I just had a blog comment conversation with a fellow blogger who’s observations on life are pretty straight up and hilarious too. I asked what he knew about those weird rope-like neck things I’ve seen major league baseball players (and it’s now reached into little league circles, too) and the answer surprised me.
So I googled..and I found exactly what he said…
They are necklaces embedded with titanium. “More common in major league clubhouses than 24-karat gold chains are $23 nylon necklaces, produced in Japan and distributed to athletes looking for the latest edge. Representatives from Phiten, a company based in Japan that sells the necklaces, say the nylon is coated in a titanium solution that can help improve circulation and reduce muscle stress.” Many players feel the necklace gives them more energy and they heal faster from muscle injuries.
These are the specs:
Size: About 20” (50cm)
Front: Nylon 100%
Reverse: Cotton 65%, Polyester 35%
Middle layer: Silicone impregnated with Carbonized Titanium (IMPREGNATED!)
Very interesting article about this very debate… http://www.scienceline.org/2008/10/ask-fox-phiten-necklace/
*sigh* Have you seen them? It’s just my personal opinion, of course, but I think they look silly. Like grown men sporting a teen fad…remember the sharks tooth necklace, the macrame bracelet or choker that you never took off, not even in the shower? Do they really believe these things give them an edge? As the above article implies, there are arguments for both sides. Power of Suggestion and Placebo effect make more sense to me than believing these necklaces weild power.
As usual, Japan’s on to something.
Hey, I’ve got a bridge for sale………