cottage this week and today we go furniture shopping for a few more pieces to make it all work.  We’ve got dishes in the cupboard, pots in the cabinet, cleaning supplies in the cleaning supply closet, hangers in the one clothes closet only we still need a poll to hang then on.  Somehow we forgot that little detail.  The other detail we somehow missed is … those awesome stools I got at the Trove?.. the Western Union Operator stools from many moons ago?… they’re too short for the bar area my Mr. built.  Actually, MOST bar stools will be too short for the breakfast bar area the Mr. built.  There’s that.  

   Regardless, I am giddy.  She is perfect.  Just the right little space with much of her old charm retained for my family and I to enjoy hopefully for generations to come.   I’ll give you a sneak peek… with a full tour once she is complete. 

  Meanwhile, in other news… 

     I believe the Affordable Care Act is flawed and needs revision. My family is one of those whose premiums went up $400 per month at the beginning and went up again last year. The ACA .. or Obamacare- was not intended to punish. It was intended to give all Americans healthcare- we are the only major country left who does not have this. It wasn’t a perfect plan, it needs fixing. 
     Republicans had seven years to come up with an alternative plan. Even DT said some parts of the ACA were necessary and he wanted them kept in. Even DT said our rates were going to go down. Sadly, Republicans couldn’t get their sh*t together to get their new bill passed because it was more flawed than the current ACA – those who would have paid more or lost coverage completely were anyone 50 and older and the middle class, the sick and poor. 
     What’s tragic is that DT pointed fingers once again where the blame did not lie. This was not a Democratic failure, it was a Republican failure. Even Paul Ryan admitted that in his speech. They didn’t need Dem votes to get their bill passed- it was their own party that couldn’t agree. So what does a President do in this situation? Logic would tell you he’d vow to work on the current issues regardless, because many of his people are suffering through those issues….. instead of saying- Good, let it explode, I’m taking my ball home.
      That’s not what a leader does. A Leader digs in and looks for solutions that will work. That’s the Art of the Presidential Deal.