CNN – Arizona’s Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would
allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs,
to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.

The bill, which the state
House of Representatives passed by a 33-27 vote Thursday, now goes to
Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican and onetime small business owner who
vetoed similar legislation last year but has expressed the right of
business owners to deny service.
Full Article HERE

is government going to stay out of places they don’t belong?    And when
are we going to drop the phrase GAY RIGHTS…there should be no such
phrase.   HUMAN RIGHTS…. that’s all we should be concerned with,
because that’s what WE ALL ARE .  “Rights” should have NOTHING TO DO with
who we are sexually attracted to unless we’re referring to harm to
children or sexual abuse. Seriously… grow up, America.
Just Sayin.