The common thread

We can’t erase the evil that careened into our country on this day 19 years ago. We can’t bring back the dead, those who were unaware of the peril they would face, and those who charged into that mass inferno selflessly to do what they signed up to do- save lives. Some survived the heroic effort, many did not- Arthur Barry, Thomas Hannafin, boys from my ‘hood who grew up to be men of the FDNY, I’ll always say your name in prayer on this day , I’ll never forget your sacrifices, your heroic efforts.

If you can even think it of that horrible event, one thing came out of it I wish had stayed with us all- our love for our country, our caring and respect and kindness toward each other as we shared a common thread of grieving our dead, loving our country, condemning the rage filled hate in the hearts of those who would attack us, picking up the pieces, together , Unity, flags displayed proudly, so many flags. Compassion. Resolve. It was a beautiful thing that rose from the ugly twisted steel, the scars on our land, the ashes.

For ourselves and the sake of those who can’t be here because of the events of that awful day- let it have taught us something. Let us remember, and find that common thread again.


6 thoughts on “The common thread”

  1. Beautifully put, Karen. It is the common thread of our humanity that will get us through the present as it did the past. We cannot let that thread break. We cannot let those who would benefit from our fighting each other win this battle for the soul of our country. Democracy is not inevitable, it is a work in progress, and it relies on the good will, integrity, and courage of its people. mom

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