…oh, how I wish I were… to the British West Indies or St. John or The Maldives… you know.. someplace where they don’t grow snow.
But what I’m really blogging about today is chickens and flying the idea around to see what I come up with. It looks as if the Mr. is in approval of the idea. Now I have had horses and dogs and cats and rabbits and birds and fish and a goat, hamsters, gerbils, mice and even a rat – ever so briefly. But I have never owned poultry so I’m treading in unfamiliar waters here.
I’ve been looking at coops…there are a zillion of them online – and here’s what I like so far in the way of design.
I’ve researched the hearty egg-laying chicken breeds, and these appeal to me –
I researched hearty breeds because of the cold temps here in the winter. Have I whined enough about the three feet of snow with six foot drifts we have outside? And did I mention the nor’easter that is threatening to arrive next Tuesday? Am I crazy to want to shovel out to a chicken coop on top of the dog bathroom run we already shovel in this kind of weather to chip out frozen water feeders?