Merry Happy

So many people going through so much stuff, life is definitely not a cake walk for just about anyone… don’t judge the book by it’s cover and all that.  The holidays can exasperate whatever is troubling, so my wish for anyone still reading my drivel  here is that you are finding some joy and peace of mind this holiday season.


I am a sentimental fool,   and while that trait brings along with it some pain,  it’s worth it to have the heart.  I have traditions in this old house and the ones before it… some recipes from ancestors long gone, traditions I’ve kept with my kids from the time they were little…decorations reminiscent of my grandmother’s home, ornaments my mother had on our childhood tree.   My favorite collection, though, are the people around the table.  As life rolls along, we lose some of our loved ones, and we gain new members. The circle of life.

I love my mom’s holiday spirit! Her mother, my Nana… used to do the same.. she decorated ALL THE THINGS..  even including little red bows on picture frames ….

Christmas Punch!

The barn renovation is complete – and all horses, goats and chickens are moved in.  For this aging body, having done barn chores for the bast 40 plus years, it is a beautiful thing to have it all consolidated into one building. When we moved to This Old House from our previous farm, I thought I was winding down my farm animal operations and focusing on other things.  But… my daughter continued her interest in showing (we’re done with that) and I found chicken keeping entertaining and fruitful!… and then .. well, goats.  The small outbuildings we brought in for them worked… but going from one to the other especially in storms or winter weather was more work.  We converted our three stall row shed type horse barn to a full center aisle barn with chicken coop/goat stall/ horse stalls all in one building and with this past few days 19 degree temps and freezing water, etc., it’s been a welcome improvement during chores.

Both my daughter and my daughter in law are expecting babies in the Spring, we are over the moon excited to welcome baby Jonathan and Baby Mia to our family.  I’ve tried on all the common grandmother names… Gigi, Mimi, Nana, Nanny, grandma, Nonni, Nonna, loli, Lolly, and  I’ve decided I am really just a Gram.  If I had my way, everyone and anyone would just call me Karen or Mom, but not everyone is comfortable with that, so be it.  (not the new and bastardized politicized meaning for Karen, by the way.  Ugh, that is disappointing).

If you’re so inclined, tell me what’s new in your neck of the woods, what brings you joy these days, any traditions you care to share – leaving a few things below that bring me inspiration… wishing you all good things in the coming year, and THANK YOU for stopping in –



Till soon –


9 thoughts on “Merry Happy”

  1. Beautiful photos, looks like the most lovely Christmas. I especially liked the fireplace mantel. Happy New Year!

  2. What a marvelous post. Your home is beautiful and so is your family. I love those smiles. And some of your photos (I’m thinking of little girl and the horse) are so touching. I’m a traditionalist too and I love that your favorite collection are those around the table. Well said. Happy In-Between time and thanks for your visits this year!

  3. Good to hear from you–Happy New Year. Your home, new barn and family are beautiful. Congratulations on soon becoming a ‘Gram.’ You and your Mom are going to make terrific grand (& great grand) Mothers. Stay well and warm.

  4. So happy to see you checking in. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. I really like that spiffy new barn. I can only imagine the improvement in conditions while attending to chores. Take care.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I’m envious of the snow, as here in Glasgow, UK we have only had rain!
    As a long term reader I always look forward to your posts and love the insights which you share.
    For me, this was the first Christmas since 2019 that I’d been home – that damn panic whist I was living and working in some crazy companies in the middle east. Therefore, I was thrilled to spend the day with my parents,siblings and families. All very traditional and wonderful. This is my favourite time of year and like many others, my tree is filled with ornaments dating to my grandparents and after 10 years of living overseas, this was the first time they’d seen the light of day! Now we head into 2023 and we have to hope it’s a good year filed with happiness and health.
    Glasgow, Scotland, UK

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas (love that cushion!). The barn is superb and so much better having everything under one roof.

    So much joy to look forward to in the New Year too.

  7. So happy for you and your family in welcoming Spring 2023 babies. All the best for the coming New Year!

  8. How wonderful now to have all the precious animals in one place. I’m so happy for you! I can see where it would make things easier especially in the colder months.
    Karen, I always love seeing your family all together. Such wonderful times y’all have. And to becoming a Gram is so very exciting! You’ll be so wonderful with the babies. xoxo

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