Recipe for Sunday Sauce

 You know I love to share recipes… however, this Sunday Sauce is the old world family recipe of  great friend Matthew Olerio, handed down from generation to generation. We almost had to kidnap his wife’s  beloved dog to get it out of him.  So I cannot divulge this recipe, one that includes several secret weapons ( like 1 shallot minced instead of onions, garlic thin sliced and mashed,  NO PASTE, NO OREGANO, NO SUGAR,  a large can of Hunts Tomato Sauce as well as two cans of San Marzano!  tomatoes crushed in a food processor, some parsley, some basil…might be a few shakes of garlic powder and pepper too). Sweet Italian sausage sauteed in olive oil and his killer beef/bread/egg/parsley/butter/pepper meatballs have something to do with it …..although last night I made RAO’s Frank and Anna Pellegrino meatball recipe because sometimes that’s how I roll.

I could tell you the rest… but then I’de have to kill you.


6 thoughts on “Recipe for Sunday Sauce”

  1. Ha, you are on my blog as I am reading yours 🙂 I am all about cool recipes like this that stand the test of time. Sounds beyond yummy… you gave us enough for a good base though right? You should hear my stomackh growling.

  2. Since I've never seen Hunts tomatoe sauce here and don't eat meat, I feel pretty safe. You will not have to kill me 😉 It sounds as delicious as it looked on the photos.

  3. Sounds like we were doing the same thing yesterday… I put up 75 pounds of tomatoes for sauce and even canned some tomato paste (new recipe of the year). Missing F&R already… hope you all are well.


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