Holy Snow!…and then some.

That’s Mike blowing a path at 6am so the dogs can go out to the bathroom.
Ask me how much he loves me when he has to do this kind of thing.

 If you haven’t entered your ideas for flavors in the previous post, please do!  We’re getting great ideas, the more the merrier. 

22 thoughts on “Holy Snow!…and then some.”

  1. WOW!!!! That is some snow! I lived in South Bend Indiana for 7 years and have not so fond memories of lake effect snow. This is beautiful! but your poor hubby… I do feel his pain. Stay warm!

  2. Now that most of this country is covered in snow I think that almost everyone can relate to snow removal. Not a fun job, and only to have the wind come up and undo it all.
    Love the photo of the big dog looking for an encouraging word from you … there is a light at the end of that snow path! Stay warm.

  3. We are just waiting for the same storm to cross our path by early afternoon. I wasn't worried until I saw the big oil rig ships coming into our bay for shelter. I guess the winds are going to whip! Stay safe and warm!

  4. Wow that is a of snow. Of course you are use to it Ours is still here. Today it is a sheet of ice after falling temps to the teens last night. Up to 50 this weekend which will feel like a heat wave after this week.

  5. Holy smoke! That is a lot of snow! I think it would be so fun for a short time!! When we lived in Michigan, Tom would have to dig a path/maze through the backyard for Murphy to go to the bathroom! Never up to our waist, but deep! Stay warm and safe!

  6. I just love that Ben! Does he like the snow? My dog absolutely loves it! He eats it! Me on the other hand…counting the days until SPRING!!!!!!! (Sigh)

  7. I was out shoveling a path for the dogs at 7 this morning. For a girl that needs her coffee before she does anything, that was a big sacrifice!


  8. OMG.. I saw on the news how hard Connecticut is getting hit with snow. Good grief! We hardly have a flake. Just cold is all and windy.

  9. Beautiful photos Karen! We do not have as much snow…maybe about a foot. We usually have more! My Ben also makes paths for the girls! I love your Ben's coat…HUGE!

  10. Wow! Now that's a snow, we have just a skift on right now but more on the way this weekend they are telling us. The low temps are what keep me in the house…on the computer! I am so loving your blog and look forward to going backwards reading your posts!

  11. Now, THAT'S a snow!!! I would love to get a big snow like that, but just once. Okay, maybe just one every year. I love snow! Very pretty pictures. I'm your newest follower.

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