Mirror, Mirror on the wall….

 This was my awesome (cheap!)  find at a funky local antique warehouse, now hanging in the downstairs bathroom ( no sink or toilet yet, but HEY, we have  an awesome cheap mirror!)  and accompanied by sconces I found online.  In the process of restoring and moving into this old house I have really come to appreciate the warmth and charm in old things, especially home furnishings. The fact that you can do it for a very reasonable price makes it even more rewarding and the hunt is half the fun.
Where have I heard that before?

Some of you have asked if we’re on target for a July 1st move in. It looks as if we’ll push it back a week, move-in date the 7th, because the floor finishing is quite a project.  They’ve just finished “nailing”  and are going over it with a sanding machine.  There are several more steps and drying time in between.

13 thoughts on “Mirror, Mirror on the wall….”

  1. Love that mirror and it is perfect with the sconces. I love watching the progress being made on your house. Reminds me of when we built our house and it gets so exciting close to move in day.

  2. Quite a long process doing wood floors but so worth it in the end.

    Do you have far to move? Or do you live nearby so that it will be a bit less painless in getting your household belongings there? Every time we move it's 1,800 miles!


  3. Having old stuff around is comforting. Sometimes I imagine who may have originally owned our (insert name of my latest favorite find here), and how it came to be in that junk shop, or where ever we got it. Now we LIVE in the ultimate old thing … this great big old house. Soon you will, too. Can't wait for your big reveal, and I'm seriously enjoying your story of the journey.

  4. Hey Karen – I've enjoyed going back & reading what you all have been up to!! I can't wait 'til WE move in!! Everything is so lovely; I know you're excited!! 🙂

    Yep, I'm a Coca Cola girl too like your grandmother was. And, I have TWO tees to prove it. lol

    Have a wonderful day, and I hope I can be around more. Thanks so much for being a really good friend. ((hugs))

  5. You are getting closer Karen! How exciting is that??? Moving is not a fun job…but I imagine it will be for you…due to the fact that you are moving into a FABULOUS BRAND NEW Old House!! YAY You!! Love the mirror and sconces…they look terrific!!

  6. I love that mirror and because it was a bargain I love it even more! And just think, July 7th isn't that far away! Those floors are gorgeous and worth the wait!

    Kat 🙂

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