Thank you all for your kind words regarding our book project. What the book represents to me is an acknowledgement of just how far my relationship with my mother has come since the days of my rebel teen existence and her school-teacher/careful-as-you-go way of living life. A bull and a china shop, Mount St. Helen and a tiki hut, Niagra Falls and a folded newspaper boat. You get the picture, I’m sure.
Anyway… to answer a question I get frequently, yes, my GIANT dog Ben and my smallest dog Rudi get along very well. Ben is an amazing animal, his size does not give him the impression that he should dominate. As a matter of fact, he still believes he can fit on your lap, and demonstrates this regularly. Ben now weighs approx. 195. lbs. Rudi weights 9 lbs. I do love my boyz, although Rudi still marks his territory, pissing on various things if I don’t catch him, the little sh*t. Ben has NEVER done this in the house. Ever. That would create a floodplain.
Big plans for the garden. BIG. Besides tripling the vegetable garden, we have ordered 10 blueberry bushes and 10 raspberry. My back porch has been transformed into a mini greenhouse, complete with heater. These are his babies, you see. I was given the task of watering the other day, and you’de think there were human embryos in there with the set of instructions I got. We are also going to build a roadside stand, so by mid summer we should have a nice selection of produce and cut flowers for passers by. We just filled out paperwork for the farm bureau, hoping to be accepted.
I’m excited for This Old House to become a working farm once again…