Enter Mancave at your own risk

Because it’s sacred ground….  apparently.  Worshipped here are the Gods of the Cowboys, Patriots and the Yankees.  Women and small children generally not allowed, no unnecessary roughness, nail polish or idle chatter.  Exceptions are made for those serving beverages and pigs-in-a- blanket.  Oddly… pole dancing is not prohibited.

 The Mancave is located under the pool table/bar in the loft, and behind the family room fireplace, with a fireplace of it’s own.  As you walk in the side entrance to the house, there is a hallway that leads from the mudroom and downstairs bath to the kitchen on left, mancave and family room on right.  The built-in bookcases are along the wall behind the mancave and running into the family room.

Once upon a time, we went to Disney!  And we fell in love with  rhino and elephant carvings ($800.!??!) at Animal Kingdom.  We had them shipped home, because they were too large to take on the plane.  When they arrived, they were SPLIT… right down the centers of their bodies.  To Disney’s credit they reimbursed us once we shipped them back.  I found this guy months later for $25.  Thankfully sometimes you do get a do-over.
These bookcases line the back wall of the mancave, which is really the hallway into the family room.
My favorite Ikea pillows..they take a beating and wash well.
This chair was in the Staten Island apartment of an ecentric Aunt.  In  her eighties she dressed to the nines, usually played nine holes of golf on weekends, and traveled to the city in heels and furs! ..but no one had been in her apartment since her husband passed away.  She never cooked, NEVER CLEANED.. but kept a neat apartment. She didn’t use a vacuum cleaner for fear of sucking up what was left of the carpet. There was literally a trail from the door past the kitchen into the bedrooms..a trail where traffic blew the dust and shredding carpet to the side. The ceiling in the kitchen had water damage from the apartment above, and buckled to within inches of the top of the refrigerator. 
When she passed away, family entered the apartment and were aghast at the findings.  There were, however, beautiful antiques. This chair was among them. She embroidered the seat herself. 
 And that’s all I’m gonna say about THAT.

26 thoughts on “Enter Mancave at your own risk”

  1. OH, there is no way I'm going to share this post with my husband…he'll want his very own man cave! Yours would be tough to beat though!

    And I love that you saved the chair from your eccentric Aunt's apartment!

    Kat 🙂

  2. That is so warm and cozy!! I totally understand the chair thing. Our whole living room was based on THE CHAIR. I have a post about it in June (I think) about the Living Room. That darn CHAIR!!!!! Love those bookcases!

  3. My hubby's Man Cave isn't nearly as nice as yours!!! We have buffalo horns on the wall–his great uncle found them on the South Dakota prairie in the early 1900's! I'm lovin the elephant and the pillows!

  4. Karen, I swoon each and every time you show those bookcases and window seat. I have severe window seat envy. (it's really hard to type with a kitten who wants to help.)

  5. Oh hon, how I know! The mister has been in Seattle. I've been adding little "touches" to the man-cave. If he notices and hates it, I'll move them out. But my gosh, there's so much brown you can barely make out one shaped thing from another. Run straight into furniture because it's barely distinguishable from the darned floor!

  6. I love that every little part of your house has a back story to it… even an eccentric aunt chair… classic. The mancave may very well be the next room in the house we do since I happened to be surrounded and outnumbered by them 🙂

  7. That would be a "fight me over it" cave at our house; my taste tends to run toward heavy on the leather and coziness. I'd need more light though, my eyesight is awful.

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