An Irish Christmas Tale


Paddy was working in his woodwork shop making toys for the lads and lasses. He was hover’n over a saw machine when a wood piece slipped and he cut off all of his fingers. Off to the hospital rushed he.

The doctor asks him “Did you bring your fingers?”

Poor Paddy in tearful pain says “No.”

Doc says “Ah now Paddy, with our modern medical technology we could’ve sewn them back on as good as new. Why didn’t you bring the fingers??”

 And Paddy looks at him and screams “How de feck could I pick dem up????”

10 thoughts on “An Irish Christmas Tale”

  1. Well gosh and begora to ya. Poor, poor Paddy Magee. Whatever will he do? Now he can't decorate his tree.

  2. Ha ha, good one 🙂 Can't tell you how many times my dad lost a chunk of finger or thumb to the saw… because I fainted the two times he asked for help, he actually started driving himself to the ER and would tell us later.

  3. Cute- LOL- My daughter will appreciate that. She got pregnant when they were in Ireland on vacation. And..he looks like a little Irishman. Hugs- Diana

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