More about Chip & How to get your dog to stop pulling.

  Thanks to your generous donations, Chip went back to the vet for much needed Xrays of chest and Hip.  Turns out the hip looks fine and is just sore from being in a small metal crate while he was in Florida Kill Shelter and then vet down south.  *sigh?!*…. His lungs do not show signs of pneumonia… perhaps asthma from poor living conditions.  The meds that have to be applied to his skin appear to sting him when applied.. but they are necessary. He’s already been in Lorin’s whirlpool for Epsom salt and oil bath.   Here he is this morning, chewing on a donated nylabone.  She has beds in each room because he is still so emaciated he cannot comfortably lie on a hard floor.

So… How to get your dog to stop pulling when you go for a walk?    As you all know, Ben is a dane, which translates to BIG FREIGHT TRAIN pulling on little old me when we go for walks.  I hate choke collars, especially on a dane with very little coat hair.  Traditional harnesses tend to make them pull against it, hence more strain on the walker.  But THIS harness.. the Easy Walker… works like a charm.  I mean, there is NO pulling. None.  And.. it’s extremely humane. Nothing tugs at or pulls on the dog.  Something about the way it’s designed (actually clipped to the leash on the front chest portion of the rig) gives the dog the feeling that he CAN’T pull, so he doesn’t. Or something like that.   Ben has not pulled on me once since I started using this harness and it doesn’t seem to phase him at all to have it on.  It’s not tight, fully adjustable, and comes in different sizes. I got it at a feed & grain store.  ( I am not being paid to advertise this… it’s just a really good product so I don’t mind spreading the word. )

I think this might be upside down. 

Snaps at the front…
  No pulling. It’s amazing how it works.
This is the Parmelee Trail at Parmelee Farm.


All photos today brought to you by my iPhone
Steve Jobs, you were an amazing man. The World will miss you.  


   Lots of it.  In need of testing by Uconn to see what we should  add to it for better crops of hay and vegetables.  Lord, as long as it isn’t Chicken Sh*t.  Please not that again.

 I found our first blue-ish egg by one of the Auracanas sitting out in their chicken yard.
Apparently she hasn’t figured out the nesting box arrangement in the coop.
Either that or she’s an exhibitionist.

Don’t try this at home.

Two eggs and a big pile of dirt

Today I found TWO eggs in the coop!

And because Mike can never sit still or be without a project….
the back hayfield is being regraded because
when it’s mowed, you need to have an appointment already
set up with the chiropractor and immediately go there
upon completion of mowing of said field.
The subdivision neighbor who has not always been happy that
we restored the farm to working condition?…
Well, hopefully they’ll appreciate that
the dirt pile will fortify the fields and garden again… next summer.
Hey, atleast it’s not chicken sh*t.
Steve is back to do some more stonework too…
There is no shortage of stone around these parts.
As I take these pics, it’s about the time when I switch the big and little horses so
Coady and Lacey get some grass time out in the field.
He’s trying to tell me I’m running late.

Rise & Shine

A typical morning at This Old House
5:00 am (no good reason, just always up at that hour)
Light, no sugar.
Dogs go out…
(are you seriously taking a picture??  I gotta go!!!)
Dogs fed & watered
The Man is already at his desk with lists for the day…
The bear needs to be poked to get ready for school…

Breakfast of Champions, complete with lunch money
Chickens fed…
Horses grained, hayed, turned out and watered…

 See that bus up ahead?
 It’s the one we missed  this morning because I was out taking Rise & Shine pictures.
No, I didn’t make him run for it.
So I drove the rest of the way to school,
passed the bus on the highway, even.
Because sometimes, thats how we roll.
 (it’s dress-down day. For $5, you, too, can dress casual! )
What does your typical morning look like?
Tomorrow AM, if you’re so inclined to join me,
post a pic or two or ten that catches the essence of your typical morning.
I’ll post it here if you let me know the link.
Title your post “Rise & Shine”.

Needing a home

Hilary over at Crazy as A Loom  – see link below – takes in stray cats who wander on to her property in Upstate, NY.  She feeds and care for them, and then if they aren’t neutered or spayed, they take a trip to the vet for that too.  This little girl is the newest to arrive and Hilary knows she wants to be a housecat, not a barn or porch cat.  She is a love and would prefer to crawl into your lap than up in a hayloft.  In the next week or so she will be spayed.  If you or someone you know might give this girl a loving home,  contact Hilary through her blog.   If you live in Connecticut and want to adopt her but don’t want to drive that far, I will personally go pick her up for you.

Our First Egg!

 We’ve had a small horse farm for 22 years… but This Old House is the first homestead of ours to have a chicken coop.  Last night when I brought the chickens in for the night, I found our first egg!   It’s on the small side, but just the cutest thing.  Here it sits next to a standard sized egg.

Judging by the color, I think one of the Buff Orpingtons left it.

More rain today, thunder and lightening last night. 
Surely this is a record year for percipitation. 
For those of you in Texas and the South, I wish I could send some of this your way.

Random & the rain

  Two dreary days we’ve had here – and the house is so quiet. Everyone is off to college or back to school and I am not enjoying the silence.  But there is something about the rain, cleansing.  Certainly a new season has arrived.. early!…. When Irene blew out of here, it seems as if she sucked the summer right out of the trees. They’re all turning already, or at least dropping leaves.   So be it.

 Can you believe the difference a year makes?  Yesterday…

Last year…
One more dose of randomness….
I love Marthas Vineyard. When I step off the ferry into that other world
I get the distinct feeling I am home.  
This year we did not get a chance to visit,
and so, feeling just a little sorry for myself,

I ordred the Black Dog’s 40th anniversary cookbook.

I love their menu, their casual retaurant –
and their recipes are delicious and easy.
It came today in the rain and I am doing that silly happy dance.
You know the one.