
 I drove five hours –with my mother!- to go pick him up from his birth place in Pennsylvania.  Each Way!  We’re talking a 10 hour car ride – with my mother!

  When we finally got there, he was brought into the exam room and literally leaped into my arms, which was quite an accomplishment because he only weighed about three lbs at 10 weeks old and didn’t know me at all!  My mother said it was a sign that he was meant to be mine, he just knew I would be his mother.   Or something.

 We intended to call him Chandler – I couldn’t tell you why. But Rudy was brought up as a possibility and I have never been drawn to the name, but for some reason it seemed to fit him. 

I shoulda read into that sign.

 He barks incessantly, he has bitten, he is a wuss when the wind blows and he pees on everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. He drank Christmas tree stand water once and was poisoned so badly he spent two weeks at the veterinarian  looking yellow.  $1,000.  later his liver was fixed.   Merry Christmas indeed.

 Chicken Coop complete!
     Rudy does his thing…  

Apple and pear trees planted…
Rudy’s keeping up…

Since we’re talking potty talk here…
Remember the pile of chicken sh*t in the back field? Well, half of it’s still there
because the manure spreader died right before the snow flew.
The remainder is being spread this coming weekend if weather permits
and we will NEVER EVER EVER get chicken sh*t for fertilizer again.

However…. take note of Exhibit A below…
  The field on the left of the stone wall has not yet been fortified with chicken sh*t
The field on the right has. 
In this case, the grass is definitely greener on the other side.
Mrs. N.’s cabin on the hill – a very charming place and she’s agreed to another tour –
Despite the cold rainy days, things are starting to green up and the trees have
their red bud haze….

My blueberry and raspberry bushes arrived…

And soon the garden plot in the lower field will have a cedar post and mesh fence to keep deer out –
 He is a pisser.

36 thoughts on “Rude”

  1. Karen, what a funny post about that dog you must love — in spite of his habits!! He is cute! My in-laws once were using chicken fertilizer in a suburban area (1/3 to 1/2 acre plots. There was a pile of it in their front yard. Their neighbors were hosting a party and asked them to cover it up!!!! I can see from the one side that it really works! Oh how great you are planting berries — yum! Joni

  2. I am totally in love with your stone fence.
    Rudy is a cutie…and certainly takes his christening job seriously!

  3. Very funny post Karen. The only children I had were four-legged ones and I loved them dearly. Every dog we've ever owned has pee'd (or done worse) on my lap on the way home. Not sure what that's a sign of. Obviously you love Rudy. But who could resist? He's a cutie.

  4. Rudy and Hopper Henry would get along really well. I'll just send him on up to you, 'kay?

    I love this post! As always, in awe of your beautiful place.

    And, you're gonna have apples? YAY!! 🙂

  5. TOOO funny….Rudy is a trip…..cute as pie!! Thanks for such an entertaining post! Made me smile at the end of a long day!

  6. That hound is too cute.

    Good to see that the spreader died-didn't you have a grumpball neighbour? I think this sort of thing is great for those type of neighbours! 🙂

  7. I certainly have stone wall envy–that is a real beauty–Rudy? Not so much (the envy part) though he is so funny peeing on everything in sight!! xo

  8. *** Just "discovered" your blog by "happy accident", & I M*U*S*T THANK YOU~~~ you reeeeally had me laughing & chuckling! (Especially since we pick up OUR new "huntin' dawg" (actually she's a pup) in May, after the lil' thing has spent 3 months w/ her trainer!)… I THINK I'm ready to "go thru puppyhood" again… (if I'm NOT, my next "comments" will be coming to you via "BELLEVUE"!)…

    Your land, the stone wall & "just everything" was SO CHARMING, & I appreciated the great read AND pics!

    As Arnold would say, "I VILLLLLL BE BAAAACCCKKK!"! (Grins~~~)

    Happy blessings!
    Linda in AZ *

  9. Oh he's a pisser alright, that's hilarious. It seems the chicken s*$t did its jobI suggest you order more. And that stone wall closeup, amazing workmanship.

  10. He's marking HIS territory..everything belongs to him and his people!
    The grass is always greener on the side that has the stinking (and I know this from experience) chicken sh*t spread on it. Just think, you will have your own supply of it soon!

  11. Can I just tell you how much I love reading your silly stories??? And I love Rudy – just glad he doesn't do it in the house… Elvis is sitting on my lap as I write this, barking slightly at the photos of Rudy…

  12. I'm sorry, I know I should be upset about the damn dog, but that dryset stone wall made my heart go pitter patter. That is a beautiful wall, Karen. And gosh, your whole place is just lovely.
    Even with the little pisser.

  13. Sometimes you just want to wring their necks! Duke poisoned himself when he got hold of a gel pen, didn't eat much, but we found out that it has and anti-freeze by-product. Yup, 1500.00 and a trip to Vet ER & Doggie ICU he's fine!

    I remember the chicken sh*t story, hey, has that kid cut through now that the snow's gone?

    I showed my hubby your stone wall, and he has serious stone wall envy! LOL!!

  14. OMG Karen, you are too funny!
    I laughed out loud when I saw the photo if him running toward the camera, ears extended!Too cute.
    Such a great post!
    I too love those stone walls in CT.
    Your house looks amazing. No wonder Mrs. N brings you yummy treats… you are a blessing to the neighborhood in so many ways!

  15. I needed a good laugh today!!!
    I hope Rudy only marks his territory outdoors! My son brought home a huge Walker Coonhound a while back and the dog hiked his leg and peed on my new flocked Christmas tree!
    That ended his staying indoors and he was banished from the house! Now that my son has married and moved off, the hound sleeps indoors on a pink blanket!

  16. Well, Rudy may be a pisser but at least you don't have a dog with the nickname "Poopy Pants!" I won't go there… I'm in love with that beautiful farm of yours and the fence, it just says home! You guys have a lot of work in store but it will be Heaven when you get it all in the ground. The coop turned out so cute, when do you get the chicks? Can't wait!!!

  17. You are just a riot girl! What a funny post, and I sooooo needed a good laugh too! Have really had the week from hell!

    Btw, what a pretty picture of your house. I can't wait to see it all in full swing this summer!

  18. Now that is funny stuff!!! Probably not so much for you, but really funny for us! Girl, I am not sure what chicken poop smells like, but when we lived in Germany, we lived in a small farming village. The scheissewagon would come by. Scheisse means sh*t…literally and wagon means, well, wagon. This was a machine that came by and sprayed wet pig poop out. There were times that I would gag. We didn't have airconditioning so the windows would always be open. Never a happy day when teh scheissewagon would come through and our dog, Murphy, could always find a field that had just been sprayed and roll in it before we could stop her. I am gagging as I think about it!

  19. Rudy is a cutie! The house looks great from any angle! Yes, I had wanted fruit trees too but I have my hands full with the 100 year old ones now. I was thinking blueberries…ya know, the whole Maine thing! LOL! 🙂 See you soon!

  20. I had a lot to catch up with here and just have to say how much I enjoyed doing so! Spring looks lovely at This Old House…Your energy is amazing! And I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday! Hope you have the most wonderful of years Karen!

    Rudy is adorable!

  21. I'm liking that chicken coop, very pretty and useful. As to the chicken manure…not so much pretty except pretty stinky.
    Rudy – gotta love him but why is it dogs always seem to be harder to raise than bitches?
    A friend just sent a birthday card that has a photo of a Jack running across a field. Open it up and it reads, "Celebrate like someone left the gate open!" That's what I though when I saw Rudy running across the field -smile-.

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