Really tacky Commercial

Have you seen this commercial yet?
I don’t know… maybe it’s just me…
but… I think this ad is pushing it.

22 thoughts on “Really tacky Commercial”

  1. Yeah, I'm not bugged by this. I laughed pretty hard the first time I saw it.

    Of course, I use the phrase 'chimichunga' to describe my lady-bits. Yep. 12 forever apparently.

  2. I think there is such a subliminal message there that many people may not get…the end one of the "triangle" is directly related to trimming -well…you know where. Did you know my degree is in marketing?….This is one of those "walk the edge" sort of ads…either you "get it" or you don't…take offense or you don't care…lol

  3. There are no more lines in the sand, anything is up for discussion. Speaking of ads, my blog today is about a great Arkansas product that I stumbled upon… have you tried My Brother's Salsa? It's deee-licious!

  4. I think I saw this once, but missed the hidden message. Sometimes I think ads are too "cool" and the audience can miss the whole point. Or maybe it's me. 🙂

  5. This one doesn't bother me, but the tennis shoe commercial where they talk about how it shapes the butt and they keep showing the girl in the VERY Short shorts really bugs me. I don't buy shoes based on how they make my butt look. It ticks me off every time I see it. What a cheap way to sell shoes.

  6. I saw this once a couple of weeks ago and could not believe my eyes! Crazy…sad thing is I'm sure most of the bikini wearing public didn't get it. I think it does cross the line though. I would prefer not to explain it to my 10 year old daughter or son for that matter! By the way, I love your house! We have been remodeling our little house and I had no idea anything could take so long.

  7. Oh my… I didn't catch the transforming "greenery" at first (tiny little youtube screen). Has this commercial actually been on tv?

  8. Nothing is sacred anymore. Have you noticed how they do all the needs (adult diapers, viagra, vitamins, arthritis etc.) commercials for older people around the evening news! Drives me nuts, I usually hit the "mute" button! LOL!

  9. The commercial is better than the ad they run in magazines where the "trimmed" topiary is right in front of a female statue's private areas so you really get a clear picture. Nice…

  10. Exactly why we watch less than 5% of actual television. We rent from Netflix, no trash commercials and can rent and watch what we feel is good and appropriate for the entire family. ;O) My kids actually asked me when we were going to cancle our cable because the commercials were so filthy, honest they did. They would be watching Andy Griffith and we would have to scramble for the remote because of the commercials!

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