One has to wonder what toxic crap has oozed out of the ozone layer…

Yesterday Trump embraced the actions of Trump Train supporters in Texas who surrounded a Joe Biden campaign bus in an attempt to slow down the bus and run it off the road. Police were called and had to arrive to break up the attempt so that the bus could get to it’s destination.
Trump tweeted a video of the caravan surrounding the Biden bus with the caption, “I LOVE TEXAS!” I couldn’t care less if he were a citizen, whatever, dude. But he is the President of The United States- the behavior is disgusting coming from the highest office in the land.
Yesterday in this small town, a group of older women stood near a previously antagonistic Trump supporter, both holding up signs for the candidates of their choice. The good news – the normally antagonistic was kind, even took pictures for one another, it was the kind of encounter we should all be capable of. Meanwhile, several times young men driving by waved “the finger” at the group of women as they drove by. The President probably loves those young men of Ktown too.
Trump embraces the divide in this country, in fact he encourages it. Not fake news – his words and action speak volumes on their own without help from the media. How anyone hasn’t yet learned from the lessons of history that divided we will ALL FALL is beyond my comprehension. This is no longer about politics, tribalism is front and center and some of you are embracing it whole heartedly. Sadly, what I’ve come to know is, those who continue to embrace and cheer on Trump’s asshole rhetoric can only do so because that type of behavior, those “values” are part of their makeup as well. With some it comes as no surprise to me because I’ve seen it via bullying or juvenile mocking or racism in your makeup long ago.
For others, I’m sad that tax breaks for the wealthy and a false narrative that police are going to be “defunded” and the bullshit line that Christianity is being attacked are enough for you to not do the research to know that’s simply not true. For some reason you believe a five time draft dodging, never religious science and climate denying three time married cheating lying bankrupt foreign dictator coddling racist narcissist idiot is your hero – all these things proven by his past narrative and actions, not fake news. It’s as if some toxic crap dropped out of the ozone layer and half of us were affected.
FUCK THAT. We need more than thoughts and prayers to turn this country around, we need a government that works in a unified fashion and ends the divide of We The People, and I just don’t see that coming to fruition with the current cast of characters and while so many of We The People continue to embrace the divide, the hate, the rhetoric, no matter which side of the divide it’s coming from. One thing is absolute – It should NEVER come from the President of the United States in the blatant way it is now.
Tuesday one way or the other will not heal that divide.. it’s ultimately up to We The People, because our governing officials all across the spectrum are failing us. I already know who will be offended by this post if they bother to read it through, and that knowledge both saddens me and releases me from ignoring what I think is no longer ignorable.
Onward –

17 thoughts on “One has to wonder what toxic crap has oozed out of the ozone layer…”

  1. We octogenarian ladies holding our Biden signs and getting the finger from a few young men in trucks and a woman or two, were cheerfully encouraged by many . One woman who passed us twice during her day came back with a box of donuts . And yes, I asked the opposition to take our pictures for our own website and he was happy to do so. A nice moment. Most of us are better face to face than on social media platforms. We can get through this if we care more about our children, our country, and the future of both than the divides of the moment however deep they may be. We can meet the real challenges of this 21st century together. They are too big to handle without a concerted effort bolstered by science, facts, and a recognition that what brings us together is more important than what divides us. Karen’s mom (as you might have guessed.)

        1. Love it. The things you learn. Proves you are never to old to learn something and something salacious at that! Karen’s mom

  2. This post does not offend me. I find it heartening because so many times I feel like I am all alone. I’m no angel, I’ve said and done things I’m not proud of, but deep down I am a fundamentally good person who would rather encourage than discourage others. I would rather compliment than insult, build up instead of tear down.
    That’s why it’s so hard for me to accept that it is the President of the United States saying and doing the things he says and does and that so many people find it acceptable, including members of my own family and people I have called friend for years.
    Don’t they get sick of hearing the nasty and insulting shit that comes out of his mouth? Doesn’t it make their stomach churn with disgust and their eyebrows raise in disbelief?
    From trying to run a Biden bus off the road to snarling traffic in the busiest areas of NYC today, where does it end?
    I agree, regardless of who wins, it’s up to We The People to fix it and the first step is to remove the antagonizer currently in office.
    With that being said, Tuesday morning at 5:45 a.m. I will be parked outside of my polling place, ready to cast my Biden/Harris vote. (I wanted to vote early but the lines were too long for us to stand and the purist husband did not want an absentee ballot)

    And one more thing? I saw a funny the other day…”Don’t argue with people on Facebook. Every classroom had a kid who ate paste. That’s probably who you are arguing with.”

  3. in late news, Trump tweeted that his caravan was actually protecting Biden’s bus. 🤮

    I heard something interesting/controversial tonight: Trump hasn’t destroyed America, the people have. I’d hate to think that but with this election, and the support he has of so many, we have to wonder what has motivated them., and for a very long time. Food for thought.

    My vote has been cast and I text everyone in my contacts to vote.

    Sending love, prayers, and steadfast will that we will rise above on Tuesday.

    Jane x

  4. I love it when you, your Mom, and your Readers get mad! Righteous indignation is one of my favorite feelings. It’s validating and reinforces that I am not alone in my disbelief and disgust. Every. Single.Day. a new outrage. I confess to having violent thoughts about the Orange Dick Head and may need counseling before he is gone and the pandemic is conquered. On CNN, Don Lemon said to Senator Cory Booker last Saturday night “Don’t push me. I’m on the edge.” I can relate.

    1. I think everyone everywhere needs counseling after four years of the assaults on truth, decency, facts, the environment, our democracy, …. the list goes on and on.

  5. Couldn’t agree more. Still holding my breath but boy, it should NOT be that close, given the candidates. Really? WHO would vote for him? I don’t know my country anymore.

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