Chairs and Chicks and Checks and Balances

  I must confess I did not have a personal caning experience with the Western Union Operator stools we picked up recently.  Nope. I chickened out.  When we took a closer look, it was possible I could really screw up the wood when trying to get the old embedded caning out of the seat .  We found a furniture doctor in a nearby town that does caning and he did a great job.  I just need to use some sort of treatment oil to keep the caning supple – tung oil is recommended or a furniture polish with high oil content.

  Have you ever marveled at how birds develop so quickly from egg to flyaway?  The typical wild bird takes about 21 days from the time the egg is laid in the nest till they are feathered enough to fly away from the nest. That time period does vary  among species, but it’s an insane growth rate, don’t you think?

 That’s K discussing Domestic Policy with Emmeline.

 As for chickens –  they are considered mature between the ages of 16 and 20 weeks.   If you’ve experienced raising chicks, you know that their growth rate is amazing.  The changes are witnessed daily.  When they were day old chicks they had no wing feathers – if you look closely, just five days later, look at their wings –

  I’m happy to report that Nora, Florence, Emmeline, Elizabeth, Rosa and Coco are doing well.  I give them one mashed egg yolk daily with a little grit mixed in, plus they get medicated chick feed and plenty of clean water.  A Heat lamp is necessary at this stage but as they mature the heat source is slowly raised and then removed before they move out to the coop.

   I’m safely guessing that whether you are a supporter of the current administration or as offended as I am by them, you’re as disgusted with all the turmoil in the news regardless.  When Washington is in total chaos, we all look like fools and I really, really hate that.  We as a nation are collectively so much more than that circus.  It does not represent We The People and yet we all will be held accountable.

   Here’s a thought – All this Russia-gate crap, the denials, the accusations, all of it from both sides of the proverbial isle…..  I don’t know if it holds any water. But…. why  initially omit or lie about meetings, why deny Russian interference in our election process which was proven and even Agent Orange admits occurred now…  Why not just release your damned tax returns so that all those who are using that as a reason they don’t trust you  and believe you have Russian ties can be set to rights by your proven innocence?  Isn’t that what Obama did for the Orange Scream when he accused him of not being born in America?   When you are accused, you provide proof of innocence.  When you refuse… who wouldn’t draw the conclusion you’re hiding something?..only natural, and so easy to set the record straight.

   As for accusing the previous POTUS for illegally wiretapping your private residence before your election ON YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT, and without providing any evidence, well.. that kind of behavior is dangerous, reckless.  This man is everyone’s President – at the very least he owes the larger half that did not vote for him behavior and actions that will give us some sort of  ability to be able to trust him. So far, he’s done nothing, has not provided a thread we can swing from in an effort to weave a fabric we can all respect regardless of policy views.  Any man in the Presidential position owes that to all the people of this country.  Ain’t happen’n from what I can see.

   I have friends who voted for Agent Orange and for varying reasons.  I still respect them, regardless because I understand and commiserate with their gripes about our government.  The ones I don’t respect are those who will defend absolutely every single action of this new administration, no matter how intolerable it would be if it were anyone else.  First, lets kill all the hypocrisy.

Chick Day!

   Currently I have 13 chickens in my coop.  I’m guessing about six of them no longer lay eggs due to age.  Some folks would get rid of them at this point, send them off to auction in a crate or give them to a neighbor who uses them for chicken broth.  (gah!).   My girls are retired here on the farm and will live out their golden years in peace.   There will never be a chicken in every pot on my watch! 
  Now, that coop is full.  It’s a ten chicken coop and I have 13 living in there – they’re happy enough, but space is very limited.  The Mr. has been itching to do something, as if Stellas resurrection weren’t enough, right?  But that’s OK, because my chicken coop is getting an overhaul to accomodate more chicks.  He feels the farm needs to function more like a farm, therefore more young chickens need to replace the older girls in the workforce around here.  He did mention a fella who wanted my aging hens for his chicken broth – but then he tucked that crazy back in and all I had to do was lift a brow. 
  Anyway… the boys will be here this weekend ripping out some of the coop to expand it enough to house my new crew. 
  So you know when I heard that plan today, what I immediately went out and accomplished  after barn and coop cleanup chores and before 11 a.m, right?  Because lets not leave any room for someone to change their mind on this thing. 

 Meet Rosa,  Elizabeth, Emmeline, Mary, Nora and Coco.  If one of you guesses the origin of all of those names correct, I’ve got a prize for you.  And if no one guesses the origin of those names, but gave it a good try and got SOME,  you’re the winner – of not a chicken dinner.

Rain and Relationships with a Garden Tour for good measure

 Come take a walk with me as I mull over family issues and do morning chores here at the farm… I’ll show you how my garden grows, or doesn’t… too.

First stop is the hen house and rabbit hutch.

Harley (black bunny) had an episode of colic recently and because he looked like he was about to die in ten minutes, off to the vet we went.  Did you know that too much of a commercial rabbit pellet diet is not good for them?  I sure didn’t.  Collard greens, celery, carrots sparingly, parsley, berries, and lots of Timothy Hay are what they should be eating. The pellets you see in pet stores are not meant to be their main diet.  I’ve always given my bunnies lots of greens and such, but they always had a big bowl of the pellets as well.  Hence, the colic.  Harley is better now, and loves his collard greens.

The girls want OUT into the lush grass, but it’s only allowed when I’m out there paying attention to hawk whereabouts. Not happening on a rainy day like today.   Their egg laying has been prolific latelely, have I mentioned how much I adore chickens? 

 Next stop is the barn, where horses have already been banging buckets because they’ve heard me down at the coop.

 They don’t like being in, would prefer to be standing out in the rain, truth be told.. but when it’s still this chilly I keep them in until the rain clears.  Admittedly, it’s more for me than them. Kinda like their blankets in winter.

The ancient pear tree that is half-hollow is full of blossoms again this year.  I loath the day it keels over, but for now it still appears very happy up there on the hill.  Thank you powers that be.

After barn chores now that spring has arrived, I head over to the garden to do whatever needs tending. The Arugula is coming up, but not much else.  I’m concerned all the rain and cold air temps have thwarted the seed efforts.  Time will tell.

 Same thing happening in our little greenhouse… slow growing.

 I planted six purple sweet potato plants… we’ll see how that goes, first attempt at potatoes.  Any advice?

 The ancient stand of lilacs are thriving.. Mike limed them last year and it helped.

 Will anyone move in to this $7. bird house? 
So far, nuthin. 

My grandfather was a gardener.. and oh, what a spring tulip
garden he had across his front lawn. 
I remember each spring he would take his scissors 
outside with me and careful cut a bouquet for me 
to bring to my teacher the next day. 
When I look at my garden beds this time of year,
I am reminded of him and his love for his gardens..
and the birds, even the squirrels, who he fed peanuts 
out of his hand while sitting on the back porch. 

 So, the rain in this post is obvious, but not the reference to relationships.

 Rain IN relationships is inevitable, we’ve all figured that out by now, haven’t we.   I have always been a worrier and as a mother that is tenfold in my being.  I don’t like it, as the old saying goes… worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.  But it’s not something you can just set down like a heavy purse.. if you’re a worrier.  No, it’s more like an extra skin that you can’t shed.  
   Being a mom, and particularly  that mom... when my kids are hurting, I hurt.  I always believed the teen years would be the most difficult, and they did have their challenges.  I niavely  assumed as they got older the worry would subside, the protective instincts.  But ooh, nooo… the circumstances just change, not the concern.  As they grow into adults they have their own relationships and they need to learn as they grow, just like we did, how to make them work, what doesn’t work… who is worth the effort, who isn’t.  It’s painful to watch them struggle when things aren’t going well, but as my wise mother said, no one gets through life without struggle and pain and loss.  It’s part of living.  The hard part is leaving them be, letting them sort it all out without interferring, because you want to FIX IT for them.  Raising children to be good, strong adults means letting them do for themselves, not just being there to FIX.   As it should be… but Lord, it ain’t easy.

Cookies, Creatures and a Chill… or two.

     Made these cookies the other day… absolutely delicious.  We’re -trying- to go gluten free around here, although we haven’t actually succeeded 100 percent yet, but I have yet to make a baked item with GF flour that tastes edible.  These are NOT GF, but damn, they sure are good.  The fresh strawberries, white chocolate and cream cheese come together beautifully in this soft cake-like cookie.  My first batch was gone in 5 hours.

     TRUMP.  Holy cow, how did we get here?   Not ever would I have believed….  and so totally embarrassing, the way these “men” behave on that stage.   Not a sound choice in the lot…  And yet the government definitely needs a huge shaking down… and you know what?  I’m starting to think TRUMP  is not the worst thing that could happen. Maybe it’s the shake down the “establishment needs”.  For sure, they’ve brought it on themselves. They asked for it.  Just so hard to accept that this is the level we have all sunk to, and I think we all bear responsibility, I do.

  For a while I said.. I’m not voting!! These choices aren’t acceptable!!… but not voting isn’t the answer either.  I’m weighing out the lesser of two evils, myself.  I hope you do the same, whatever you believe that to be. Apathy is a bigger sin.

  Spring is starting to announce that she indeed intends to show up.  I am thrilled!  Barn chores are so much more enjoyable when your hands don’t sting from the cold despite double glove wearing and you don’t include ice chipping of water buckets/ bowls and snow shoveling in the daily lineup of duties.  We’re going to Agway today to pick up some seed planting “stuff”.  I’ve ordered my seeds already from Baker Heirloom seed company… purple dragon carrots and an oriental variety of purple sweet potato are in the plans.

 The girls enjoying some oatmeal with raspberries a few mornings ago.  They’ve made it clear they prefer blueberries though.  Truly, I wonder what the difference is between the two… they leave the raspberries till there’s nothing else to pick on.  Blueberries disappear in seconds.

   Out on our morning walk.. the crew discusses the results of Super Tuesday. I couldn’t help but notice their conversations were more coherent than the candidates and there was no mention of the size of their… digits.

  Have you seen -Black Mass –  the movie about  the real life story of Whitey Bulger,  portrayed by Johnny Depp?  Great movie, probably one of Johnny Depps best performances. He’s an incredible actor anyway, one of my favorites… but in this?   Well.. first let me tell you my husband put the movie on and I hadn’t known who was in it, hadn’t paid any attention to the ads for it before hand.  I had NO IDEA while watching the ENTIRE MOVIE that I was looking at Johnny.  The eyes were haunting to me, but I could not place it, did not see -him-.   Amazing performance.   I highly recommend the movie-  a real,  chilling,  gritty piece of our american story.

 Best “chiller” you’ll see all year, I promise. 

Snow and a tale of two sisters…

    Ah, the lovely snow we’ve accumulated in a sudden storm that was going to be  “just an inch or two”… they said.  “not much at all”… they said.

Poor Frasier gets snowballs stuck to his fur… 
I’m debating pulling out the clippers this afternoon. 

 My new neighbor, who lives in the cabin on the hill behind This Old House, is on her way home from Pennsylvania  right now with not one, but TWO puppies she adopted from one of our rescues down there.  It’s a beautiful thing… these two sisters will get to grow up together  here in Connecticut, right up there on the hill.   Their mom was a lab and their dad is unknown.  Mom was pulled from a kill shelter, pregnant… and cared for by our friend, an ACO who helps with our adoption events.  Mom wasn’t particularly fond of being a mom in the beginning, and these girls and their siblings had to be bottle fed for a while until she figured things out.  Or accepted her new roll?… Anyway.. she will be spayed and these two girls are the last in the litter to be adopted.   All is well that ends well.

 I hope I get to hug them a little later today…………….


    Bald eagles can be seen at the mouth of the Connecticut river during winter/spring months. There are several Eagle sight-seeing tours available in our area.    One shoreline town about 15 minutes from here has a nesting pair in a tree not far off the road and down by a yacht club at water’s edge.   Many photographers flock to the site and some folks fret that there is too much commotion and all the attention will disturb the birds.  I hope not, so far all I see are respectful folks who don’t pester and the birds are far enough away that they don’t seem to mind.

 This is the distance from the road, where people stand to view and photograph…. 

 There are several of these….

 This is the best shot I was able to get from so far away… there is a mom and a dad in the nest, hard to tell from this angle… they have returned, the same pair were here last year.

 My friend Lillian was able to get this shot… magnificent…

In all my years of Connecticut living I have only spotted a bald eagle twice before. 
So, these encounters so close by are inspiring – 
 As is the water and the shore’s inhabitants…
I could never live very far from the sea, 
this I know to be true. 

KMax comeback and About That Quarter Horse

      My daughters show horse, Max, had colic surgery five months ago.  If the horse survives the colic and surgery, the recovery is a long process. The cost of colic surgery nowadays can be upwards of $12,000. and some folks opt to put the horse down simply because of the cost, let alone the recovery process.  We had medical insurance on Max, so we proceeded with surgery, even though he was 19 years old.  Max has done very well, thankfully, and at the five month mark, K can begin to ride him again – just a ten minute walk at first, building up to regular work routine within a few months.
      On Saturday we took a walk around the ring. I expected him to be jumpy, spooky, high as a kite after such a long hiatus.    Nope – he showed his quiet well behaved nature through and through –  I loved this horse before for taking good care of my daughter in the show pen, and I love him more for coming through this ordeal like the super trooper that he is.

     Max will be 20 years old this spring, so we’re not returning him to show.. he’ll live an easy retirement life here on the farm.  Oh, how I wish all horses had such luck.

     Both Max (left) and Opie (right) are Quarter Horses.  It’s my favorite breed and I’ve owned several over the years – the main reason is their temperament.  There are always exceptions, but the quarter horse is known for their steady, quiet, good natured no nonsense work ethic.  They have been bred over the years so that there is a wide variety of body types – Opie is old school – I call him my cow pony – he’s short and stout.  Max is taller and more refined, you can see it particularly in his head and neck, although those big ears are a throwback to… something else entirely.     His build makes him more versatile for different jobs in the show pen – he was ridden both English and Western and carried it off pretty well.

  P.S. … although it’s not the quarter horse culture way – I strongly recommend helmet wearing at all times when riding, no matter how sturdy you think your horse is.   Too many very seasoned riders have suffered dibilitating TBI’s from falls off their horse –  I discovered my helmet was taken over by mice in the tackroom, I’m shopping for a new one today.

 It’s a beautiful thing –


     Something I have always believed in is how important it is to put effort into making your home a place of respite, a refuge, a welcoming space. My grandmother had a small house that she made so warm and inviting for family and friends and I appreciated it even as a child.
      We can’t control what goes on outside but whatever we face, being surrounded by things we love and feeling embraced when we walk in the door is so important. That doesn’t have to mean -money- or big elaborate spaces. A collection of beach rocks….feathers found on woods walks… The kids art projects, dog toys heaped in a big basket,  etc… All free, all add warmth and meaning. Choosing colors you find soothing or energizing for wall paint, sheets, pillows, etc. goes a long way and doesn’t break the bank. Switch up the furniture in a room, gives a whole new feel. Sometimes it gives the furniture a whole new purpose. 
     In my frustration over the horror show that is the news, I’ve taken a look around the house and de cluttered some, switched up furniture, bought a half price sale rug and put it in the bathroom. Feels like rejuvenation without spending much at all. Feeling down? Take a look around and de clutter, swap around, add a color. It’s good for the soul.
     The road home is more enjoyable when you know you’re landing in a place of peace. I wish that for all of you – 

This area held the kitchen table until a few days ago when we moved it over to the fireplace and swapped this stuff into the space instead. Now those chairs are actually getting used
and the kitchen table is in a more open and inviting space.  
It all works so much better now and it looks like we did the place over. 
More pics soon… 
Oh, what a half price sale rug can do for a bathroom… really
warmed it up.  And those two little topiary trees…
you wouldn’t think to put them in a bathroom but they
add just the right non-bathroom  anti-antiseptic touch. 
My Christmas Cactus haven’t even waited for Thanksgiving this year…

the boyz in raincoats…

Bailey with the look thats saying –  “Nooo, really? Now? But I’m comfortable, mom.”  – 
 not wanting to give up her perch so I can change the bedding… 

         The holiday season is upon us and I’m looking forward to sharing food and laughs and stories with others and I pray for peace to blanket the earth, for sanity and Good to trump all else. One can always hope.  As always, thanks for stopping by.


 We had a lovely Thanksgiving day here at This Old House with the kids and my parents.  As most of you know… you cook and clean for two days and the entire meal is consumed in about 15 minutes. Permit me to brag for a minute?  My pies were divine and not hard to put together, so I’m going to share the recipes with you….

I’ve seen some awfully pretty pies… mine are not so fussy though. 
Their taste makes up for the lack of eye candy 🙂 
Kate the Country Girls Favorite Apple Pie recipe HERE
The only things I did different were.. I used four different kinds of apples..
Honeycrisp, Empire, Macoun and Pink Lady
And I used Pillsbury pie crust you simply roll out. 
It might be cheating, but boy it sure came out good regardless.
The most decadent chocolate pie EVER  recipe HERE

  One serious game of Uno

  My son announced during dinner last night that in just 16 hours or so our house was going to look
like Christmas threw up in it.   TSK!

 And.. I promised a Bunny Tale…

There once were two young bunnies….Their names were Cloud and Harley.  It was hoped that they were both the same sex so we wouldn’t have MORE bunnies shortly after.  I noticed a particular behavior not too long ago that meant they were either gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that).. or heterosexual.. but it was important to know WHICH.   So off to the vet we went.  Turns out Cloud is a girl and Harley is a boy.

 It’s much easier to neuter a boy than spay a girl bunny.
So Harley went under the knife, much to his chagrin. 
Meanwhile.. back at the Hutch… 
We’ve had some very cold nights already and I couldn’t
stand the thought of those bunnies out there with the wind coming down off 
the hill and into their hutch.  They use the side rooms as a bathroom only,
go figure.  So I clean that out daily and stuffed one of the outside compartments
with lots of hay, which they tunnel in to keep warm.  I also cover
the hutch at night with two old waterproof horse blankets.  
This seems to be keeping them comfortable. 

 Nextdoor in the coop, the girls have a water heater  and a red flood lamp that keeps the temps above freezing in their coop at night.  This seems to work better than an actual heat lamp, with not as intense a heat source, but enough to keep them comfortable.  Not everyone feels this is necessary, but it sure makes me feel better and the critters seem happy and look healthy.

 If you’ve got outdoor animals, what precautions do you take to keep them
safe and warm in winter months?  I have yet to figure out how to keep
the rabbits water from freezing during the day. 


Just Do it

     I’m a worrier. Always have been.. as it always shall be.  Unless they come up with some miracle cure for worry, and then I’ll be first in line holding my hand extended out for that magic pill because oooh, wouldn’t it be nice not to worry.  My 93 year old neighbor across the street told me the secret to longevity is to try not worry too much.. what will be.. will be. One foot in front of the other, take it as it comes, and don’t imagine what isn’t even there.

 Sounds like a great plan!! Easier said than done, my friends.. easier said than done.

  Some months back I went for my yearly mammogram and thankfully “all appears normal”.  Then I got a notice in the mail from the radiology group that my boobs are “moderately dense”… and we’re not talking IQ here.  Because of this fact, they now recommend a follow up ultrasound because it can detect things a mammo can’t.       The notice said that it wasn’t an urgent matter, talk it over with my Dr. next time I had an appointment.    So I did discuss it at my yearly ob-gyn exam. My Dr. just happened to be recovering from breast cancer which was detected by ultrasound, NOT the mammogram, which appeared normal.  The same is true of my own mother, who is a breast cancer survivor of three years now.   Given the family history, I was advised to get the ultrasound along with the mammogram. 


 Another test to agonize over and procrastinate on and kick about in my ever worrying mind.  I finally got around to it, remembering the words of a dear blog friend, Vicky,  who is battling Stage Four breast cancer with a dignity and grace, courage and strength that amazes me every step of her journey.  She said.. I don’t think there are any regrets for tests taken… just regrets for tests -not- taken that could have prevented something worse.

 With that in mind and my own mother’s experience, I finally made the appointment and had the ultrasound exam.  I’m very relieved to report that all is well.  The technician was a lovely woman who explained the importance of getting both screenings done because neither detects all cancers, but both together are an excellent tool for early detection.

So.. if you’re told you have dense breast tissue, get the ultrasound as well.  So far, I believe statistics are that it’s only mandatory for the labs to notify you in 9 states. This year..Connecticut is among them.  Ask for yourself if you’re not notified.  Do I have dense breasts?  Can I also get an ultrasound? ….

 Ok, on to something more pleasant…

 Here are some images from my late summer/early fall garden … the leaves are beginning to change.. sugar maples among my favorite and the first to turn….