Orange Koolaid

R*bert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation. Six former Tr*mp advisers, 26 Russ*an nationals, three Russ*an companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Tr*mp advisers) have pleaded guilty.

There is absolutely NO DOUBT in ANYONE’S MIND there was Russ*an interference in our election process, among other things. AND YET… now.. we have a criminal investigation into the investigation itself. All because B*rr is in Tr*mp’s pocket, and Tr*mp wants vengeance because a spade was called a spade and it makes him look bad. If the shoe fucking fits, dude.

This Pres*dent is trying to block any witnesses to testify to anything that might not go his way, he publicly mocks anyone who doesn’t agree with him. Republicans storm an impeachment inquiry that was following their own playbook!  Their rules!!…  His own lawyer is telling judges he should not be held accountable for any of his crimes while he’s Pres*dent, including shooting and killing a person – that.. was his very words to the Judge.  This.. is nuts.

What you are witnessing is the destruction of our Democracy at the hands of a man and his cohorts who NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART. I’m not telling anyone they should take my word for it- Their own history proves it! They line their pockets right in front of the world, pull illegal bullshit and step all over the constitution that those who support him USED to swear they wanted upheld…and yet they applaud what they used to know was no damned good. The corruption here is just so unbelievable, and yet so many are still drinking that orange Koolaid. It’s absolutely DumbFounding to anyone with their eyes wide open, (not a fucking snowflake, not a radical left). Just a human being seeing what’s happening right before our eyes.

For the love of everything decent, holy, just, sane, for our country to come together again because divided we will fall!!…. WAKE. UP… before the freedoms and protections and quality of life for ourselves, our planet and the species that inhabit it among a myriad of other things we’ve all taken for granted for so long are destroyed by this corrupt asshole. We are damned lucky to live in a Democracy – and some of us are actually encouraging it’s destruction, under an absolutely false pretense of  Making America Grate Again.


16 thoughts on “Orange Koolaid”

  1. Just to lighten the mood: Think of Trump in prison without tanning lotions and expensive hair products, or a long red tie to camouflage his belly.

    On the darker side: What he is doing to the Department of Justice and the Kurds should have us all out in the streets.

    Hopefully we are resilient enough to weather this vicious storm. Mom

  2. Our world today is a scary place! I fear, yet pray, for those that I love & leave, and everyone, for a better world someday.

    Thank you, Karen, for your thoughts and forthrightness.


  3. I always look forward to your take on him- I wonder if the GOP is even in touch with reality. No sense of honesty, of decency,of logic, of patriotism. They seem to only be interested in winning, no matter the cost. And I suspect they don’t even know what they’re fighting for. If they are ever put in charge again, I fear for America’s very soul and ability to survive. At Rep. Cummings’ funeral, Pres. Clinton said “a free country cannot survive hating one another,” but I’m afraid hate is already our new normal. And it only took a few years of Trump et al. GOP certainly doesn’t care about their fellow Americans.

    1. Don’t ever give up, we are better than the hate currently perkolating, and I think people are getting tired of all the division and nonsense, so let’s hope the pendulum starts swinging in the direction of what’s good in this world, and soon.

  4. Karen,
    I can’t even….It’s terrifying to me. We have a dictator in “wanting”. In a very short time he can do incredibly more damage and I fear all will be lost. At a dr visit this morning he said to me “We need to get you well, so you can enjoy everything again.” Perhaps I don’t wish to see what is coming.

    1. You had better be around for us to celebrate his undoing, which I believe will be his own doing.

  5. Hello,

    It is obvious that Barr is in cahoots with T.rump and other corrupt politicians. Lately there is crazy stuff happening. What is true is not true, and “do not believe what you hear” and this is coming out of the WH and the president. Barr should be disbarred, but they have the judges on their side too. Moscow Mitch made sure he got the judges he wanted. It is scary, I just hope our broken country can be fixed.

  6. Talking to my Trump-supporting relatives, they see moral equivalence. Everybody does this stuff. It’s like equating a drunk driver who has lost his license but drives anyway, only to run into and kill a family with somebody who got a parking ticket for having overstayed at a meter for five minutes. They don’t want to deal with nuance or even facts. And the “facts” they hear are cherry picked or distorted by their sole news source, Fox.
    My relatives blame and hate down, perhaps because they feel it elevates them. Even if something like Medicare for all would benefit them, they are opposed because they don’t want to also help people who are “undeserving” because they don’t work or don’t work “hard enough” (because holding down two or three gig jobs and putting in 60 hours a week is your own fault because if you were worth being alive you would have a job that pays more). They are 100% opposed to regulation except regulation of private lives (when discussing a woman’s right to choose, one of them blurted out “those women shouldn’t be allowed to have sex!” referring to unmarried minority women. His own son might be getting it on at frat parties, but boys will be boys, heh heh snicker snicker, and any baby that results is entirely the girl’s fault, although she shouldn’t have access to birth control because that makes girls sluts.) Logic is not a strong suit here. It’s all emotion and a desire to get back to an era when just being a white male was enough to be respected and middle class, to be waved to the front of the line. They see everybody else as now being the ones cutting the line (which is not the same as being “called” to the front), simply because these others are now given the opportunity to just be considered, to be in line at all. The current buffoon in chief is above all about cutting lines, taking what’s not his, claiming privilege.

    1. I couldn’t have explained it better – thank you for this insight,and your family is certainly not alone in this, not by a long shot, hence, the presidency of the ORange Scream.

  7. They all scare the heck out of me. Too many reminders of Hitler, Goering, the whole gang. Did you see the World Series game? At least he got a little of his own back with all those Boos and Lock Him Up.

    1. Indeed I did, Jeanie – nothing like his own bad juju biting him in the ass, huh? It made my day.

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