Light the Night

 Last night was a little test for This Old House.  500 feet of  old fashioned christmas lights were strung on the pine tree we planted for this very purpose earlier in the year. We even installed an outdoor power switch for the task at hand.     When daylight waned I could barely contain my excitement. I ran outside and flicked the switch.  Alas, the tree was a vision of colored light beauty, just as I had hoped.

 And then it wasn’t. 
And then it was…..
and wasn’t.   

  Our neighbor across the street, a lovely young woman of 80-something years,  has the same love for christmas lights as I, so I told her we’de be lighting it up, keep an eye out,  beware the glare.   After the fourth or fifth black out,  I’m sure she thought we were nutz.  Turns out those old fashioned bulbs can only be strung four strands to a power cord, or the whole thing burns out.  You also need a power cord that can deal with all that wattage.

 It was remedied today, and I’m happy to report a constant glow in that general vicinity as of 5pm.

12 thoughts on “Light the Night”

  1. Karen – I love those old fashioned Christmas bulbs… brings back lots of good memories for me. Your tree looks wonderful.

  2. Now THAT'S a Christmas tree! LOVE IT! It is perfect for your house! I suppose those are the old ones that if one burns out they all go out? Or was it the second generation? Hugs-Diana

  3. Karen! It is FABULOUS! I LOVE the old fashioned lights you have on your tree!! I haven't seen the old lights in ages….seems everyone has gone to the new LED or icicle lights. Your new header looks awesome!!

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