It’s a Wonder I Ever Survived

…. without his great knowledge and superior wisdom…

Him:  Mom, don’t park back here, it’s not cool. Please move up there next time.
Me:  What’s the difference?  It’s like… 30 feet away from up there.
Him: ( Heavy sigh and eye roll).  Just park up there. Parking here is just stupid.
Me:   I’m sorry, I didn’t see the – Stupid Parking Only –  sign here.

Him:  MOM!..don’t buy this anymore, I don’t like it.
Me:   Umm.. it was one of the only three things you’d actually eat about two weeks ago??…
Him:   That was two weeks ago, I don’t like it anymore.
Me:  OK then.


Him: Mom, don’t ask him if he needs a ride, he WANTS to walk.
Me:  Well it’s cold out, let me make sure.
Him:  NO MOM, that’s so not cool! He WANTS to walk. Omg.
Me:  It’s cold out, I’m going to ask.
Him: ( A sigh so heavy it could drop Hulk Hogan.)

He didn’t want the ride. 

Him:  I told you.


Him:  Those sneakers are so dorky. You’re not wearing them, are you?
Me:   I sure am.

and you know what came next.

QUICK!!  Ask your teenagers anything you want to know!!!!
While they still… know…. EVERYTHING

29 thoughts on “It’s a Wonder I Ever Survived”

  1. This reminds me of the Mark Twain quote, "“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years.”

  2. My husband and I don't know how we have managed to raise our family with our very limited IQ's. We can't figure out how we own our home,get to work each day, buy 5 cars, pay the insurance for 5 cars, 5 cell phones, groceries,doctor and dentists bills, college tuition( for 3 at once) along with all the books needed for our know everything brilliant children to succeed. It amazing what two people can do who know absolutely nothing. LOL!!!

  3. It is lsure good to know that someone knows everthing because I sure don't. My teens do think they know everything, but I do love them and enjoy the people that they are becoming and I hope they love me too. I liked the comment that said moms get smarter as their kids grow. For the record, I love your shoes and by the way, my son wears basketball shoes that are shiny black with yellow and red on them. We call them the ketchup and mustard shoes! Joni

  4. At least his mom is beautiful in those dorky shoes!

    I can tell this isn't your first rodeo. You are definitely not riding the roller coaster up and down with him. Good for you.

  5. It's so hard to remember that we were once teenagers ourselves! But maybe that's what helps us to survive this chapter of our lives.

  6. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…. as a mom who has already survived one TWBA (teen with bad attitude), and is currently surviving with 3 more still living in the house (13. 15, and 17), I completely understand!!!! I've had the exact same conversations a zillion times! We just have to hang in there and wait for them to move out ;).

  7. LOL!!!

    Good luck Mom in the coming years; Britt's not a teen anymore but still tells me what to wear, and certainly not the tennis shoes I had before she took me shopping. 🙂

  8. I purposely took my teen daughters with me when I shopped for bathing suits. I knew they would be brutally honest about how I looked : )

  9. Yep, the teen-age years, somethin to look forward to, ha!! I can see it already starting, and my daughter is all of about 10!

  10. That's so funny! I had two teens, both now married. Difficult at times but somehow we survive.
    Hang in there!

  11. Too funny! I can remember telling my mom stuff like that…in fact I think I still do..somethings never change, she STILL embarrasses me! lol

  12. Once I was dropping off my youngest and one of her friends at the movies. I hopped out of my car to scold a young 'un who had come close to hitting me and while I was wagging a finger (so not cool) those two little miscreants slipped out of my jeep and hightailed it into the theater. They were MORTIFIED! We laugh about this one to this day!

    good times. Ha!

  13. ♥ Adorable post…. made me smile and remember my kids being teens…. now I have grandkids and they make me smile with their sweet words.

    have a lovely day,

    ~ Lisa from Indiana ~

  14. When my girls were in their teens, I used to dress like a dork. Now they're all grown, and I'm cool … and I never changed a thing! The kids' attitudes will come around, just the same way they descended to these teenage depths they're dwelling in now.

    I would SOOO wear those shoes!! You've seen my Twinkle Toes shoes with roses on them, haven't you? Sketchers doesn't make them for grown-ups anymore, and I'm seriously bummed about it.

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