Can I vote for Bill Clinton to come back as president? We need a visionary, we need someone who knows how to walk the line and work with both sides of the issues, we need experience, a level headed approach, we need extreme intelligence. I will never care one ounce about a President’s private relationship shortfalls, nor should anyone else ..We have no idea what has gone on behind closed doors with every. single. President. I’m not interested in hearing from Clinton haters and this is not about being a Republican or a Democrat… extreme right, conservative, liberal or extreme left. My feeling is that the separate parties deal no longer works. There is too much division and animosity. We’re sinking to new lows with an unwillingness to work together at the expense of ALL of us, mud slinging, bold lies and lack of respect for elected officials.
I hate politics for this reason, and I apologize for putting a political rant in your face this morning. I’m just done with the division, the ugly, the finger pointing, the skirting. Let s get on with the SOLVING of the myriad of PROBLEMS we have before us, by working together and compromising when necessary. Are you capable, Washington? That includes the way we talk to each other here, so please keep that in mind.