Shots or Not

I certainly… certainly… thought by now we’d all have that damned virus kicked to the curb.  At this point I’m not sure it will ever be eradicated.  I missed the smiles on people’s faces and it’s discouraging to see masks coming back into every store again, but I understand the fear and the need for caution.  All the crazy out there is flapping in the breeze, too ….. there are government chips in the vaccines, you know…. they’re tracking you…. even though that smart phone you have in your hands has been tracking you for years if that’s something you lose sleep over.

I’m not thrilled to  inject my body with any foreign anything, heck, I don’t ever get the flu shot , but I’ve been inoculated throughout my life as most of you have too and I know without a doubt vaccinations have eradicated many a disease we would otherwise die from.   I’m grateful for the option to get vaccinated against the virus I saw take my Dad down in a matter of days, but I do believe it should be everyone’s  right to decide for themselves if it’s right for them , and I understand the legitimate concerns.

While it’s true you can still get sick once you’re vaccinated,  and even carry the virus to give to others, science and experience is saying the severity is diminished and so far in my life I have seen science save lives much more often than it takes them.  It boggles the mind that somehow, through recent politicizing of a public health threat that should NOT EVER have been politicized, science for some has become something not to be trusted.

You know.. there are gambles we all take on a regular basis.  When you drink or smoke you take a gamble. When you get in your vehicle and drive off you take a gamble. When you choose not to get your health check ups you take a gamble…  When you sip a c*ke, eat k8ntucky fried chicken, throw back some Adv*l for pain,  eat take out chinese food, pizza, Mickey D’s, buy foods supposedly labeled organic, skate on a pond, ski down a mountain… it’s all a gamble, and  it’s yours to take.. or not.

I’m not advising anyone on what they should do regarding the vaccine or anything else for that matter.  Heck, I go back and forth myself.  But I know science isn’t evil  (big ph*arma, the business, is another story)  and science is ever evolving, and while I absolutely abhor some members of our government, for the most part I’m certain most of them aren’t evil either. In so many ways we are so damned lucky for the science and the democracy we have today.  How we have benefited from both is getting lost on some people as they get mired in the conspiracy theories and utter bullshit some will spew for their political posturing and   to confuse and divide the masses.     That’s how you control and keep the masses down where you want them, proven through history time and again.  How is that lost on anyone?

We here in this house decided based on our  circumstances and the conclusions we’ve drawn from our own research…  we are vaccinated.  That doesn’t make us sheep.   With great hope, it might make us and our loved ones safer.  That’s the gamble we decided to take.

Wishing you, each and every one –  vaxed and unvaxed

a Merry Christmas and a Happy, HEALTHY New Year – 

with much love from This Old House 2 and Stella by the Sea – 


12 thoughts on “Shots or Not”

  1. I just had my covid vaccine booster shot a couple of weeks ago. And I’ve gotten an annual flu shot since forever. Any inoculation that medical science can offer, I want — gimme, gimme, gimme! If it’s available, why would anyone not take advantage of it? That’s my philosophy.

    Have a wonderful holiday season and stay safe!

  2. I’m with you all the way on your sensible words in this post. Our immune systems have never met this virus before and that’s Bad News. Get protected. Glad to have had our booster shots recently and glad to have my Flu Jab every year as I was very very ill with Flu back in the 70s. Happy to mask up and wash my hands and not be in crowded places for a while if that’s what gets us the other side of this Pandemic.

  3. I am vaxxed, boosted, masked and doing all I can to avoid this. I’m too vulnerable and I’m very careful where I go and the times I go there. You know what? I find I don’t mind, for the most part. I don’t mind the mask, and the other parts are a timing adjustment. And so far, so good. Well stated.

  4. I get so damn tired of conspiracy theorists…why the hell would Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos want to control us by putting a chip in the vaccine? They are too busy cheating on their wives and spending their money…just kidding. One thing that really pisses me off is the “no jab for me idiots” comparing requiring the vaccine to the horrors of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. This is where a time machine would come in really handy so people could see how bad it really was than.

    I am with you. I have never had a flu shot and I was also the kid who would tear up the shot sheets the school would send home with us. True story. There were so many of us (7), that Mom couldn’t remember who’s shot sheet she signed or didn’t sign. This was back in my teenage years, when the school would line us up outside the gym and do the inoculations for free. Not sure if they still do that.

    But, when it came to the covid vaccine, no hesitation. We marched to Walmart and got the Moderna vaccine and went back a month later and got the second dose. In early January, we go back for the booster.

    I imagine it must be difficult for you to understand people when they talk with the mask on. Heck, it’s hard for me to understand what is being said, and I can hear when a squirrel drops a walnut out of the tree in the backyard…lol. However, I do think that we are going to be wearing masks for a long while. The upside (knock on wood) of masking, is that I have not had a cold or a sniffle the last few years. The downside, according to my doctor, is that once the masks do come off, we may get sicker much easier since our immune systems will be weaker. I guess I can risk it.

    I believe in science and I have a lot of faith in Dr. Fauci. He gets trashed on Fox and by all the non-believers, just for doing his job. Worst of all? There have been death threats against him and his family. Ridiculous.

    Have a wonderful holiday season and I just wanted to say that all of your pics on your blog are lovely and I really like your newest rescue! You rescue dogs and I rescue stray cats…we are up to four furry butts! Happy New Year!

    1. I love hearing stories from your past, thanks for sharing! We were the same kind of teen, LOL!

      I just love when you comment here, like visiting with an old friend over coffee 🙂 Happy New Year to you and yours, Cheryl!

  5. When I see posts like the well-written one you’ve shared with us, or when I hear any of the knowledgeable doctors and scientists on TV, I think to myself-the people who NEED to read or hear this aren’t listening. Covid is here to stay, just like the flu, so mask and vaccinate up, everyone, and quit your whining. Seems like the only time the unvaxed come to their senses is when it’s too late.
    Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!

  6. I know there are other folks out there who feel the way I do but its nice to see it written down. Hope you and yours are doing well and stay healthy. Merry Christmas to all of you.

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