Tag: random
Black & White with a splash of color
I’ve always admired this technique, but never looked into how to actually DO it. I figured it was pretty technical and I have the patience of a -gnat- when it comes to fidgeting around in the various photo programs.. especially Photoshop. (talk about confusing!.. am I the only one who feels this way about photoshop?)… Give me picmonkey any day.
1) Open a suitable photograph, this can be any subject but ideally it needs an area of bright colour that will have an impact when it’s finished while the rest of the photo looks good in black and white.
2) Select IMAGE>ADJUSTMENTS>DESATURATE to turn the photo black and white. But don’t take the photo out of RGB (i.e. don’t convert to black and white or mono) or the next step won’t work.
3) Select the history brush from the tool menu on the left of the screen (usually the fifth icon down in the right hand column), set hardness to 100% and choose a suitable brush size to work with on the section of the photo you want to put in colour.
4) Now use the brush and go over the area you want in colour, the brush will erase the black and white and bring back the colour. You may need to zoom and work close up on some sections. Take your time and change brush sizes if you need to.”
If you do try this, I’d like to post your finished work here… send it to karenthisoldhouse@hotmail.com in the next week or two and I’ll do a post if I get some from any of you. I’ll give you two weeks to give it a go.
What says HOME to you?…
Dear Rep. Todd Akin –
I put your name in that post title because I hope that your people are googling all the stuff written about you and somehow this little piece comes to your attention… you arrogant, IGNORANT man. A writer who I admire had this, click link below, to say about the subject of rape and the conversations taking place after you “misspoke” in an interview. The sad thing is, f*ck that apology you issued ……let’s face the fact that it’s how you really feel… this time it just came out in an inconvenient place at an inconvenient time for your party, now, didn’t it.
A Family Affair
Evening light
Where do you go…..
Fast Food with a Conscience
Most of us do it from time to time… out running errands, traveling with the kids, a hectic day at work with no energy to cook… what’s the usual answer? FAST FOOD. I don’t even want to think about the number of cheeseburgers, bags of fries or cokes I’ve had over the years… or my kids, for that matter. I’m a decent cook and have done a decent job feeding my family for the most part.. but I have caved to the EASY on occasion.. and my husband and son absolutely LOVE those FF cheeseburgers. It is what it is. I don’t eat much of that crap anymore because it really isn’t very good for you, as we all know. And I usually feel yucky after I’ve eaten it.
HOWEVER… the other day I was out running those errands and it was cold and rainy and I was hungry. I didn’t want to get out of the car either… cats and dogs kinda rain. My choices in the town I was in were McD’s and Wendys. Now, McD’s hasn’t done much at all to improve their menu, and if you ask me I think the quality of their usual stuff is getting worse. I pulled into Wendys instead to see if their menu had improved. Lo and behold!!!… I see a big poster with a picture of a beautiful salad. I order it… and the new berry tea they advertise.
When a color speaks to you
ccording to Wikipedia, the word turquoise, which dates to the 16th century, is derived from an old french word for “Turkish”, because the mineral was first brought to Europe from Turkey , from the mines in historical Khorasian of Persia. In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. It is referred to as a ‘gemstone of the peoples’. Pueblo medicine men were considered of no power unless they were fully adorned in Turquoise.
I’ve always loved the jewelry, have a few pieces of my own, but don’t wear it often. My ‘go-to’ colors have always been black, nuetrals, etc. Mom has often said “you should wear more COLOR, Karen”. I’m not morbid or Goth… It’s just that I’ve always felt very at home in black…it’s easy to do. Color says something different, something I didn’t feel at home in. Oh, I’m sure there’s a freudian conclusion there… but seriously I don’t think it goes all that deep.
Anyway.. where am I going with this? For some reason, the color turquoise has spoken up in more than a whisper this year. I’m looking around This Old House.. which we have decorated in soft neutrals and some big splashes of reds, the antique version. It goes well with the wood work that abounds. I’m seeing places that need turquoise, though. The color is soothing and cheery. And so it’s my mission to start bringing it in, in little ways.
Yesterday I went to Pier 1 and found what I was looking for to use on the porch, which we use a lot. I like this to be a restful place.
Goodbye, Picnik
or those of us who have been hyperventilating