Don’t Bed On It

  See, this is where our differences kinda make for a humorous situation. *sigh*  We need a new mattress. Our old one, a king, has hills and valleys probably where we do…. and it’s time

This is my husband’s idea of comfort.

And this is mine…

  So we went mattress shopping today. I got there before him, so I explained our issues to the saleswoman and she gave me a tour of the five mattresses she thought we could make work.  One mattress was too soft, one of those temperpedic things… and I swear I was getting seasick laying in it. Something about that slow molding memory action makes me feel like I’ve got a hangover.  Then there was the sheet of plywood very firm mattress, which made my shoulders and neck hurt instantly when I rolled on my side, which is how I sleep.  I knew that would be the one for Mike. There was a mattress that felt heavenly, but it cost just about $5,000… and that’s plain ridiculous.   There was a middle of the road, however, and I hoped I’de be able to talk him into it.  It actually has some of that memory foam on the top of it, but not enough to suck you in.

   Mike arrived and of course liked the plywood rendition, kept going back to it infact, but the middle of the road version appealed to him too… and so that’s what we bought. 

   Hmmm… we arrived at a compromise quickly and with ease.  Could this be the beginning of a new era?  

Don’t bed on it  🙂

9 thoughts on “Don’t Bed On It”

  1. Ha ha… my inlaws finally got a select comfort so that you can adjust the comfort for each side of the bed… I am sure it was expensive but they swear by it. Good thing you found one to suit both your needs in your price range with humor to spare 🙂

  2. This is interesting! My daughter (the hairdresser!) insisted on spending $2K on the BEST tempurpedic she could find and she SWEARS by it….LOVES it!! Won't sleep on anything else. She keeps telling me that my Sealy Posturpedic just isn't good enough. Hey…it works for us and it was a hell of alot less money!! Give me a break…there was really one for $5K!! Wow. Ridiculous.

  3. My hubbins and I totally disagreed with bed softness as well. Somehow found the perfect bed and now I worry, as it is three years old already, that we'll never find another! 🙁

    btw – loving the new banner!

  4. One of our daughter's and her hubby have a tempurpedic and love it. We have a pillow top and within a year the pillow got sags in it where each of us lay at night. Not sure what the answer is to the perfect mattress since we have tried 3 expensive ones over the past 13 years and have yet to find something that is both comfortable and also holds it's shape. Hubby would still have a water bed if I let him have his way. ugh.


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