Old Family Photos… in the Loo?

 Why not? …. who’s rules am I following, anyway…

This downstairs bathroom needed something.

  We still have boxes and boxes in the basement that have not been unpacked since our move. These family photos used to hang in our old dining room and I love them dearly – so why not put them where they will get full attention.  You’re just sitting there, guest or resident…….might as well have something to look at, right?

 Some of you might be disturbed by the random assignment and slight crooked
appearance of  these photos..I don’t read instruction manuals
and I don’t measure before I hang pictures. It’s just how I roll.

I don’t always iron curtains when they come out of the dryer, either – although these are getting ironed
because they’re even too wrinkly for me.
That’s the dog sink – their food is underneath and they go IN
when they need a bath. 

 My grandmother Elsie – I still have that wedding dress.

 My Dad, who I resemble… except for the ears.
Mike’s father, who passed away recently.
Handsome, he was.

And this is one of my favorites.  Mike’s dad and his brothers are hanging out on the edge of their
“swimming pool”.  Their father had a fruit and vegetable store and he had lots of crates from
the produce.  This “pool” is made of crates in a circle with a tarp laid over it and filled with water.

 My aunt and uncle, who still kiss like this at 78 and 80 years of age. She made that dress for their engagement party.   They sleep in a full size bed, not even a queen. I asked them why they never got themselves a bigger bed and she said  “I can’t sleep if we’re not touching back to back, cheek to cheek.”    I don’t know if that’s down-right adorable or too much information.
Either way, it makes me smile.

20 thoughts on “Old Family Photos… in the Loo?”

  1. Isn't it fun to look at the old pictures and recapture the feelings. Your husband's Dad looked just like Sal Mineo…google a picture!

  2. I love old family pictures and recently picked up some from my Dads house…I have to go through them yet. The arrangement looks good in your bathroom.

    I just love that cabinet you have in there and you have beams on the ceiling even in there!! I love your taste! I am enjoying these tours!


  3. Oh~so~sweet!
    We, too, have wonderful old family pics. I just love 'em. Every where I look there are memories and stories.
    I think the loo looks just grand with fam pics smiling down! I would be proud to use it 🙂
    xo, misha

  4. It's downright adorable… and I love all the family photos in the bathroom. May be something I do one of the next times I get bitten by the decorating bug.


  5. I like your pictures in the 'loo'! Another beautiful room, and what a clever idea, adding a dog sink! I get to scrub the tub every time we have to bathe the dogs:)

  6. Karen…You are my kinda gal. I have been known to hang pictures using a shoe as a hammer..one time when our youngest was about 4 I sent him to get a hammer and he came back with one of my high-heeled shoes. Measure for pictures? Me? NEVAH~ AND…I have two old family photos in bathrooms. Kinda scary, huh?

    I love the picture of your Dad…is that comical or what? Those little seersucker pants with the hands jammed into the pockets. And I think Mike's Dad looked a bit like Elvis did back then…don't you? And your Aunt Elsie was a pretty woman.

    Love the dog sink AND the aunt & uncle that are still smooching it up after all these years!

    Great post- xxoo Diana

  7. Oh, I just love that! I have a gallery wall of our family upstairs. I should share that sometime! I think it is brilliant to put them where they will be enjoyed. You seriously look so much like your dad!!! Minus the ears, but your faces!! I think the picture of your grandmother is stunning. What a gift you are giving your kids by showing them the importance of family. I think it is excellent!

  8. What a great idea! I love the wedding photo of your grandmother, and how lucky are you to still have the dress! I also love your aunt's dress! My parents slept in a full size bed until he passed away, I like my king! LOL!!! Great post!

  9. That photo of your father has put a big ole smile on my face!

    Love this idea…I never know where to hang photos…they look great the and you are right …they will be studied often:)

  10. I think your idea of putting family photos in the loo is brilliant. It's kind of a captive audience! You did a great job with the hanging – I don't measure anything either. I like to think I just have a talent for 'eyeing' things before I hang them. Plus, I have no patience with numbers. My paternal grandmother was also named Elsie. You have one good looking family!

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