Where we go from here….

What a night. While decision is not yet in, still… half of this country supported what should never be supportable.   I am so sad and embarrassed for our country at this point no matter what this particular election outcome ultimately turns out to be, that’s my simple truth. Here’s what I am taking away from it – There has always been the potential for good and evil in this world, and it all comes down to the very basic and flawed realities of the human makeup. What an absolutely beautiful world it could be for every living being on earth if not for those human flaws – ego, greed, prejudice, jealousy, cruelty, hate.
So where do we go from here? I choose not to wallow in anger, disbelief, disgust, add whatever negative you want here – Each of us continues to have the ability every day to make choices, to take steps in the decent, humane, kind, rational, truthful, intelligent direction with the general purpose of living our best lives and doing no harm to and even lifting others as we go. I’m choosing to spend this one precious life in the company of and alongside the actions of those who clearly do the same. I am so blessed grateful to know many of you – 💕👊
Onward –

7 thoughts on “Where we go from here….”

  1. Biden will prevail. But is so sad to know that so many people support T*ump, a pathological narcissist and pathological liar.

  2. I am on pins and needles waiting for the final election numbers. It is sad that our country is so divided right now, I wish for peace and unity, more love and less hate. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. I so agree with you, Karen. The sheer number of votes for Tru*p amazes me. What on earth can those Americans be thinking in this totally fu*ked up nation we are right now? But I gently say, I don’t give much belief to evil being related to the flaws in humans. Evil is a very strong word. I can’t define the word yet I can’t apply it to anyone in our present day world. I do have some other choice words, though. I loved when Van Jones called Mr. Tru*mp a polished turd!!!! Oh Lord!

    Hang in there, girl! I’m looking forward to your post in the next coming days.😘


  4. We have a long slog ahead of us to soothe the uproar and attempt to get past this election (whenever it ends). But we all have to work toward that goal.

  5. I’m practicing the art of letting go. I have avoided all the reporting, choosing to read instead and just sit and pet Walter for hours on end. I have accepted that I do what I can, and can do no more than my best, so the outcome of our democracy, of the environment, is not in my control and me obsessing about it was pointless and causing stress I can ill afford.

    This does not mean I will not still strive to do the right things, help where I can, and be kind and helpful as often as I can. I just need to let go of the angst and despair. That aids nothing and no one.

    It’s going to take a lot of practice and these past 4 years have been my internship- now for my residency. : -0

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