Misery Loves Company

 So I have been sick for the past two days-

  – coughing.and.sneezing.and.achy muscles.sorethroat.sleepless.and.generally.miserable and last night I had to leave a meeting because the wave of coughs and sneezing were about to drown everyone in the room so I did the only thing acceptable and left almost rudely right in the middle of someone’s speech.   Not cool.   Tonight my son is making his confirmation and I don’t think I can shut it long enough to sit through the ceremony.  Not cool at all

But you know… I’m not really complaining, because it’s just a stupid cold and there are worse things in life, don’t we all know it.

 So, in light of the fact that I might be up for the third night in a row at 3am reading your blogs… I’m putting something fun in this post that will help you to help entertain ME when you’re sleeping and I’m probably not.   ( I’m not complaining tho, really! )

  I saw this idea on another blog and although his was more challenging (he’s got a macro lens, I don’t yet)… here’s my version.   See if you can guess correctly what all of the items below are…

and PS>>>>  do not click on the pictures to make them bigger… a reader informed me that I (stupidly!) titled the pictures by what they were and you will see that if you click. SO.. no cheating. 



Next day : Birdseed,  waterbottle,  candle wick, hose, qtips, shell, toilet paper.  Next time I won’t title the pic 😉

16 thoughts on “Misery Loves Company”

  1. Oh for crying out loud, all my answers just disappeared.
    Second time.
    1. popcorn
    2. clear plastic panels used on porch roofs.
    3.candle wick
    4.two dowels close together painted green
    5.cotton balls
    6.pudding and whipped cream being beaten together.
    7.a slippery slope.
    and no, I haven't been drinking.

  2. Umm, my eyes are not what they used to be. I think one is a candle? The rest are kinda blurry. 🙂

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Oh ouch, so sorry you're sick! That's so not good. Hope you can make it tonight, though.

    I have no clue what those things are except for one! Are you surprised? What I "thought" the first one was, you wouldn't want me to write it here. lol

    Love you new look, and feel better soon, Karen.

  4. Feel better soon.

    1-bird seed
    2-bottle of water
    3-candle wick
    5-Q tips
    7-toilet paper

    (shh, don't tell Karen but when you click on the picture to make it bigger it tells you what it is…. I'm not THAT smart to have gotten them without any help…only one I knew for sure was Q-tips) lol

  5. I forgot to say ~ hope you feel better really soon. Hopefully you've found something to help with the coughing so you can see your son tonight.

  6. Sorry you are under the {bad} weather.

    The only thing I could guess was what looks like a candle wick and cotton balls. I am no good at this sort of thing.

    I'm up at 3:00 a.m. a lot because I am an insomniac…or hubby is and I keep him company. Blogging can feel very spiritual then…as in not alone in the world. Maybe I should reserve it for JUST THEN and get something done!

    Get better and congrats to your son.


  7. Hmmm…NOT good that you are sick…hope you are much better so you can go to your son's confirmation. I will guess that one of those things is a candle and cotton?

  8. I know what they are, now, but only recognized the birdseed, candle wick and q-tips. Feel better, sweetie.

  9. Hope you feel better soon. I've had quite a sore throat the last couple days myself. Love my macro lens … especially when I use it for things other than what it's intended for!

  10. Thought you had been awful quiet here in Bloggyland lately. Thank goodness for Kleenex is all I can say cuz I've had a boatload of stuff to share with my tissues. Gag me is right!

    Hope you get to feeling top notch again very soon. Being sick is such a waste of precious time, isn't it?


  11. hope you feel better soon. i have become great friends with benadryl each evening due to allergies from pollen and i did not guess one picture right! must be the itchy watery eyes…not that i need glasses! xoxo

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