Dear 2020

     First … let me complain about the absolutely Godless bone chilling cold that has temporarily descended upon us here in New England.  It’s not like we have never experienced it.. but this came on REAL quick.. I mean a drop of 40 degrees in hours, and the wind.. the WIND.  I say it’s temporary because in two days, if they’re correct in the forecasting, it will be up in the 40’s again, as opposed to the 2 degrees we have today – with a wind chill of -15.  
 Below:  6 a.m., looking up to the horse barn, where you can see a tiny patch of light in the feed room.  The full moon was radiant! Phone pics don’t do this justice.  When I stepped outside to feed horses and chickens, my breath froze on my face mask immediately.  Ugh. 
Frost on the window panes… 
        Speaking of freezing – This government shut down is something, huh? My friend’s son is a Coastie, and the outpouring of support for these guys and girls who are protecting us on the waters and not being paid for it is reaffirming.  There are so many good folks out there! We need to see more of them.

 **If you’re a Trump fan and you still believe in and support him, feel free to exit now.  I used to care that I might offend people with my opinions… in this case, and in this space which is my own, given what he’s done to us as a people, and the ignorance of ignoring the harm, the real damage, I don’t.

        I look forward to and hope for and pray for the day ( and I hope we all live to see it) when the old regime is cast from our government and new, brave, honest faces in the Republican and Democratic parties come forward and heal this thoroughly tainted and corrupt, hate fueled divide.  We need a governing body that will repair our integrity, our humanity, our leadership status in this one world we all share.  A Government that can work together for the common good once and for all, to fix our broken realities.  It’s absolutely possible!  But the current cast of characters  have become so bought and embittered of each other and bold with the multitude of deceits.. they are failing us all miserably. 
       Some of my Tr*mp supporting friends are now saying if they knew then what they know now, they’d never have voted for him – One said to me today – “I had no idea he would be so totally unhinged, and so reckless with his speech and tweets.  So callous with truth. I’m mortified. I wanted change, but I didn’t  want us to collectively sell our souls in the process.  Right now it feels like that to me.”  
      That… was a breath of fresh air for me.


     Dear 2020….    Send us a leader who can heal the divide, reach across party lines and bring us back together as a people, as a government.   Send us a leader who gives hope, inspires, encourages, lifts us. ..all. 

     Is it too late?  Are we past the point of redemption?  All this tribalism, this Us Against Them, the continued racism and prejudice… has been brewing for a very long time –  it’s not new, but it’s emboldened, when we, or at least I,  thought we were actually becoming more    civil, more tolerant, more enlightened, more gentile as a nation.  These past two years have been a real eye opener, I was indeed naive.     Tr*mp has  given these malignancies in our society permission,  free reign,  but he didn’t create them.  They were right there under the surface all along, waiting for the spark to ignite them, breathe new life into old prejudices. 

  Dearest 2020 – send us those miracle workers, please.