Tag: – Just sayin
Weighing In
Dear 2020
**If you’re a Trump fan and you still believe in and support him, feel free to exit now. I used to care that I might offend people with my opinions… in this case, and in this space which is my own, given what he’s done to us as a people, and the ignorance of ignoring the harm, the real damage, I don’t.
Is it too late? Are we past the point of redemption? All this tribalism, this Us Against Them, the continued racism and prejudice… has been brewing for a very long time – it’s not new, but it’s emboldened, when we, or at least I, thought we were actually becoming more civil, more tolerant, more enlightened, more gentile as a nation. These past two years have been a real eye opener, I was indeed naive. Tr*mp has given these malignancies in our society permission, free reign, but he didn’t create them. They were right there under the surface all along, waiting for the spark to ignite them, breathe new life into old prejudices.
About that Window
The big window often reflects glorious sunsets as the fireball itself melts over and behind the hill….
I hope all is well in your neck o’the woods – I peek at the news now and again, wondering how many shoes have to drop before 45 is held accountable. This piece below? I’ll share it again and again and again.
Snow Day
Fiona says Good Morning! (actually, she’s clucking ” It’s cold – where’s my F-ing oatmeal” . Yep, she swears – I’m a bad influence, I know it. )
When Words Become Weapons
Look up the actual definitions for each. All goals for a healthy society- necessary components for balance. Every one of our lives have been enriched in some way by various policies pushed through by any one of the above referenced affiliations. Each has its strengths and weaknesses- Indeed there have been fails as well, as there always will be with so many things at stake. That’s why it’s so important for any healthy functioning society to work through differences for common gain.
We’ve fallen so far away from that. Yes, political figures are partly to blame, but Some actually have good intentions, and shame on all of us for feeding off the greed of those who don’t. We are better than this. So I’m asking anyone who bothers to read my posts, no matter what your political affiliation, to stop spreading hate. Stop fueling division. Someone who may have saved your ass during a crisis may be of the very party you mock. Customers who support your small local business, The teacher that protected your kid from a bully? Ditto. The cop who came to your rescue? The firefighter, the babysitter, the guy who removes your trash.
Have your beliefs, but research them and leave the hate out of them. If you call yourself religious but do not act with kindness, compassion or empathy , you need to find a new religion or give it up entirely- because that’s just a hypocrite.
With that said, I’m getting off this particular soapbox. I hope someday the tide will turn in this country to stick with facts and civility as we tackle our many problems- what we have become is truly heartbreaking, and we will be our own demise if we don’t wake the fuck up.
We The People

Our Circus, Our Flying Monkeys
Believe me
Booting the Reboot
Decency and respect matters. It Matters.