If Cake could fix it…

… this would be the one, I’m tellin ya –  yes it’s from scratch, and there’s more work involved than throwing the mix in the bowl with a few eggs and water and mixing it up, bake,  open the tub of fake frosting and pile it on.  But…. the extra elbow grease for this one is soooo worth the effort.  Delish! and so fresh tasting.  This is not my recipe or photo, found it on the web somewhere….  I made it less complicated with just two layers, no one complained and it was almost inhaled, it was that good.



    • 4 large eggs,
    • 1 1/2 C strawberry puree
    • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
    • 2 tsp strawberry extract
    • 1/2 cup Moscato (that’s a sweet white wine in case, like me, you are clueless) 
    • 2 to 3 drops Pink gel food coloring
    • 3 C cake flour
    • 1 3/4 C sugar
    • 1 tbsp plus 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1 tsp kosher salt
    • 1/4 C canola oil
    • 1/2 C unsalted sweet cream butter
    • 10 large strawberries sliced thinly to go in-between the cake layers
    • 1/2 cup moscato reserved- saved for after its baked ( I didn’t do this, forgot! ) 
Cream Cheese Buttercream Frosting ingredients
  • 3 – 8 oz box, cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 C unsalted sweet cream butter, softened
  • 6 C powdered sugar
  • 4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 5-7 TBSP heavy whipping cream


Strawberry Moscato Cake directions
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray the cake pans with pam baking spray, set aside
    2. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, strawberry puree, moscato, vanilla, strawberry extract, pink food coloring, whisk until combined
    3. Using a standing mixer, whisk together the cake flour, sugar, baking powder and salt until combined
    4. Slowly beat in the butter and canola oil until combined
    5. Once the mixture looks like coarse sand, gradually beat in the egg mixture until combined. The batter will be very thick and fluffy but so good!
    6. Evenly divide the cake batter in the prepared pans
    7. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pans 10 min. then turn out.
    8. drizzle the remaining 1/2 cup of moscato over each cake evenly (more if desired or forget this step altogether like I did)
Frosting Directions:
    1. Using a standing mixer, cream together the cream cheese, butter, vanilla, powdered sugar and heavy whipping cream until combined and creamy and stiff with peaks
Directions to prepare the cake:
  1. Once cake rounds have cooled, remove from cake pans and place onto a cutting board
  2. Using the cake leveler, remove the domes of the cakes
  3. Place one cake round onto the cake board
  4. Scoop 1 C of the frosting onto the middle of the cake
  5. Using the angled spatula, smooth the frosting out
  6. Layer some thinly sliced strawberries onto the frosting
  7. Place the second cake layer onto the first layer
  8. Repeat steps with the frosting and remaining cake layer
  9. Scoop 1 C of frosting into the piping bag and set aside
  10. Once you have built your cake, scoop the remaining frosting onto the top of the cake and use the angled spatula to smooth it out
  11. Frost the entire cake until smooth
  12. Using the piping bag, pipe dollops of frosting around the edge of the top of the cake
  13. Place sliced strawberries onto the dollops
  14. Enjoy!

I’m trying to untangle myself from the anger  and disbelief and yes, grief I feel every time I pass by the big screen in the mancave and see the news blaring at my significant other.  I’m also trying to avoid glancing, however briefly, at the headlines on CNN and the like when on my computer .. BUT.. what I won’t do is bury my head in the sand all together. So I am still  proactive in doing whatever my tiny little self can do, me, this drop in the proverbial ocean – I’m donating where I can, I’m volunteering where I can,  I’m looking for the good anywhere and everywhere, and I’m trying to ignore the fact that some of my friends and family are supporting something I feel is absolutely intolerably unsupportable in any decent frame of mind, because I don’t want to hate people I used to care about, I don’t want to be disappointed continuously, it’s no way to live.

Have you ever heard of The Dowager Duchess of Devonshire? No?… me either.. until I saw this picture –  and wanted to know more.

I ordered her memoir on Amazon, titled  Wait For Me!   It looks like just the tonic needed for my weary brain.  That’s her up there …. this is me…

Uncanny resemblance,  AmIright? … lol..

Sharing one more thing with you before I head up to the barn for dinner feeding and eye med administration to our old boy, Max.   Are you a tea drinker?  I’m not so much, however I love this tea – Harney & Sons Dragon Pearl Jasmine…  the best way I can describe the unusual taste…it’s  like a walk through the local nursery greenhouses when everything is in full bloom even though just outside the glass doors  exists that thick New England winter-grey curtain, yet to be lifted by the greening tendrils of Spring.

Till soon –


21 thoughts on “If Cake could fix it…”

  1. That is an amazing description! They should know about it. I’m a boring tea drinker- no sense of adventure- Earl grey and Tazo Refresh are my only two and I drink very little hot tea, but you make me want to try this!

  2. Oh that cake! I’ve not heard of the Dowager Duchess, but from one chicken owner to another, the bottom of her outfit is going to get pretty dirty! 😉

  3. Hello, the cake looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love the Duchess photo, I see the likeness. The book sounds interesting. I like coffee and tea, always looking for new flavors. Wishing you a happy day and week ahead!

  4. I LOVED “Wait for Me.” I’m so mad I passed it on to a friend (who also loved it!). I’ve always been fascinated by the Mitfords — what a wild and crazy family, with sisters who became a Nazi, a Fascist, a Communist/journalist, a novelist and farmer and a Duchess! Their individual stories are so fascinating. If you find the family interesting, check out “The Mitfords” by Mary S. Lovell!

    That cake looks to die for. You’re right — ANY cake you bake by scratch is better but this one sounds and looks spectacular.

    1. Jeanie – if you like to bake, give it a try. You won’t be disappointed. And.. I am definitely going to enjoy getting to know the Mitford sisters – thanks for the tip!

  5. That cake is to die for says Karen’s mother who ate it. No chance I’ll ever make it, beyond three ingredients and two steps, I give up. But it was food for the gods.
    As for the Orange Mango Scream, maybe we should start a detoxification group, sort of a rehab for political clarity and calm. We could then celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote by voting for a woman to clean up the mess the boys left in the nation’s playroom.

  6. You made me smile today 🙂
    The cake looks delicious. I’m English and very boring when it comes to tea. I like P.G.Tips and Tetley’s. I only like hot tea and I take it with milk, snore………..
    Let me be the first to sign up for the detox group. I hope it’s soon before I lose my mind!

  7. Nummy is what I say. And dang you girl! I’m not doing good on losing sugar as a food group so I’ll blame you today. Hehehe! BTW – I opened up my blog again and if you do wander over there please know that I’m very dramatic and expressive and am doing so much better. I’ve just received a package of CBD oil to handle some stuff and am loving my therapist. I write to dump my brain of crap. xxoo

  8. OK you had me an Moscato. That cakes sounds delicious. My mom makes cakes from scratch. Nothing beats its.
    Your photo comparison made me laugh. Also, I’ve been reading some of your latest posts and love your blog.
    I dream of a cottage near the sea like you.

  9. I prefer YOU and you chicken over the dowager every time. no, have not heard of her. thanks for your comment today on Big Boy post. you are so right, because of his breed and his color no one wanted him, each time he went in he was there for a year which meant 2 years total in shelters. so sad. also because of the same reasons, people who are not DOG people to the bone, are afraid of him. he loves people and wants everyone to pet him… I feel so bad for him when they move to the other side of the road. I have several friends that don’t come to visit, but since we got him, they have made a couple trips just to let him have visits.

  10. That cake sounds marvelous! I’ll be saving that recipe. That dowager looks like somebody I’d like to meet and get to know. I love meeting unique characters. In our house, the moderate left leaning GOPer has seen the light and says he’s changing parties. Not a big surprise after all our conversations but glad to hear it anyway.

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