
Me:   You have midterms all week, don’t you?

Him:  Yup.

Me:    How come I haven’t seen you studying?

Him:   I don’t need to. I’m relying on the excellent teaching abilities of my teachers when we’re in the classroom!

**SIGH **

26 thoughts on “…Really?….”

  1. I have one of those two … we had that exact same conversation last night, except the last line went more like "I already know everything I need to know." We'll see …

  2. You may laugh, but it worked for me during all my school years. I have to say that I was really paying attention in class too. So if your boy is doing that… job done 😉

  3. LOL, got to love it. At least he has a "line." I guess you've heard there is a resemblance there? And the Header, they just get better and better. That's a great shot.

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