Oldest Stone House in New England

I had errands to run in Guilford today – the town we were married in and had our first house and child. I love the historic green, the wonderful old homes and the great shops in this shoreline town and sometimes I wish we had stayed.  Plus, it’s right along the water, who could ask for more?

 I took pictures of the oldest stone house in New England – built in 1639 under the direction of Henry Whitfield, a practicing reverend from England who also served as one of the founders of the town.  Background history for the house possibly suggests it was built with the help of local Native American inhabitants who assisted in the transport of fieldstone from a local quarry. Archaeological excavations on the grounds revealed  many artifacts as well as the remains of a temporary or seasonal structure occupied by Native Americans, or possibly the Whitfield family until the stone structure was built.

This is the Henry Whitfield house and museum, just down the road from the town green.

These two interior shots I found on the web – the house is closed for winter but can be toured in spring….

 Below is a stark contrast in housing just two blocks over from the Henry Whitfield House..
A condo complex! We’ve always called it the spaceship…how cool is that!
Or weird.
Well.. both.
 The Red Shack on the Guilford Harbor – I don’t know the history, but always wondered what it was supposed to be used for, other than catching high tide at a bad angle.  Probably why it’s abandoned.

 The first Good News story has been published on Roba Dolce’s new blog…
check it out if you have a minute, and tell them your story if you have someone you’de like to nominate!

19 thoughts on “Oldest Stone House in New England”

  1. I love the history of those homes, just to think of the families that lived there and the hardships they faced. I have someone in mind for the Roba Dolce contest!

  2. This is a beautiful structure, Karen. I always wonder what it would be like to live back then. I'm sure it was very difficult, at best. Thanks so much for sharing a bit of your surroundings with us. 🙂

  3. I love the old stone house. But that bed looks awfully uncomfortable!
    The spaceship house is not for me. But I would go to dinner if they were to invite me ~

  4. You live in such a picturesque area, Karen, and your photos of these homes are just beautiful. My husband really gets into historical homes and would love do the tour. He has our stone fireplace at the lake surrounded by cast iron pieces, too, as he intends to learn how to cook as they did back in the day. He was born in the wrong era!


  5. Love history and old houses. That is hard to believe in that time a house was built so well.
    I saw my Grandmothers cottage in Ireland it had a hearth that big they cooked in it. Thanks for this post.


  6. I love your neighborhood. The stone house . . oh am I drooling. I love stone.
    The house on the hill looks like something you'd see on HGTV. and maybe it was, I don't watch them much anymore.
    The blacksmith is now looking at the iron works in your pictures.

  7. Beautiful memories!! I would live year round by the shore if I could…but for now I am happy to visit and live by the lake for a portion of the year!

    Love your pictures. The little house reminds me of one we saw out in South Dakota last year.

  8. Lovely shots Karen. Isn't it amazing that the stone house is still standing after so many years? I love that spaceship too. Reminds me of the Jetsons. It would be great if the inside matches the outside. Can't imagine heavy oak furniture in the spaceship. It would be so wrong.
    And that red one is straight out of Little House on the Prairie. Love that photo. It is definitely wall hanging worthy 😉

    Too much TV? Moi?

  9. The Henry Whitfield house is so beautiful. I am struck by how solid and strong it's built. A perfect example of new England, along with the little red shack.

  10. What a beautiful house! I haven't walked around Guilford although I have driven by many times…will have to change that!

    …and that sapce ship condo! Wild!

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