Are we having fun yet?

 Day before yesterday – sun shining on three feet of snow.. beautiful!
But a heck of a lot of work to do.
Shoreline town where I go grocery shopping..
the Boston Post Road (Route 1)
This is day two after the storm… still much snow removal to be done.
The back of the house is at the bottom of the hill…
the yard is hip deep.
This is hip deep snow in the fields.

Then .. yesterday.. the rain.
and Fog.
and Slush.

This is the same Boston Post Road yesterday.. still a slush puddle.

Today, the sun is shining, it’s 40 degrees out there and
we’ve got a serious mess of melting snow.
I’ve been back to the grocery store every day
because I’ve had a lot of men to feed through their various shifts of
snow removal and thawing out . The stores are running out of “stuff”.
I love my JEEP. 
No trouble getting around at all.
The schools are still closed, as are the libraries and any other parking lots
that haven’t been plowed out yet.  No place to put the snow!
Ben has thrown up three times after going out to romp in the snow..
he eats too much of it and then comes in and pukes up breakfast.
His bed has been washed three times now…an old queen mattress 
Three times in three days.
Do you know how big a pile of puke is when it comes out of a Dane?
three times.
My father’s carport collapsed on his car due to heavy weight of wet snow last night.
Guess who had to stop snow removal operations to go try to pull it out.
I just got word as I am typing this post that his car is OK, just the carport is a goner.
That’s actually pretty great news.  
My husband is in an -AWESOME – mood.
I snapped this picture of a truly joy filled smile.
There are angels singing in the background…
take my word for it.
Just moments before, I may have been
cursing under my breath and kicking tires
while trying to get the gator unstuck from the muck
after attempting to clean the barnyard up.
 I really really didn’t  want to
have to call my spouse to ask for assistance….again.  
I did get it unstuck …
and I might have even genuflected to the powers that be
upon freeing the beast.
The forecast?  Cold again… and …
*.*.* SNOW *.*.*

I am woman, hear me roar!

  The boys left early this morning to get more snow removal accomplished… our parents are still not plowed out.  Neither are some of the many roads in this area, and I-95 was still unplowed as of last night, hard to believe.   That left me staring wistfully at the snowbound gator up at the barn this morning.. my much-needed manure removal system.   I said .. self?  Suck it up.  Get the snow shovel and git er dun.   I want you to say that just as I typed it, with emphasis   🙂

So, I shoveled out the gator, only to shovel sh-t.
The great news here is… the girlchild showed up right about this time
and shoveled the sh-t for me. 

White, but with SUN!

  You can see the difference between this morning (earlier post) and this afternoon – the storm has let up and blown away. I suspect we’ll be cleaning it up for days to come though.  No one allowed on the roads but emergency vehicles and plows…  Looks like we ended up with 36 inches in flat areas and four foot snowdrifts where the wind kicked in.   

 Has a chicken coop ever looked more beautiful, I ask you?

The boyz got the bulldozer from the back shed and managed to remove
enough so we can get around and feed the critters, etc… 

K and I gave Opie and Max some OUT time
(this is boarder Max, not K’s horse Max, who I’m sure is stuck inside for the day)

yours truly…. pass the Advil.

Coady can smell horse cookies miles away…
I feel sorry for my guys, who will be out in this all day… now that they’ve
gotten us cleared out enough, they’ve headed off to other jobs and family too…
All I can do is keep the fire going and have plenty of food on hand.
The fire chief may or may not have stopped by today after a certain someone
caused a little grease to burn after cooking cheeseburgers, tripping the alarm.
That certain someone DID give the correct password when the alarm company called.
However, a certain OTHER someone changed the password
recently and so the alarm company didn’t believe I was who I said I was and sent
the Chief our way despite my protests.  *sigh*
I did offer him a cheeseburger.
It is what it is.

A whole lotta white

The good news is.. the winds weren’t horrible
and while there were many power outages, we and most of  our
friends and neighbors still have power.  That’s HUGE in this area lately.
The bad news is… HOLY CROW, we’ve got snow.

Last night, after we had already shoveled twice…

This morning on the front porch… There are three steps to get up there.  

There are actually stairs to get up to the little side porch with those sliders too.

Four foot drifts up the sides of the house…

Took 20 minutes just to get OUT the DOOR this morning…

Then another 20 to get to the garage  for snow blower…

He’s not having fun yet….

He’s not either.

…working on path to get to the barn to feed horses….
and up to the back equipment barn to get the bulldozer…
because that’s what it’s gonna take.