Making a spectacle of myself

   My grandfather Al used to call my grandmother Elsie “Squint Eyes”, which doesn’t sound like a very affectionate pet name, now does it.  I can tell you this… theirs was a true love story that never petered out. He was writing her love notes on the bedroom and bathroom mirror (with her favorite red lipstick, much to her chagrin)  right into his eighties. 

 Dear Squint Eyes – I do love you so. See you at dinner – xo 

   I, on the other hand, have never been called Squint Eyes. NOoo… I  am Hawkeye! Eagle Eye! Laser Vision Woman!… My husband teases me constantly because he is the competitive type, you know. 

When we’re on the road, he’ll challenge me to 
 “Read that sign up ahead.. let’s see who can read it first!”
… I always win.
   I am the one who sits in the Eye Doctors office
 and proceeds to read the copyright year at the very bottom of the chart,
just to show off. 
Last year the Dr. said…
“Well, you still have perfect vision… but it gets us all sooner or later.
You’ll be in to see me for glasses in the future, it happens to all of us”. 
 I scoffed!   
Silly girl. 
I’ve been catching myself lately…
holding the menu at a distance
trying to read the fine print on a bottle of aspirin
The eyes taking just a bit longer to shift focus from the book to the television.
You know what this means, don’t you?
Now any time we take a road trip,
I’m gonna have to memorize all the signs beforehand.

24 thoughts on “Making a spectacle of myself”

  1. you're so funny….
    i'm the same way… glasses yet and still impressing the eye doctor….but i turn 47 later this year and oh no, this could be the year.

    actually, i'm hoping to make it to 50 before i have to admit defeat 🙂

  2. Haaaa! My husband has cheater glasses EVERYWHERE and he STILL can never find a pair when he needs them. I can tell you this. If you start to use the glasses, your eyes get dependent on them. I know I know…just sayin' Veryyyyy frustrating being in our forties! Ooops – wait – I'm not IN my 40s…sigh…

  3. I'm a dork, but I LOVE wearing glasses. Another accessory you know?

    I love the story about your grandparents. That made me tear up – who knows why? Seriously adorable.

  4. What a darling story about your grandparents.

    I know all about cheating. I have one eye with excellent vision and the other, not so good. The older I get, the worse the good eye has become. For many years I wore a contact lens in the bad eye. The other eye was still excellent.

    Wait until they tell you you need trifocals. I still don't like to wear glasses and my father WAS the eye doctor.

  5. Karen, dear, you need readers now BECAUSE your far vision is so good. It's part of aging that most of us cannot avoid.

    I wore contact lenses for 25 years. My present to myself when I turned 40 was to have Lasik and get rid of the contacts. Life was good for about 5 years … then I noticed that small print in dim light was hard to read. Shortly after that, I needed glasses for embroidery work. Now, I need glasses for anything up close. The biggest insult is having to wear glasses to see my food in a dim restaurant.

    I have glasses all over the house, in all different strengths depending on what I'm doing. Computer = weaker glasses. Sewing = stronger glasses.

    The good thing about this is that now you have the opportunity to have a whole fun wardrobe of glasses in all sorts of cool colors and designs.

  6. oh, you made me laugh!!! i'm going to be 48 this next month and i've been refusing to wear glasses – even as my vision gets worse and worse (why do they print cooking directions on food packages so damn small!) i have glasses that i keep for night driving, but i refuse to wear them otherwise. 🙂

  7. Karen,
    I first got glades so I could see the signs ahead. Now I see those just fine. Reading glasses are all over the house. Even use them to eat! And I keep a magnifying glass on my table.


  8. I am 51 and I am going to the eye dr. today! I have notices big changes this year and kind of think I may need bifocals…I have been using readers for a few years but need them more and more and I am noticing subtle changes in distance. I don't mind because if I have to wear glasses all the time, maybe I won't lose them!

  9. Yep.. the years get the best of most of us. I remember when I could wear my glasses for some things and not for others. I've now had to wear them at all times for years. At least they offer cute frames these days. Sorry to hear you are getting older.. HA… like the rest of us.. ugh.

  10. Ohhh I've also made the slow descent into the reading glasses club. I can still read the phone book when I'm fresh but when I'm tired it's a different story.

    And OH MY…. I didn't realize I had all those stray eyebrows until I got reading glasses! So they double as makeup glasses!

  11. It happens sooner or later. I have been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old. Putting those on along with my hearing aids in the morning makes me feel like I am 90 years old!

    At least yours are stylish! Funny story about reading the copyrights and signs!


  12. Too funny 😉
    I feel your pain. I'm in the same situation. Fortunately we both look even more glamourous wearing glasses 😉

  13. My husband needed glasses from the time he was a child for near sightedness…the aging process has actually improved his vision to the point where he no longer needs glasses to read! I on the other hand have progressed from reading glasses to bifocals to progressive lenses because I can no longer see the middle ground well…ie the monitor… Not only to I hate wearing glasses but they are EXPENSIVE!

  14. Welllll, I wish I could have some sympathy but I've won glasses for close to 50 years…yeah. Long time but I can see, more or less. Usually, less since my vision can't be corrected to better than about 20/40…might as well laugh.

  15. Love that grandfather story, so cool. I have a piece of paper my mom saved, where my dad wrote many years ago, a note, thanking her for a wonderfull Thanksgiving dinner. I framed it.
    The glasses, I feel your pain hawkeye. Like Joey's husband, I have glasses all over the boat and all over the house, still can never find a pair.

  16. You are hilarious!!! I look at as a fashion accessory!! I have several different pairs…and hey…at least you don't have BI focals!!! I've had them for a couple of years. Just wait til you turn 50. You're still HOT! 🙂

  17. Thank goodness for Google Maps and you can study ahead of time! LOL!!!

    Me, I'm just plain blind! It's always a huge production when I have to shift from regular glasses to sun glasses and vice-a-versa – only if I'm driving! LOL!!!

    Just think of all the cool frames you'll be able to buy at the dollar store! Provided you don't have to get prescription – like moi!

    Happy Wednesday!

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