You can please some of the people some of the time

  It may appear that This Old House and it’s acreage is way out in the middle of nowhere… however we’re just minutes down the road from the center of  what I can describe as a small New England town. We live on a scenic rural road, but to the right of us when facing the house, up on the hill abutting one of our fields is a subdivision of luxury  homes.  This is the view of that subdivision from our dirt driveway that leads to the back fields.
Our farm has been here for 200 years.  The subdivision is about eight years old.  We have been informed this morning that a formal complaint to the town has been filed by our closest neighbor in that subdivision because they can see our farm machinery from their house, see above. Their property line is right at the back of their house.  They happen to have a beautiful view of our fields. You can see from the pictures below that these fields are well maintained. There is an entire field, treeline,  drive and two stone walls between their property line and the machinery parked at the back of one of our fields.  Said machinery is still 50 yards behind me when I took this shot aiming at their house,  above. Am I clear on how far away from their backyard this equipment is located?
This view below is what they are complaining about. I was standing on the wall on our property line when I took this picture this morning. I had to see for myself just what they were complaining about.   Click on the picture to enlarge.. you will see the tops of our equipment,  and a few extra trucks are there today because we have men here helping Mike spread organic fertilizer over the hay fields. The healthy stuff, not a chemical we could have chosen.
 What disheartens me the most is that if they had any gripe at all, we are neighbors. In my opinion a decent neighbor, one you might want to have a decent relationship with simply because you live next to each other.. oughta pick up the phone and talk to each other about whatever the complaint may be.  They had no problem stopping by to ask if their child could use our fields to cut through to a friend’s house, and they had no problem asking if they could rebuild a portion of rock wall that is on our property but they consider a part of their yard.  WE had no problem oblidging because we are, afterall, neighbors. 
  Well today, as we begin spreading that organic fertilizer,  we will surely fortify the field that is directly behind them right after lunch.  I hope they appreciate that it is all organic and will make that hay field look even more spectacular come Spring.

This fertilizer spreader is from the 1970’s… still works beautifully.
They don’t make things like they used to.

27 thoughts on “You can please some of the people some of the time”

  1. I do not even know what to say about this.

    Okay – you buy your McMansion next to a farm. I bet you went on and on about the quaint farmland you looked out on. I bet you didn't have a f-ing clue what farming actually meant you horses ass.

    Personally, I'd spread your 'fertilizer' before lunch.

    I want to poke out their eyes with a hot stick and then they won't be offended any longer! hehehe

  2. Is there even a snowball's chance that the town council will respond with anything but a "You're Kidding" to this complaint? I'm stunned.

    In our last neighborhood, the HOA rules were written to prohibit anything that even resembled 'living' in one's neighborhood. Swing sets, sheds, pools, and any other structures had to directly behind the house, out of view of passers-by on the street. There were so many idiotic rules … and this is coming from someone who used to be the President of an HOA (different neighborhood).

    Great response by choosing to fertilize the fields now. Merry Christmas, dear neighbor … welcome to the farm.

  3. This is so distressing. What kind of people are these neighbors..and yeah, pick up the phone or knock on your door and speak to you first. And also, what kind of Christmas, or holiday spirit are they exhibiting.
    Bah humbug to them.

  4. Are you kidding me? Wow, they must be using binoculars to look at your beautiful place and don't like the machinery in the way. lol Surely they won't win. Spread that fertilizer really thick close to their house.

  5. These people are ridiculous. I can't believe they find anything remotely objectionable in that view. Do they not have a life?

    Spread the fertilizer now. For a long while. While they're eating.


  6. Holy moly bajoly. I'm stunned. I really have no words and I just feel angry inside. Coming from a girl who lives on a farm in the middle of Alberta, I'm also offended that someone is OFFENDED TO LODGE A COMPLAIN ABOUT YOUR MACHINERY? What the heck? I clicked on that photo and can't even see anything. Your pictures of your 200 year old farm are something out of a magazine! Good law! Why do you think they bought in the area they did? They probably thought it was quaint with all the old farms and homes…I'm just STUNNED. Like you said, why didn't they just phone?

    I hope you are spreading pig poop and I hope it's a hot day and I hope they are having a family gathering on their deck. Egads!

  7. All good gardens take loads of manure. Spread yours thick. Remind them of what it means to be a good neighbor by being a very good gardener. It is just what they need.

  8. OMGosh! Don't you love it? I think you should dump ALL your organic fertilizer a bit close to the back yard line. Wait for a nice hot day with a good downwind though.

    I think you should be out there wearing a Santa suit and your hubby should be out there in a Speedo just to give them a little extra to complain about…not that your hubby wouldn't look good in a Speedo, you understand? it's just…well…you know….Smiles- Diana

  9. The only thing I can think of to say is that I am sorry for your troubles. I would kill to have their view and see and experience the actual the workings of a farm. My mom use to say fences make good neighbors. Maybe in this case this expression holds true. There is just no figuring out some people no matter how hard you try.

  10. I'd be furious. I for sure would spread the sh– on a nice warm day when their driveway is full of vistors. Maybe even an outside BBQ. I do hope the council members are on your side.

  11. Oh, gee. I have seen this happen so many times. I used to work for a large Arabian farm in North Georgia. The county was all farm land for many, many years. Crops, cattle, horses…
    One farmer sold off land to a developer.Much to the dismay of the county! In came the McMansions. And the complaints. The most irrational one? The cows mooed too loud! LOL!
    It was a long process/battle. But, finally it went before a judge. The verdict? The McMansion people KNEW it was a farming/horse area when THEY built homes there. End of story.
    Keep us posted. I am very interested.
    xo, misha
    p.s. I think I would complian their home was disturbing MY view of the beautiful field!

    It finally went in front of Judge

  12. Some people obviously have too much time on their hands for their own good. That is a beautiful view. I don't know what on earth these people are thinking. And at Christmas!

  13. Can I just say that they need to get a frickin' life????
    But also that my studio is right next to a farmer's field, and I know how sweet that 'organic' stuff can be!!!
    You go, girl.

  14. Sadness, frustration and a we bit of anger. That's what I'm feeling. You need some roosters dear. A pig or two and maybe a few hound dogs. The chicken coop would be wonderful out on that tree line close to the neighbors. Make sure you get some banty roosters, they crow alllll day. I hope everything turns out ok for you. I hate neighbor troubles!

  15. We live across the street from a farm…spread ALOT Karen….they will get a whiff.


    Total Idiots. Wonder if their daughter will be wandering through the yard again??

  16. Ok, at the risk of being BLASPHEMOUS. A-HOLESSSSSSSSS. Give me a break! This reallyyyyyyy pisses me off. I have lived in this town since 1963 and some of the people that have moved here are complete and utter idiots. Let me at 'em Karen!!

  17. Oh heck yeah, their daughter will be wandering through your yard again! People like this think the world revolves around them. I grew up next to a dairy farm in New York state. I really don't mind how a barn smells. Spreading manure, on the other hand, ha, spread it THICK, honey! On a hot day! I enlarged the picture and didn't see anything to complain about. Maybe I should send my brother your way. He had quite the collection of junk cars, er, antique vehicles, as a teenager.

  18. I guess they liked it better before you re-built the beautiful, historic houses. Some people are just plain nuts, and need to get a life instead of making other's miserable. I'm ticked off now for you & Mike. ABSURD!!!!! 🙁

  19. WHAT???!!!!!???? They must be mad and will most probably NOT lead a long and happy life.
    Awful. And I'm sorry for you that you have such idiot and inconsiderate neighbours. I love it that everybody suggests to spread the nice and organic manure thick and during mealtimes. Good luck with that 😉

  20. I am in awe of the restoration work you have done on your home. I would think that your neighbors would kiss the ground you walk on for those improvements.

    I hope the town sides with you. Then your should promptly move your farming machinery to the side of your property that borders theirs.

  21. I hope you are using pig manure…it's very organic and oh so fragrant! Of course horse manure is quite nice too…just be sure it's fresh, not frozen! 😉

    They wouldn't fair too well in my neck of the woods. We have a falling down tobacco barn on the property adjacent to us, and I love looking at it! And because I don't mind it, I will even get some nice barn wood for free when they dismantle it this spring!

    Kat 🙂

    Kat 🙂

  22. What has this world come to that someone thinks farm equipment is unsightlty! Your post has entirely horrified me Karen…please tell me they do not have a chance in hell of the town considering this complaint!

    The old farm across the street from me has a grandfathered in junk yard….now that is unsightly but I would never complain about it to the town…Maybe you should complain about having to look at their McMansion…

  23. What did your neighbors use to see the farm equipment?? Telescope or binoculars?? People.. I don't understand… so, if someone or something offends my "sight line" I can now complain and have them stop offending my eyes?? Do these people have nothing better to do?? I hope that organic fertilizer is fresh from the farm and the wind is blowing in their direction… sorry, but; I just think they are being a horse's butt… I love your blog.. I love what you have done to your old house and the grounds and maintaining it takes equipment… Have a Merry Christmas and hope that they find some joy in their hearts.

  24. I've just read about your neighbors . . . well all I can say to them, because I live in a farming community, is too bad! Next year use chicken fertilizer, it's horrible!

    I'd also stop jr. from crossing through your field, for liability reasons, and if they ask, tell them you're doing your part to fight childhood obesity!

    Robert Frost was right – "Good fences, make good neighbors." Some people!

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