The Hail Mary

Having read Mary Tr*mp’s book… his behaviors now are no surprise, nor is it fake news that his father covered his ass for many years. Fred Tr*mp was the real estate mastermind, amassing a HUGE fortune, which Tr*mp has repeatedly grabbed from to save himself from his own repeated failures… .Tr*mp steaks, Tr*mp Vodka, Tr*mp University, Tr*mp’s Atlantic City casinos to name just a few. Even his books were written by someone else.
Tr*mp ran into multiple failures as his father faded and could no longer play behind the scenes to keep his son on the pedestal, losing some of the political and banking power he had built.. and then died – This is not fake news, it’s all public record. Donald Tr*mp and his father carefully groomed his Powerhouse image, but it was mostly a farce held up by Fred Tr*mp’s keenly laid and mega successful foundation. The media went along with it because he frequently gave them fodder to sell papers. The Banks used them just as they used the Banks.
Tr*mp was raised by a father who deemed kindness and empathy a weakness, lying was a tool and used frequently as was division, even within the family. . And money is the only currency. Both Tr*mp and his father played a huge role in the demise of his brother. To read through that story is painful, even as a complete stranger. They were merciless in their disapproval of his kindness in general, and his choice to become a TWA pilot instead of a grunt for the Tr*mp Organization. “A glorified bus driver”. Every effort he made to become a self sufficient man they hammered down, and his alcoholism as a result was no match for their ruthless dismantling.
There’s no doubt in my mind Mary wrote this as catharsis for the anger she feels for her fathers death and she and her brother’s (Fred JR’s only children) removal from her grandfathers will- which had no basis other than “their father was dead”… so they weren’t entitled to any portion of his 20 % ownership in Tr*mpworld.   That was the reason given. Donald of course, held the strings. I was aware of that and no doubt Tr*mp will use it to say she’s lying and spinning because she’s “a loser”. The truths are all out there, so her motive makes no difference, it’s not lies with a bent.
Mary makes clear – They are never wrong, they never admit mistakes, they will use anyone to get what they want, and Donald in particular will use a charm that panders to lure you in, as long as you cater to him, praise him, never criticize. If you do criticize or stand up to him in anyway, you are a throw away, you’re “nasty”. Fred  made sure Donald got away with any transgressions, he was pampered in that respect his entire life.  Again… You don’t have to take Mary’s word for anything, it’s all out there in plain sight. When he ran for President she thought his poor preparedness for such a leadership roll would be obvious and that was clear when not one of the family save his children and spouse endorsed him for president, because they knew who he has been his entire life, and yet to their shock he was elected.
She notes that taking a look at many of the people who attend his rallies and cheer his hate speeches… these are people he would never socialize with in his circles, he would consider them beneath him. but he knows how to use them to get what he wants, and they’ve fallen in line, like so many others, not yet realizing it’s all about him. That has become abundantly clear to me in his handling of the Pandemic, in his cowtowing to Put*n, in his inability to make any attempt at Unity anywhere, in his stance on racism…or I should say lack of stance.
In his newest interview.. Tr*mp says about the pandemic… “I’ll be right eventually. I will be right eventually. You know I said, ‘It’s going to disappear.’ I’ll say it again,” Tr*mp said in an interview on “F0x News Sunday.” – Meanwhile… 140,000 dead, many sick, ICU beds completely full in some regions, and not one single word of empathy for the victims from the President.
PS:  Bravo to Chr*s Wallace, who produced a brilliant and telling interview with the Orange Scream.  He literally doesn’t give any fucks what Tr*mpworld thinks, he was after the truth and he exposed it.

4 thoughts on “The Hail Mary”

  1. Hello,

    Great post.. I have this book on order at the library…It is a shame his followers believe his lies, a record number of lies for a president.. He was a bad businessman, claiming bankruptcy so many times. Now, he is worst president ever! Take care! Enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. I am hoping that we have some peace after the coming election. I hate how divided our country is on so many issues. It has made enemies of old friends and relatives and, add Covid, and racial dissidence to the mix and our country is a mess.
    Love to you, Karen…hang in there, my friend. xo Diana

    ps-oh-hey, Karen. Just so you know-when you leave a comment and I click on your name it takes me to your profile and the link to your blog goes to your old blog and doesn’t forward to your new one. You can probably fix it-just don’t ask me how…….

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