And then there were Two

  So I told you about the new fish, and the demise of poor Henry.  Today it was a miserable 15 degrees by the time the sun warmed everything up and I had it up to here with the hybernating we did over the weekend.  So… I got to thinking…. I had an old fish bowl that we used in the Artisan Gallery sitting under the sink…and I also had a need for something GREEN to counter all that WHITE outside (more to come….hey Alwhat  happened to global warming??).

   I hopped in the car and gravity pulled me right down to the TJMAXX parking lot. Once I’m there I might as well go inside…and so I did.  I found these awesome crackled flower pots for $7.99.  Perfect size for my two Christmas cactus that were in need of more breathing room.   Then I got back in the car and  that darned gravitational pull kicked in again.  This time I found myself at Pier 1 Imports!… might as well go in.  And I found this awesome wooden tray, my most expensive buy of the day at $30.  Back in the car I go heading home, and wouldn’t ya know…gravity – right at the doorstep of JoAnns fabrics – where I found this awesome moss and moss covered rocks for $3.99.  Joann’s is right down the street from an aquarium supply store….well I couldn’t leave a fish bowl empty…and I had this plan, you see.

To make this…

 The two kings in their side by side kingdoms  have already exchanged sentiments…..

If I could only find a mini three inch version of one of these….

A Fish Tale

 I have a confession to make.  I killed Henry, it’s that simple.

 Every few days I gave Henry fresh distilled water that I keep under the sink.  I carefully tip the bowl just enough so that water flows over the edge into the sink (you see where this is going already, don’t you) getting rid of  the  food, plant and fish waste that sinks to the bottom.  Someone distracted me for a second the other day, I turned to answer a question and Henry… flopped…out.  I quickly scooped him up and placed him back in his bowl….only to find that my pinky finger had jammed into his gill in doing so and it was perpetually OPEN.  I stroked it, trying to get it to lay flat again, but it was clear he was drowning.  Wasn’t a darn thing I could do.   You’re welcome for the visual. 

I felt sick, heartbroken, really…. to know I had done this to a living thing.  Now you may be thinking he’s just a fish….but Henry had a personality, you know.  He got to knowing when it was feeding time and would swim in a frenzy when he saw that I bent over to the place where I keep his food.  His happiness in acquiring a larger living environment was evident in the way he displayed his fineage.
RIP, Henry.

 Fast forward an hour a day or so, and I can’t stand looking at that empty bowl on the kitchen island next to the christmas cactus.   It  screams ‘MURDERER’.   So off to Petco I go to rescue another Betta from one of those tiny little tupperware-like containers they keep them in.

 He is known as a Half-Moon Betta – his fuschia and deep red colors are so vivid.  I have not come up with a name yet and I’m asking for your help in finding something suitable.    My guilt runs so deep I bought THIS guy a castle. 

He has sort of an angry expression on his little face – I think he knows what I’ve done.  

 See what I mean?

K’s Potato Leek Soup

Hilary of Crazy As A Loom  posted this recipe on her blog and it looked so good I made it last night and  was delighted with  it’s hearty texure,  awesome taste and ease in making.

 Perfect for taking the chill out of winter –


K’s Potato Leek Soup

3 tablespoons butter
3 leeks, thinly sliced*
1 medium or large onion, chopped
6 – 8 russet potatoes, thinly sliced**
3 1/2 cups chicken broth (or enough to barely cover potatoes)
1 cup heavy cream
salt to taste
fresh ground black pepper to taste

1) Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat then add onions and leeks. Cook, stirring, until onions are limp and just slightly brown.
2) Add sliced potatoes to saucepan then pour in enough chicken broth to just barely cover the potatoes. Continue cooking over medium heat until potatoes are tender. Using a potato masher, mash and stir potatoes until desired consistency is reached. As you mash the potatoes and the soup thickens, turn down heat and stir frequently with a large spoon to prevent scorching on the bottom.

3) Add one cup of heavy cream (or more if you desire) and salt and black pepper to taste. Cook 15 minutes more over low heat, stirring frequently, then remove from heat and serve.

Notes: *Make sure to clean leeks thoroughly and slice only the white and light green part of the leeks. **You don’t need to peel the potatoes as the peels add to the rustic texture of the soup. But make sure to scrub them thoroughly and remove any obvious blemishes before slicing. Although we always make it with chicken broth, this can easily become a vegetarian soup by simply using vegetable broth instead.

More Snow on the way….me and my big mouth.  *sigh*   I’ll just live in denial like my geranium here on the kitchen window sill.

Seven Sisters

 Atop the most southerly hill in a chain known as the Seven Sisters, William Hooker Gillette, noted actor, director, and playwright, built this one hundred and eighty-four acre estate, the Seventh Sister. The focal point of his effort was a twenty four room mansion reminiscent of a medieval castle.
 Purchased by the State of Connecticut in 1943 from the executors of Mr. Gillette’s will, Gillette Castle and the adjoining property with its fine woodlands, trails, and vistas are now administered for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

  This apparently would have pleased Gillette, since his will gave specific directions to see that the Connecticut River property did not fall into the hands  “of some blithering saphead who has no conception of where he is or with what surrounded.”

Excerpt from

Winners of Roba Dolce Flavor Contest!

 First I should tell you that MANY of your flavor ideas were winners. We received 78 in total.  The guys at Roba Dolce had a hard time narrowing it down to just ONE – so they picked THREE!!   Some of the recommended flavors are already in the works, and they are keeping the list of all flavors for future reference. Roba Dolce thanks every one of you for participating.  The boxes go out on Friday to those of you who entered your blog for blog button and review of product.  

 Now for the winners – (if you’ve entered your blog and your flavor won too, you’re getting a double dose)  If you’ve given me your shipping address already, terrific. I’ll send you a shout out this morning.  and Lynn R. of my home town – for STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE GELATO

 We look forward to your reviews!

Roba Dolce thanks you ..and an easy super bowl recipe!

 Your flavor ideas were fantastic! Thank you all for participating. The “list” is now before the guys at Roba Dolce and I will announce a winner here shortly.  Also, to all those who participated in the blog button and review, your samples will be going out to you later this week -be on the lookout for a big white box with dry ice, be careful when unpackaging your gelato and sorbetto.  Let the product temper, meaning soften a bit before sampling.  Then let us know what you think, and if you post a review on your blog, send me a note so that we can make note of the review!   Roba Dolce would also love photos of you or family members enjoying the gelato/sorbetto – feel free to post them on their facebook page or send to me at and I can forward it.  We might ask you for permission to use that photo on our newly improved website, which is currently getting an overhaul – so you can be creative with that as well!  We want pictures of anyone from the very young to the very old –  There is now a store locater on the site that will tell you where you can find the gelato and sorbetto near you.

Now… for a great super bowl treat –

Pimento Cheese and Bacon Crostini

We had good friends over for game night on Sunday – Apples to Apples, Pictionary (girls won!) and PATRIOTS..who lost. These were an easy and really tasty appetizer I found on the Food & Wine site – a great edition to any super bowl celebration.

2 1/2 cups finely shredded extra-sharp white cheddar cheese
2 1/2 cups finely shredded extra-sharp orange cheddar cheese
One 7-ounce jar pimientos, drained and finely chopped
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Cayenne pepper  ( I left this out)
40 slices baguette, toasted
4 strips cooked bacon, crumbled


1.In a big bowl, combine the white and orange cheddar cheeses. Add the chopped pimentos, mayonnaise, black pepper and garlic powder; blend at low speed with mixer. Season the pimento cheese with cayenne pepper to taste. (I didn’t)   Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.

2.Preheat the oven to 400° Spread the pimento cheese on the toasts, top with the bacon and bake until the cheese is melted and browned, about 2 minutes. Serve.

Makes 3 cups or 40 crostini.

What this New Englander does…

…when it’s colder outside than a witches behind after flying over Antarctica on Halloween.

 I saw something like that on someone else’s blog and it just cracked me up – forgive  the plagiarism 🙂

 I love the beauty of snow in winter, the soft muffled silence in the outdoors,  the crystal icicles hanging from rooftops   (did you know… if you see a lot of icicles hanging from a house, it means there is poor insulation and heat that was paid for with hard earned money is escaping via the roof?  You learn something new every day! ) .

  I’m happy to report there are no icicles hanging from this old house. The bad news in that little bit of information is… the house was rebuilt so tight,  we just discovered that when you attempt to start a fire in a second fire place and the first is already lit, the house fills with smoke and the alarms go off and the fire company and alarm company both call you immediately to ask what’s going on and do you need assistance and you tell them no please don’t come it’s just smoke and everything is OK we’re cracking windows and they ask what is the password please ma’am and you… had better…. remember it.

 I didn’t.

I knew it was a pets name so I rattled off every pet I have ever owned in the past 45 years.  That’s more than a few and I’m sure there was more than an eye roll on the other side of the phone.

 What I don’t love about winter is the freak’n cold. As I get older it seeps deeper into my bones and I find just a little less joy in the season of chill.   So right about this time of year I turn to these things for comfort and dream a little dream of Spring.

 Fingerless mitts – whoever invented these – I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I used to think they were a little silly –
until I wore a pair and my silly self was much less chilly.

 Must have reading material on night stand at all times  –

Especially this kind –

 I’m planting blueberry bushes this year – might order a half dozen from this catalog

Root beer floats hit the spot and stave off boredom – this is why I shouldn’t  make resolutions.
  I don’t keep them very well.

And lest we want to tick off the alarm Co. one more time…
I now know the code and I’m seriously considering tattooing it to the inside of my wrist. 

Everybody needs a little Love

This is Roba Dolce’s best girl, Shayna at the Patriots stadium gelato give-away this past fall. Shayna is an athlete and has participated in Special Olympics with great success. Roba Dolce is a proud supporter of the Special Olympics. The Jingle you will hear on the video was written and is sung by Shayna’s brother James and the cast of this video is the entire Olerio family – founders of Roba Dolce. I thought you’de like to know who you’re rooting for. My husband and I are thrilled to be along for the journey and we’re grateful that you’ve joined in.

Thank you to all you bloggers out there who are helping us to spread the word – it means the world to us. There’s still time to name that flavor and sign up for a gelato and sorbetto sampling delivered to your house. Read previous post for details!

Hey facebookers!..we’ve got a face too! Become a fan at!/robadolcegelato

  Recent taste test winner  Paula S. of California receives her gelato and sorbetto
 just in time for a reprieve from a heat wave –