So… the Census Bureau had been leaving messages on our tape for a few weeks. I ignored it because Hey, I Filled Out The Form Correctly and Mailed it In On Time. But after the fifth message I thought.. ok maybe it’s important and I oughta call. I did. Here’s how it went.
Census Bureau: (in heavy Southern Drawl, not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Hello, US Census Beareau, how can I direct your call?
Me: Well I don’t know. You have been leaving messages on our tape, I’m thinking someone wants to talk to us but I don’t know why.
CB: OH, ok ma’am, what is your name? (heavy accent here, but I got what he was saying)
Me: My name is Karen ________ and my address is _____________________________. I’de like to warn you that I am hearing impaired and it appears you have an accent. I am already having difficulty understanding you, so could you speak alittle slower and more clearly. I apologize for any inconvenience.
CB: Sure, Ma’am… (rapid speak here, and not any louder) Blah blah blah and we’de like to Blah blah your blah blah blah blah.
Me: I’m sorry, I was not able to get most of that. No offense to you, this is my handicap, but since your accent is very heavy and you are speaking softly and very FAST, I don’t understand what you’re asking. Can you speak slower and alittle louder.
CB: I’m very sorry ma’am. Can you blah blah blah…blah blah the number of blah blah … and verify that?
Me: Again, the same problem. Can’t understand you. Is there anyone in your office who perhaps is not soft spoken and can speak slower, or who does not have an accent? And please, no need for an apology, this isn’t your fault, it’s my handicap.
CB: Ma’am ( this is the only word I fully understand in this whole conversation….and it was repeated about fifty times) we just need to blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah… blah blah.
Me: *sigh* Right. I know you need to do something, I just can’t hear “WHAT” that something is. I’m going to put my daughter on, here she is.
Daughter takes phone.
Daughter says they won’t ask her the questions, only the heads of the household can answer legally.
I take the phone back.
Me: Listen, whoever you are, can you e-mail me and I’ll be happy to answer whatever questions you have?
CB: No Ma’am, blah blah talk to blah blah. Blah Blah Blah blah ?
Me: Still the same problem Dude. I am going to say something and then I’m just going to hang up, ok? I am hearing impaired. Sometimes when someone has a heavy accent in any shape or form that I am not accustomed to hearing on a regular basis, I’m not able to decipher what you’re saying. No matter how many times you say it. I can’t read lips over the phone either. If you are not able to get whatever it is you are looking for through e-mail, and you aren’t willing to take the answers from my daughter who is sitting right here with me, you’re sh*t out of luck. Unless you can find someone to contact me from your office who speaks louder, slower, or with less of an accent (not that there’s anything wrong with that) you’re not going to get your answers. I’m hanging up now. Have a good day.
The next day someone called who spoke louder and slower. We had no problem conversing, and they got their answers. What was so important? It was just a verification of our information, the information they already had.
Ask me about my conversations with DELL when I need computer assistance. Ha!