Me: You have midterms all week, don’t you?
Him: Yup.
Me: How come I haven’t seen you studying?
Him: I don’t need to. I’m relying on the excellent teaching abilities of my teachers when we’re in the classroom!
**SIGH **
Middle aged musings from farm & hearth
LOL!Been there! I'm betting he aces the tests~ xo Diana
HA! Hope he relies on his own abilities a bit too! LOL Kids, gotta love 'em.
I have one of those two … we had that exact same conversation last night, except the last line went more like "I already know everything I need to know." We'll see …
You may laugh, but it worked for me during all my school years. I have to say that I was really paying attention in class too. So if your boy is doing that… job done
That's a young man with a lot of confidence:-)
Ha! I hope those teachers are truly excellent then
hahahahaha!!!! Too funny!! Wish I had thought of that line when I was in college!
So funny. Let us know.
Hysterical. You have to give him points for that one.
That's my life for today!!!! But he has a point. Should of used that one when I was young! !!!!!
My youngest has first semester FINALS next week. He's the worst procrastinator in the world. He'll cram the night before, as usual. Someday, maybe, he'll learn??
Wow…I thought it was just Aaron never bringing books home to study for finals….ha! Love the meatball post too. : -)
Are you sure you weren't talking to my 19 year old college sophomore?!!!
Well I hope he does well!! With all that confidence, he should do well,
Um-hm. Kids will be kids.
bwaahahaha! That is hilarious! Good Luck! Let us know that works out for him!
LOL, got to love it. At least he has a "line." I guess you've heard there is a resemblance there? And the Header, they just get better and better. That's a great shot.
I don't care who you are…that is funny stuff!
Oh, Lordy… sometimes wise a$$ is SO funny! This is one of those times.
Well, he is smart! And funny! lol
So this is what I have to look forward too? Ha! How is it I already know my own would totally use this line too!
You have reaffirmed my thought that having children in your 20s is a good thing!
Good luck, Karen!:)
Yup, I've heard that a couple of hundred times.
Ahh, kids! funny!
CLASSIC! I can't believe my kids haven't thought of that one yet. Best one I've ever heard, I love it.