It just keeps getting better

  The guys over at Roba Dolce headquarters are getting a kick out of your flavor ideas.  They also said “WOW, blogs are pretty cool!”   And then they asked me to throw this out to you  too –  Not only are they going to pick a winning flavor and ship one of you a case of their sorbetto and gelato – Whoever posts the Roba Dolce button I have over there on the right (you can grab the code below it) on their blog sidebar for a period of a month  (or more! Hey it’s Ok with us!)  will ALSO get a gelato and sorbetto delivery.  After you’ve received the product and sampled it – if you enjoyed it – a brief post on how much you liked it would be appreciated.  If you want to participate in helping us get the word out, simply e-mail me with your blog address and delivery address at

 We’re still looking for flavor ideas too, so don’t be bashful. Let us know what your favorite flavors are and what combos you might like to see. Be creative!   Personally I’de love to see a rootbeer float gelato!…

Name That Flavor Give-Away

 OK folks – you know I’ve talked a little about Mike’s new venture with the Gelato company, Roba DolceSee Button that The Blue Ridge Gal helped me make, click for website on right  –    I am happy to report Roba Dolce is growing in leaps and bounds.  They have just enhanced their line of flavors and many new stores nationally and internationally are signing on to carry their gelato and sorbetto.  A revamp of the website is scheduled for some time this month and the Patriots Stadium contract is in full swing.  Below is the new mascot costume which will make its debut in the bleachers soon – check Matt out, he ‘s made for this work, don’t ya think?  He’s also Mike’s other wife, the two are attached at the cellphone, 24-7.  I won’t complain though – Matt is the reason we can now say we make a killer sauce.

So here’s the deal on the give- away.  They are looking for new flavors and they’d really like to know what consumers want to see in the stores . The website tells you what they already have.   In my comments section, give us any new flavors you’d recommend for a gelato or a sorbetto. Be sure to be specific which one it should be… for instance, lemon and blood orange are sorbettos because their flavor lends it self to an icier texture,  whereas pistachio and raspberry chocolate almond are flavors that call for a creamier texture.  Anonymous commenters will have to either e-mail me (see sidebar) with your e-mail contact info or leave an e-mail address with their comment because I have to know how to contact you to give you your free gelato and sorbetto if your flavor is chosen.  Whoever comes up with the flavor combos Roba Dolce decides to use will win a case of gelato and sorbetto shipped directly to your house. I’ll leave this post up for a few days, spread the word and lets see what we can come up with! ….


 This is the newly enhanced Raspberry Chocolate Almond – my favorite!
I was longing for a raspberry chocolate flavor and Matt threw in the almonds.
He got it going, and it was a hit!

  Some stores, like Krogers, carry us under their  brand name –
In Stop & Shop we are Simply Enjoy…
 So.. let’s  hear it!

Runs with the big dogs

  Our little white mutt is the one who has battled cancer this past year.  She’s a tough cookie, this one -right now she’s in remission.  Bailey weighs 13 lbs. to Bens 185, yet she is the boss, hands down.  I have never met a dog with more tenacity, must be the terrier in her.  

Notice she’s got him against the fence…

She frequently takes his toys away…

  This time she didn’t.

 Was I the one who wanted snow?  ME??…..


   I love things made of glass, always have.  When I was very young, my grandmothers house was a refuge – she had a lovely little house full of domestic and exotic treasures.  One piece that I particularly adored, caressed and held in my hands just to feel the smooth surface and heavy weight of it… was this…

This paperweight was gift to my great grandfather at Christmas time from a client in NYC – Acker & Jablow, a fabric wholesaler in the garment district in the early 1900’s.  My grandmother kept this on her desk for many years.  The design is what is referred to as Millefiore –     “The term millefiori is a combination of the Italian words «mille» (thousand) and «fiori» (flowers). A. Pellatt (in his book «Curiosities of Glass Making») was the first to use the term «millefiori», which appeared in the Oxford Dictionary in 1849.   While the use of this technique long precedes the term millefiori, it is now frequently associated with Venetian glassware.”   
This is what millefiore canes look like before they are used to create art –

Some History on paperweights –

Nineteenth century revival of the glass industry -In early nineteenth-century Europe, a new creative potential developed in the decorative arts. An increasingly urban population and an expanding market of goods created by the Industrial Revolution stimulated the manufacture of many new decorative novelties. In the mid-1840s, glass paperweights appeared. They were a wholly modern, functional glass form that drew upon the ancient glassmaking techniques of millefiori and lampwork and the late-eighteenth century technique of cameo incrustation.  

The sudden emergence and popularity of paperweights can be attributed not only to their decorative appeal but also to a growing Victorian leisure-time interest in letter writing. This fashionable upper and middle class pastime assured their profitable manufacture along with many other glass accessories related to letter writing, all of which were purchased inexpensively at stationery and novelty shops.

My collection over the years has grown, most pieces kept in a small curio cabinet in the keeping room.  This is a jellyfish by Richard Satava – the photo doesn’t do it justice – very luminescent in the right lighting, as are jellyfish in nature.

 One of my favorite artists is Peter Raos
His reef life paperweights are so vibrant…

 This one by Daniel Salazar..

Some of my “sea” collection…
Some reds…

 Other glass – bottle stoppers my mother found on Cedar Grove Beach in SI
– Marbles, a glass heart – don’t break it!

My seaglass from all over –
..and mercury glass. 


Turkey Chili

 This recipe is an adaption of the one I found on Brenda of Cozy Little house’s blog – real easy, nutritious and  really delicious too.   I tweaked it just a bit, because I can’t leave well enough alone.  This is not my image,  I forgot to take a picture…which is practically sacrilegious.

Turkey Chili

1 lb. ground turkey – as lean as possible
1 large or two small cans Ro-Tel
 (I did not know what this was.  It’s basically diced tomatoes and peppers and can be found in the canned tomato section of the grocery store)
1 can creamed corn
1 can sweet corn
1 packet Ranch dressing (I used 1 and a half packets)
1 can Red Kidney Beans
1 can Dark Red Kidney Beans
1 can Texas Ranch-Style Baked Beans
1 can Northern Beans
Shredded carrot – as much as you want to add
Dash of Chili powder
Dash of Cumin
Salt & Pepper to taste, but I found it unnecessary

Use either a very large deep skillet or a large stock pot – brown ground turkey. When it’s no longer pink, throw in all remaining ingredients, cover and simmer on low for an hour.  It’s that easy.   Garnish with sour cream and shredded cheddar/Monterrey cheese.    Serves at least six.

P.S.  Per my personal trainer friend JOEY… this recipe is high in sodium, so if you are concerned about sodium intake, beware.  There are things you can do to reduce it, like using dried beans instead of canned, and low sodium canned corn, etc.  Ranch dressing packets are high in sodium, who knew? 

Barn Buddies

  When we moved to This Old House from The House We Used To Live In,  I gave up something big.  My barn.  For twenty years I have been taking care of our horses at home.  It’s a big change, not having them right outside the door and I do miss it.   What I don’t miss…. is all the work.  My neck is arthritic from  shoveling manure, chipping out ice buckets, tossing hay bales and shoveling snow away from doors in winter.

    I was lucky to find Opie a very good stable nearby that gives excellent care – great hay.. a timothy alfalfa mix – (any horse person knows really good hay is worth it’s weight in gold)  – and terrific turnout.  The horses have pastures and pasture mates.  We are near trails and the riding ring is huge and has wonderful footing.  The owner is very knowledgeable and lives on the premises.  The combination of all those things is surprisingly hard to come by, so I consider myself lucky.

  But I do miss seeing these faces every day. I miss hearing their greetings at feed time too.  There’s always a trade-off, isn’t there.

At the end of the day

    Have you ever known someone who uses a certain phrase, constantly, whenever he or she can fit it in?  Even when it is completely uneccessary or totally redundant?    Mike’s favorite line (besides “what did you buy now“)  is The reality is…”   and I mean, he puts that three words in a place where no one was even searching  for the truth. 

 “The reality is, we’re not leaving until you pick your stuff up and put it away.”

 And just where was the facade in this scenario?    

Then we’ve got a soccer/baseball parent who starts every major sentence with  “At the end of the day, when it’s all said and done“…. as in…   “At the end of the day,when it’s all said and done, we’re not gonna win this thing until we start playing as a team”.

 That only happens at the end of the day?   And what happens if you didn’t say everything?

 Oh, I’m not exempt.  I say “OK then”… when I find there’s really not much more to say or I’m flabbergasted enough to be stumped.    Atleast it’s compliant, right?   An expression of acceptance… like “It is what it Is”….which I’m also guilty of.  Again…harmonious in it’s acceptance of things as they are, no?  It fits just about anywhere if you think about it. 

   Anyway… the real reason for this post wasn’t that, but this

At the end of the day, when it’s all said and done, the reality is, the light filters down toward This Old House as the sun sets gently over the hill, casting a warm amber glow over her rooms.   I like to take this time to sit with a cup of tea,  put the worries of the day aside and accept that it IS what it IS.

Ok then.



  See.. this is one of the awesome things about blogging…

 Beth over at  – Be yourself, everyone else is taken – casually mentioned that she’d be at the beach for the next month.  Seeing as she resides in a snowy state,  I was curious as to where the heck she went.  The lucky girl  is currently a resident of Seaside on the Gulf Coast Pan handle of Florida.  If you’ve never been…  the waters are the most beautiful shade of emerald green/blue and the sands are sugar white.  My grandmother lived nearby in a gulf front condo on Panama City Beach and we visited Seaside often.

 “The original vision of founders Robert and Daryl Davis, Seaside is the heart of Northwest Florida’s Emerald Coast along the scenic Highway 30A corridor. Beautiful, unique residences and guest houses blend seamlessly with pristine beaches overlooking the crystal clear waters of the Gulf Of Mexico. Seaside is designed to reflect a simpler time, when meals were shared, stories entertained and walking was how people got around.”

  I had a dream of one day owning one of these awesome seaside “cottages”… their vibrant colors and big porches and quaint walkways are so welcoming.  There’s an awesome artisans outdoor market in good weather. The problem is real estate is at a PREMIUM down there on the gulf coast and it’s only gotten more expensive in recent years. 

  There was, however, this tiny pink/peach cottage that I adored. It had the name “Precious”.  I thought.. well, some day… perhaps Precious will fit the budget.  I was so enamored with Precious when I last visited that I took photos and came home to paint a small portrait with my then four year old daughter standing in front.  Now I’m not a true artist in the paint medium, my work tends to be flat. But I still try now and then for the joy of it and I do cherish this little painting from 17 years ago.


When Beth told me where she was I gave her a photo assignment. It’s been 17 years since I last saw Precious. Could the tiny house still be as it was? Seaside has grown tremendously and it was quite possible she no longer existed. This morning I glanced at my blog roll.. and… THERE SHE WAS!!!
   Beth found her, in need of attention and now a mere guest cottage to a much larger home.  She is still… Precious.   And so is Beth…   thank you, thank you for finding my old friend.   Now that Precious is a guest cottage, I know for sure she is out of my league.  One can always dream.