CollegeGirl: MOM I feel awful. Have I ever had strep?
Me: No, you’ve never had strep. What are your symptoms?
CG: I ache all over and have a stuffy nose.
Me: Well if you start to feel alot worse or develop a fever, stop in the nurses station at school and have them check for strep, ask if the flu is going around campus.
CG: Ok I will.
CG: I feel really lousy and now I have a fever. I went to the nurse, she doesn’t think I have the flu but she gave me this horrible tasting stuff to take. It’s #######. I’m going to bed.
Me: Want me to come pick you up and you can convalesce at home this weekend?
CG: Noooo, but thanks. “M” is making me chicken noodle soup from scratch! And he went to the store and got me “stuff ” to take. I think I’ll tough it out here, but thanks mom ( “stuff” here, when it was described to me later, was a freak’n arsenal – Nyquil so she could sleep better, dayquil for when she has to be alert, sore throat lozenges and half the contents of the local CVS too, I’m sure. ) Have I mentioned that “M”, who showed up around Christmas time and had us frantically looking for a present to give someone who’s –coming home for Christmas- that we don’t even know yet – turns out to be a pretty decent guy by anyone’s standards from what we can tell. Good thing I didn’t get that light-up reindeer Christmas Sweatshirt after all, huh?
And… I think I lost my day job.
Where… do the years… go.