White Out

 Yesterday the snow began to fly.  Most of the day looked like this…

 So we did some of this ….

 The fire burned out and we went to bed… to awake this morning to this…

 That’s the top of the adirondacks around my little fire pit, right there.

 So the rest of the day is going to look like this….

32 thoughts on “White Out”

  1. How much snow do you have on the ground now, Karen? Looks like a couple of feet. It's pretty though but spring is a long way off for you, isn't it… sigh


  2. We really could have used your snow moving equipment this morning… our tractor is stuck in the shed, so our 75' driveway was lovingly shoveled by hand!!! Big hot bath tonight, motrin, and lots of red wine…

  3. BEAUTIFUL..cause I don't live there! I don't know how you have the use of a plow but it's wonderful to have friends in high places. Amazing pictures as always, so so so glad I know my way to this old house!

  4. UNBELIEVABLE! We awoke to only a foot of it which is so much more manageable. Still now plowed out, but I'm fine with that.
    Incredible photos. Wish I had some wine . . .

  5. Now that's a lot of snow. What 20 inches plus? I see the big guns had to come out to plow.

    They are saying we could have a major snow next week. Farmers almanac said 14 inches. Really?

    Let's just get back to the wine . . .and the good looking food.

  6. Ah…..the joys of winter. Most of our snow has melted but more is a coming this weekend, all weekend! Snuggle in and make yourself a hot tottie.

  7. Stay home with the fire and wine Karen! You guys are getting all our snow this year! I do NOT mind…the pictures are amazing! I actually took my little car out today…no need for four wheel drive!

  8. I remember those days well, growing up in northern Ohio on Lake Erie! But, it always makes being home, more special doesn't it?!
    You take such lovely pics, Karen 🙂
    And Ben is as handsome as ever! Smooches to him and Opie!
    xo, misha

  9. Too much snow … beautiful, but too much! Hope that you've stocked the wine cellar and that you get some of our Colorado sunshine real soon. Stay warm!

  10. We got 16 inches in nw NJ yesterday but sure looks like you've got tons more than we do.
    Love the pictures… there is beauty in the winter.. but it would be nice if Mother Nature eased up just a tad now.

  11. I recently found your blog and I love seeing the NH pics. I just sold our home in Deerfield NH which we adored and miss it! What town are you in? We are now outside of Boston. Your place is lovely!!

  12. I love your dog. My daughter is experiencing her first real winter in Boston. She called today … I think she wants to come home! : ) I told her she only has one and a half more years to go until she's done with school. "But I miss the BEACH!"
    ha ha! : )

  13. this Texas Gal has NEVER seen so much of all that white stuff…except for a sandy Gulf Coast beach!!
    I love that shot of an almost buried Adirondack chair! and the red wine is my personal choice for anti-freeze!

  14. Are you getting hit again today? Holy crapinoli girl!

    Is that gravy with pork? My momma used to make red sauce with neckbones when I was a kid. It was the best sauce ever. The flavor was unbelievable.

  15. WOW these pictures are impressive in so many ways. First off you are a wonderful photographer, your header alone just blew me away today. I love that little bird. But all that snow is intense! you captured these images in a way that too me there right with you only I could not manage to get a glass of wine!

  16. I love the picture of your Adirondacks chairs it's really hard for this southern girls to imagine that much snow .lol The one you are using for your header is so peaceful and serene.
    Simple beautiful..
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

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