Portobello Delight / I’m with Him.

     Made this last night- wow, so good! And good for you.   Since the kids were home for dinner and my son doesn’t like the portobello as a whole piece,  I cut each mushroom into bite size pieces to create a broiled dish –  Put mushrooms in baking dish, basted with melted butter and minced garlic, fresh parsley. Toss to coat if you chopped. Then top with sliced cherry tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Broil on lower rack of oven ten minutes. Drain excess liquid, drizzle with balsamic/sugar glaze- ( just boil down in a small sauce pan some balsamic vinegar and about 1/4 c sugar) and serve. Awesome! 

   There’s so much to be offended by with the Orange Scream – so many things to protest or find appalling – seems daily there’s some new absurdity to add to the list.   Never in the history of ever has there been such a controversial political figure – unless you want to mention H*tler.  (Who woulda thought)   His list of enemies grows daily – and I mean the ones he declares himself!  He’s a legend in his own mind.  He refers to himself as a God, and he thinks the rules are for everyone else but him. 

   John Lewis  –  If you care to learn more about who he actually is.. click HERE  .  Because he has spoken out about the issues we all know are bogus with the Orange Scream, he’s been under twitter attack.  Who’s surprised, raise your hand….. 

 Stephen Colbert had a hilarious response (love that man) …. in his banter he said… He attackes Senator Lewis on MLK weekend… what’s next… 

 “Loser Jesus dead for 3 days and then we’re supposed to believe he just wakes up? Fake news. I like gods who don’t die. Where’s the rebirth certificate?”


Been walking the walk for 50 years… I’m with him