Christmas Blooms
Did you know that the plant we know as the poinsettia was once used as a fever medicine? The poinsettia is a native of Southern Mexico. The Aztecs used it for practical things, like the extracted purplish dye used in textiles and cosmetics. The milky white sap of the poinsettia, which we call latex today, was used in the fever treatment. The Founder of the Smithsonian Institution, Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779-1851) had attended medical school and had an interest in botany. When he discovered Poinsettia plants in the Taxco area, he sent them home to his South Carolina plantations, where he grew them and gave them to friends and botanical gardens. One of those friends, a nurseryman… began selling them under the now famous name, Poinsettia.
I have two crazy geraniums who are still thriving on my back porch. I’m going to try to keep them happy all winter, anyone have any tips? There is a small heater back there that we turn on when we want to sit out there. The sun warms it up during the day and it is glassed in for the winter.
Christmas at This Old House
December has arrived, and with it the craziness of the Holiday season. I’ve decorated This Old House for the first time in the spirit of Christmas, but I wish I could tell you I was feeling more of the joy. With the passing of the “Thankful” holiday, while there is much I am grateful for, the flip side are the worrysome issues that remain. Their weight is heavy, I’m finding they don’t mingle well with this time of shopping, spending and our tendency towards overindulgence.
Mike’s proffession in particular has taken a hard hit in this down-turn of the economy. Along with us there are many subcontractors, craftsmen and laborers who are out of work or watching their business of 30 years dwindle and in some cases, close up entirely. Homes are being lost to the bank, life savings and retirement funds being used up for today’s survival, mom and pop stores closing for good. (our artisan shop among them). There are family and friends struggling with health issues and money woes and relationship crisis and we are not immune. As for the job market, which I am scouring daily, it’s currently a dismal landscape.
In the news this week is the story of a deranged father who has “displaced” his three sons after attempting suicide and admitting himself to a hospital. He will not say where they are…what an a**. The police are not hopeful. I keep thinking of what the boys’ poor mother is going through, you’de have to shoot me to end the insanity. I am praying they will find those boys alive and give her back her life.
As for the state of this country’s affairs. I’m not even going there. I’ve decided to avoid the news all together because there is surely not much I can do in my little corner of the universe to fix any of that.
SO… in an attempt to create an escape for my family and myself, I have decorated just about EVERYTHING that stands still in This Old House. If you’re idle for more than a few minutes around here, you’re in danger of the same fate.
Pom Love
I’m not talking about the much hyped pomegranate and it’s known health benefits. No, I’m loving the pomelo.. have you ever heard of it? I just discovered them last year, where have I been? They are awesome if you are a citrus lover. I’m not crazy about a regular grapefruit,which my grandmother used to serve at breakfast faithfully with a spoon full of sugar sprinkled on top and a cherry sliced in half for good measure…and bribery perhaps. Ruby reds are pretty good… but a pomelo is divine.
According to citrus growers – The pomelo pronounced [pom-EH-loh] is also found spelled pommelo. Thought to be the ancestor of the grapefruit. This giant citrus (citrus grandus) fruit is native to Malaysia (where it still grows abundantly). It is also cultivated in California and Israel. Most of the varieties found today have been bred and grown. The rind is very thick but soft and easy to peel away. The resulting fruit is light yellow to coral-pink flesh and can vary from juicy to slightly dry and from seductively spicy-sweet to tangy and tart.
I got this recipe from Today is a miserable rainy dreary day… what better to chase it away than a tropical drink that reminds you of the islands…
Pomelo Mojito
4 peeled sections of pomelo or grapefruit, chopped
6 mint leaves
2 tablespoons Roba Dolce blood orange sorbetto
1 1/2 ounces white rum
Club soda
1 lime wedge
1.In a cocktail shaker, muddle the pomelo with the mint and sorbetto Add the rum and ice and shake well. Pour into a highball glass. Top with club soda and garnish with the lime wedge.
I Spoke too Soon
Light the Night
Last night was a little test for This Old House. 500 feet of old fashioned christmas lights were strung on the pine tree we planted for this very purpose earlier in the year. We even installed an outdoor power switch for the task at hand. When daylight waned I could barely contain my excitement. I ran outside and flicked the switch. Alas, the tree was a vision of colored light beauty, just as I had hoped.
Our neighbor across the street, a lovely young woman of 80-something years, has the same love for christmas lights as I, so I told her we’de be lighting it up, keep an eye out, beware the glare. After the fourth or fifth black out, I’m sure she thought we were nutz. Turns out those old fashioned bulbs can only be strung four strands to a power cord, or the whole thing burns out. You also need a power cord that can deal with all that wattage.
It was remedied today, and I’m happy to report a constant glow in that general vicinity as of 5pm.
Why Can’t This Happen When I’m Shopping
One Small Gesture Can Mean The World
I’ve been following this blog for a month now… words fail me in trying to describe the courage and love and determination I witness within this family when I read their story. I’ve posted about this young man before, but this morning there was a simple request and I’m passing it along with the hope that some of you will join in. Many of you are so creative, and I’m thinking if we each just make or find one simple ornament to hang on his tree, what a gift it would be to let him know there are people all over who are thinking of him as he fights for his life in a hospital room far from home.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday… that’s so NOT how I want to kick off this holiday season. Let’s help decorate this soldier’s tree…. Click on the link below to read the post… there is an address to send your ornament if you care to join in.
It’s a Pisces thing
Thankful Turkeys
These Turkeys are very Thankful.
They were dyed for the occasion
and so the Big Day will pass
and they’ll be thrown back into the flock.