Heavy and Light

Such a weird weird time, isn’t it?  Are you still masking everywhere?  Doctor’s offices still require it but many stores do not.  Around here I would say the ratio is more masked than not, but there are naked faces and I must admit, I am SO TIRED OF THE MASK!  I cannot imagine how the folks who have to wear it all day long for work/safety reasons are tolerating it.  And the poor kids!    To be clear, I’m not debating it, not wading into that mess because I just don’t have all the answers, and neither does anyone else, and I totally get the need to be cautious and protecting  ourselves and others and have done that more so than not for the past two years. TWO YEARS, wow.  As a hearing impaired person the masks are even more of a hinderance for the obvious reasons.

About those shots and boosters –  We’re boosted around here, but there is an odd uptick in strokes lately and I’m not going to lie and say that doesn’t concern me.  Strokes among younger folks, not where you usually see them. And I’m not going by news sources,  I’m talking about people we know.  I’m not anti vaxx, but I’m not sure I’ll be getting more covid shots now that I’ve had these three.  I want more time spent on it, more research.  In the meantime we’re both on a weight loss kick (AGAIN) and I’ve been walking/hiking with Kai as often as I can talk myself in to it, at least four times a week when weather permits.  Eating less meat and more greens and fruits, drinking more water.

2024 – raise your hand if you think we all deserve better choices than Biden/Harris and Trump/anyone  in the next presidential election.   Man, I feel like we’re floundering big time on so many fronts and for a variety of reasons.   We need a reset, but not of the hideous kind, of which I worry we are headed.

Enough of the heavy – here’s some Light –

We’re gearing up for a family wedding this June – my son and his lovely fiance who is also like a daughter to us now… and the wedding planning has been so fun!  The bride has wonderful taste in what she’s picking out – simple and elegant – lovely whites and creams and greens and elegant black.  My mom will be Justice of the Peace, and the whole thing will take place at an old Lace Factory that is now a wedding venue…  family and friends and the groom and his men will arrive aboard the Essex Steam Train – how romantic is that!  All of this set against the CT River.   A few pictures below to give you a sneak peek at the vision board, so to speak .

We’ve got that wonderful day to look forward to… and a three day trip booked on the Vineyard for the Mr. and I in July… plus! .. a really exciting trip planned for June 2023 with a cousin and his wife – Italy!  Starting at the Amalfi Coast where my husband’s family 2 generations back are from.  This will be the first time across the pond for the two of us and I am over the moon excited.  We met them for dinner the other night, they’ve been to Europe many times.. and my workaholic husband has decided it’s about time he starts enjoying life and even some travel.  Encouraged by travel accompanied by a couple who know the ropes, so to speak, he agreed.  Hooray!

I hope this finds you well and sane, and I hope love found you in one way or another yesterday, so many ways to see and appreciate and give  love in it’s many forms. Found this quote and love it –   May you see love in everything today and may your heart be filled with gratitude for all

Till soon…





4 thoughts on “Heavy and Light”

  1. The wedding plans look spectacular and yay on the trip. My bestie takes 6 weeks each summer to travel ( minus the past two years) with her son. They are now on repeats of places! Africa had to be canceled this year- their last “new” adventure. How blessed to be able to travel. Hopefully your husband will get the travel bug after this.

  2. You have so much to look forward to, with the wedding, Vineyard and Italy! Divine.

    I will be wearing my N95s indefinitely. I’m used to them now — not so uncomfortable anymore, now that I figured out how to wear them right (nowhere near the ears like the cloth/surgical masks). I just picked up my freebies from Rite Aid yesterday. I suspect as omicron eases and we’re back outside, I’ll ease up. But after having four docs tell me in no uncertain terms my fate if I get Covid, I’m happy to isolate as much as possible or pick my companions carefully. Since I’m not a winter girl anyway, that’s not a terrible hardship, but to be honest, I miss companionship more than I dislike masking. I plan to ask them about the fourth booster at my appointment next week.

    I’d rather be thinking about the Vineyard!

  3. I intend to wear a mask for the rest of my life, just to piss off the anti-everything folks. Their motto should be “Freedumb” in my opinion.

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