10 thoughts on “I Spoke too Soon”

  1. "'Tis the Season"!! I have old lights too on my tree and when one bulb is out the whole strand is out! Your house looks so festive…just like an old fashioned Christmas!!

  2. I feel your pain. We had the same problem with our lights. Then we took the strings to our hardware store and had all the fuse plugs clipped off and the 'old fashion' plugs put on. Now there's no problem. With the fuse plugs on we could only put 3 strings together. I love the old fashioned bulbs. They are my favorite.

  3. Hope you get the lights all aglow at the same time. On the other hand it could be an interesting show for your neighbors 🙂 That happened to a friend of mine one Christmas, her outdoor lights had minds of their own and she never knew from night to night what they'd do. Her neighbors would be at their windows every evening to see the latest show. lol

  4. Is there anything more frustrating that lights that don't work!? Argh! I love the old bulbs like that. We use them in the house on our real tree. Dries up that tree in a heartbeat though, but I can't have any other kind – just wouldn't be Christmas without them!

  5. Oh NO! If they are the really old ones-when one light goes out the whole strand goes…as does any strand connected to it. My mother had those on her tree when we were kids. I hope you can get them working properly. That is just discouraging because I know how much work it must have been just to get them put on. Hugs-Diana

  6. I know you guys will get them workin' again. Your home looks exactly like I thought it would for Christmas – perfection! We plugged in Hunter's tree last night, and NO lights after working perfectly fine since last week. aarrghh!! 🙂

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